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Business advice and resources

Starting or expanding a small business on the Central Coast? We are here to help.

Below is some helpful information, resources and support if you are starting, operating or growing your business.


There are a wide range of services offering specialised advice, education and support for small business.

Service NSW Business Bureau

Service NSW Business Bureau, provides free, ongoing, and personalised support for your business. 
Talk to a Business Concierge on the phone, in person or online. Get independent advice from a Business Connect advisor. Manage government transactions with a Business Profile.   

Our Business Concierge can provide help with: 

  • navigating government regulations
  • licences and permits
  • mental health support for you and your employees
  • disaster recovery support
  • resources and support for women in business and Aboriginal business owners
  • financial assistance – vouchers, grants, and rebates.

For more information call 13 77 88 or visit

NSW Small Business Commissioner

NSW Small Business Commissioner provides a range of free services for small businesses, including webinars and expert business advisors.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)

DPIRD is dedicated to growing NSW primary industries and supporting regional economic development to deliver long term benefits to regional NSW, and our state. 

The Central Coast Regional Economic Development team provides end-to-end support for businesses in key engine, emerging and new industries wishing to set up or expand their operations on the Central Coast.

We work with industry and community to implement policies and programs that protect, support, and develop our primary industries and regional communities.

For further information visit Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development or contact Marcus Hucker on email: or 0410 338 119. is a government website for the Australian business community. This website has information, grants, services and support from across government to help your business succeed.


The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade):

  • helps grow Australia’s prosperity by delivering quality trade and investment services to businesses
  • accelerates growth in Australia’s tourism sector
  • promotes Australia’s education to the world.

With over 100 offices in Australia and worldwide, Austrade help Australian businesses achieve diverse export outcomes and win investment needed to grow. To find out more about how Austrade can help your business, visit the Austrade website.

The Business Centre

The Business Centre delivers experience led advice, mentoring, education and connections to businesses on the Central Coast.

Self-Employment Assistance

Self Employment Assistance provides a range of services for current and aspiring business owners, ranging from flexible individual Business Advice Sessions to a structured 12-month package of Small Business Coaching.

Economic Development 

The Economic Development Strategy seeks to position the Central Coast as the place to do business, creating jobs and prosperity for the region.
For more information on this strategy and other strategies relating to Economic Development on the Central Coast visit Council’s Economic Development page.

Business Networks

There a number of Central Coast business member and networking groups to help you on your business journey!

Development Applications

You may require a building or planning permit if you are constructing a new location or changing/expanding your existing premises. Visit our Plan and build section for more information.

Food and drink businesses

Council is tasked with inspecting and licensing food premises to ensure that cooked food is safe for consumption. Read more about starting a food or drink business and your safety requirements on our Food Safety page.

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