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Development Contributions Plans and Planning Agreements
Developer contributions are generally monetary payments required to be made to Council so it can upgrade and provide infrastructure and facilities to cater for the demands generated by development.

Development contributions (also known as local infrastructure contributions) are charged by Council when new development occurs. These contributions fund local infrastructure needed to support an increased number of residents in the area.

This type of local infrastructure typically includes local roads, stormwater and drainage, shared pathways, parks, playspaces or other recreational areas, environmental land and community facilities.

Contributions may be in the form of cash payments, transfer or dedication of land (such as land for a new park), works in kind* or the provision of public amenities or services not included in a contributions plan.

The NSW Government sets the legislation and policy framework for how Council collects and administers contributions, which is governed by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.  

Council administers the local infrastructure contributions system for the Central Coast region.

A Contributions Plan outlines Council's policy for assessing, collecting, spending and administering development contributions, and describes what infrastructure is needed and how the funding is assigned over an area.

A Development Contributions Plan (also known as a Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan) is developed under Section 7.11 or 7.12 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EPA Act).

There are two forms of local infrastructure contributions:

  • Section 7.11 contributions (formerly s.94)
  • Sections 7.12 contributions (formerly s.94A)

Section 7.11 Contributions

Central Coast Council has a number of Section 7.11 Development Contributions Plans which apply to specific areas throughout the Local Government Area.

Contributions are charged under Section 7.11 contributions plans where additional infrastructure is required for the growing population. This may include local roads, stormwater and drainage, shared pathways, parks and community facilities.  

To charge contributions under a Section 7.11 contributions plan, the plan must identify a clear relationship between the expected development and the demonstrated need for the public infrastructure. The contribution rate varies between different contributions plans as the contribution rate is determined generally by the cost of the infrastructure to be provided and the expected incoming population within the contributions plan.

For more information about Section 7.11 Contribution Plans locations, see Central Coast Section 7.11 Contribution Plans - District Locations.

Find out more about Contributions Plans

Refer below for Contributions Policy applying to areas outside of Council’s Section 7.11 Plan boundaries

Section 7.12 Contributions

Council has a regional Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan for other works and facilities not covered under a Section 7.11 Plan area.  The Section 7.12 Plan collects contributions towards regional facilities such as sportsgrounds, playspaces, reserves, shared pathways, and community facilities, across the Central Coast local government area.

To levy contributions under a Section 7.12 contributions plan, a demonstrated relationship between the proposed infrastructure and the expected development is not required, as the contributions are calculated as a flat rate percentage of the cost of development (rather than population growth as for the Section 7.11 Plans).

If the cost of the development is between $100,000-$200,000 a 0.5% Section 7.12 levy is charged, and if the development is over $200,000 a Section 7.12 levy of 1% is charged.

A Section 7.12 levy is not charged where Section 7.11 contributions apply.

View the Central Coast Section 7.12 Local Infrastructure Contribution Plan 2024.

How much are the contributions?

Council indexes and adjusts contribution rates quarterly, in accordance with publication of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) to account for inflation. This occurs on 1 February, 1 May, 1 August, and 1 November each year.

Council will confirm the fees payable upon determination of an application. 

View Council's 7.11 Contribution Rates as at 1 November2024. 

For specific contribution quotes, or indexation of contribution amounts levied on a consent, please contact Council’s Customer Service Section on 02 4306 7900 or When submitting requests for an update of contributions amounts levied on development consents, please allow at least 5 working days prior to the end of each indexation quarter (refer to dates above).

When are contributions payable?

Payment of contributions is required at specific points of the development process (unless other agreements have been made with Council, e.g. works in kind, bank guarantees, or a Voluntary Planning Agreement).

The contributions plans specify when contributions are payable. Generally for development consents the following applies:

  • Involving subdivision - payment is required prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate
  • Involving building work - payment is required prior to the release of the first Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate
  • Involving both subdivision and building work - payment is required prior to the release of the Subdivision Certificate or the first Construction Certificate, whichever occurs first
  • Where no Construction Certificate, Complying Development Certificate or Subdivision Certificate is required - payment is required prior to issue of the first Certificate of Occupancy

If a contribution is required, the consent authority or certifying authority will include a condition on the consent or complying development certificate requiring the contribution. This condition will advise when the contribution needs to be paid.

How can contributions payments be made?

Prior to making payment, please contact Council’s Customer Contact Section on 02 4306 7900 or for indexation of contributions already levied in a development consent.

Payments can be made via the following options:


Contributions can be paid by cheque/s presented for the amount payable and made out to 'Central Coast Council'. Please ensure that the application number and description of payment are clearly described on any documentation attached to the cheque/s, e.g. “DA/100/2018 – Contributions payment”. Cheques can be sent by post, or delivered in person to Council’s administration offices located at 2 Hely Street, Wyong or 91-99 Mann Street, Gosford.

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

For all enquiries regarding payment by Electronic Funds Transfer contact Council on 02 4306 7900 or

Credit Card (Mastercard/Visa)

Payments can be paid online by credit card.  You will need the Application Key number (located on the Development Consent or quote), and the total amount payable (including any relevant indexation) to complete an online payment. When paying online, select ‘Application’ as the payment type option.

Are there other contributions that apply?

Water and sewer contributions may apply towards the provision of water supply and sewerage infrastructure. These contributions are levied under the Water Management Act, 2000.

For certain applications lodged from 1 October 2023, a contribution under the NSW Department of Planning's Housing and Productivity Scheme may also apply. This is in addition to Council's Section 7.11/7.12 contributions.  For further information, please refer to the Department's webpage NSW Planning and implementation guideline.

Voluntary Planning Agreements

Section 7.4 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979, refers to Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs).

A VPA is a voluntary arrangement between a developer and one or more Council’s and/or other planning authorities, where the developer agrees to dedicate land free of cost, pay a monetary contribution, provide a material public benefit, or any combination of the above, for public infrastructure or another public purpose.

View Council's Planning Agreements Policy

Planning Agreements Register, Agreements and Explanatory Notes

View Council's Planning Agreements Register (March 2025)

VPA - CCC - Scentre Group PTY LTD - Tuggerah Gateway Planning Agreement D16728773 - March 2025 LDOC011065  Legal Documents - Planning Agreement - Central Coast Council - Parform Pty Ltd Pinti
VPA - Aldi - 146-148 Pacific Hwy - 33 Hely St WYONG - DA 898 2010 A - 15 August 2014 
VPA - CC - M V Ryan - 2 Collingwood Drive Matcham - 1 Sept 2021 
VPA - CCC - Allam Land No 3 Pty Ltd - 188-200 Hakone Rd, Woongarrah - 2023
VPA - CCC - Doyalson Wyee RSL Club - 15 Sep 2022 
VPA - CCC - Fabcot - Lot 195 Dp 1006789 - 1 Figtree Bvd Wadalba - DA 111 2015 - 27 July 2016 
VPA - CCC - N N Ursino - 14 Collingwood Drive Matcham - 1 Sept 2021 
VPA - CCC - N E Graham - 24 Collingwood Drive Matcham - 1 Sept 2021 
VPA - CCC - Pacific Link Housing - 18 Macleay Ave Woy Woy - 15 November 2022 
VPA - CCC - PLH - 18 Macleay Ave Woy Woy - 2022
VPA - CCC - Proponent - 45 Mulloway Road Chain Valley Bay - 7 November 2022 
VPA - CCC - Proponent - 15 Mulloway Road Chain Valley Bay - 15 November 2022 
VPA - CCC - Proponent - 285, 295, 305, 315, and 325 Pacific Highway Lake Mummorah - 1 June 2023
VPA - CCC - Rifon 2 Pty Ltd - 200 Main Rd Toukley - 2 August 2017 
VPA - CCC - S M Glasson - 107 Matcham Road Matcham - September 2021 
VPA - CCC - Sanctuary Investments Pty Ltd - 311-321 Warnervale Rd Hamlyn Terrace - 12 May 2017 
VPA - CCC - Threshold Developments Pty Ltd - Lot 51 DP 1195704 - 165 Louisiana Rd Wadalba - 20 Nov 2017 
VPA - CCC - Transnational Pastoral Pty Ltd - 414 Old Maitland Rd MARDI - 4 July 2018 
VPA - CCC – Wathara – Bakali Rd Forresters Beach – RZ-112-2020 - 11 October 2022 
VPA - CCC - Zaychan Pty Ltd - 137 Johns Rd WADALBA - 13 Aug 2018 
VPA - CCC and Industrial Discounts - 39 Dell Road West Gosford - 6 September 2022 
VPA - Community Funding Deed - Central Coast Council - Lakecoal Pty Ltd - Chain Valley Bay extension - 1 Sept 2016 
VPA - GCC - Narara Ecovillage Cooperative Ltd - 31 May 2013 
VPA - GCC - Norman Hunter Norbet Enterprises Pty Ltd - Redevelopment Avoca 15 Sept 2006 22 Jan 2007 
VPA - GCC - Stevens Holdings Pty Ltd Olzomers - Kings Ave Terrigal - on about 28 April 2015 
VPA - GCC - W S Websdale - L263 DP856708 H48 Singleton Road Point Clare - 4 July 2008 
VPA - WSC - AV Jennings - 610 Pacific Hwy. Hamlyn Terrace - 4 Aug 2014 
VPA - WSC - AV Jennings Limited - DA 2790 2004 - 465-469 475-481 Pacific Hwy Wadalba - 29 Feb 2012 
VPA - WSC - AV Jennings Ltd - DA 2790 2004 - 465-469 475-481 Pacific Highway Wadalba - 6 Mar 2012 
VPA - WSC - Fabcot Pty Ltd - 275 Pacific Hwy Lake Munmorah - 1 Dec 2010 
VPA - WSC - IDA Safe Constructions - Oscar Dr Chittaway Point - 4 March 2016 
VPA - WSC - Metro Cinemas Lake Haven - 19 February 2014 
VPA - WSC - Pelican Horizons - DA 545 2014 - The Entrance Rd The Entrance - 31 Aug 2015 
VPA - WSC - Pelican Horizons - The Entrance Key Site - Marine Pde THE ENTRANCE - 9 Dec 2013 
VPA - WSC - Pigeon Point Pty Ltd - Lot 200 DP 1181287 - 2-10 Cams Blvd SUMMERLAND POINT - 3 Feb 2015 
VPA - WSC - Pyoand PL Transfer Sewer Pump Station Anderson Rd Glenning Valley - 21 Jan 2016 
VPA - WSC - Rustrum Pty Ltd - Main Rd Toukley - 14 Dec 2015 
VPA - WSC - Stephen Thorne Assoc - 18 Pacific Hwy Wadalba - 28 Nov 2012 
VPA - WSC - Tinbana Pty Ltd - 6 Florin Pl Wadalba - 31 Oct 2013 
VPA - WSC - Trustees Roman Catholic Church - Lot 3 Dp 1155796 - 10 Mar 2014 
VPA - WSC - Vexhart 210 228 Johns Rd Wadalba - 4 Aug 2014 
VPA - WSC - Warnervale Holdings - Catholic Church - 85 Sparks Rd Warnervale - 24 Sept 2010 
VPA - WSC - Wyong Coal - DA SSDD 4974 - 7 July 2014 
VPA - WSC - Yialkin and Ozel Shevket - Lot 1409 DP 1165185 Salamander Rd WADALBA - 28 Nov 2012 
VPA - WSC Ecclesia Housing Ltd - 34 Oakwood Street Wadalba - Lot 317 Dp 1083445 - 10 March 2014 
VPA - WSC Ecclesia Housing Ltd - 35 Figtree Boulevard Wadalba - Lot 255 Dp 1038214 - 10 March 2014

Local Contributions Register

Section 217 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021 requires Council’s to maintain a contributions register, identifying particulars relating to the application of contributions.

View Council’s Contributions Registers:

Annual Report information relating to local contributions

Section 218 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021 requires Council's to maintain accounting records for local contributions.

View Council's annual report information relating to contributions - Annual Reports

Annual Financial Statements for local contributions

Section 219 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2021 requires Council's to prepare annual financial statements relating to contributions in its area.

View Council's Annual Financial Statements - Annual Reports

Works In Kind Agreements

Council has established a framework for Works In Kind Agreements in satisfaction of requirements to pay local infrastructure contributions in accordance with the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Water Management Act 2000. The Works-In-Kind (WIK) policies and supporting guidelines provide greater transparency and identify clear assessment protocols for the lodgement and consideration of requests to undertake infrastructure works.

View Council's Work in Kind Policies and Guidelines.

Contributions Plans

Repealed Plans

Council resolved on the 23 November 2021 to repeal 35 Local Infrastructure Contribution Plans; this change came into effect on the 10 January 2022.  Please refer to the following list. If you would like a copy of a repealed plan, please contact Council on

Contributions Plan No. 5A - Narara - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 5B - Narara - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 5C - Narara - Community and Recreation Facilities 
Contributions Plan No. 7A - Niagara Park - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 7B - Niagara Park - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 7C - Niagara Park - Community and Recreation Facilities 
Contributions Plan No. 8A - Lisarow - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 8B - Lisarow - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 8C - Lisarow - Community and Recreation Facilities 
Contributions Plan No. 16A - Kincumber - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 16B - Kincumber - Roadworks and Traffic Management) 
Contributions Plan No. 16C - Kincumber - Open Space 
Contributions Plan No. 21A - Kariong - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 21B - Kariong - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 21C - Kariong - Community and Recreation Facilities 
Contributions Plan No. 23A - Springfield - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 23B - Springfield - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 23C - Springfield - Open Space 
Contributions Plan No. 36A - Erina Valley 
Contributions Plan No. 42A - Erina, Green Point, Terrigal - Community & Recreation Facilities 
Contributions Plan No. 42B - Erina, Green Point, Terrigal - Drainage 
Contributions Plan No. 42C - Erina, Green Point, Terrigal - Roadworks and Traffic Management 
Contributions Plan No. 43A - East Gosford - Local Open Space 
Contributions Plan No. 43B - East Gosford Local Roadworks 
Contributions Plan No. 48A - Avoca Beach - Medium Density Area 
Contributions Plan No. 49A - North Gosford - Medium Density Area 
Contributions Plan No. 52A - Springfield, Erina Creek, Precinct Two - Roadworks 
Contributions Plan No. 58A - Erina Fair - Local Roadworks 
Contributions Plan No. 67 - Woy Woy - Car Parking 
Contributions Plan No. 68 - Umina - Car Parking 
Contributions Plan No. 70 - East Gosford - Car Parking 
Contributions Plan No. 71 - Avoca Beach - Car Parking 
Contributions Plan No. 72 - Ettalong Beach - Car Parking 
Contributions Plan No. 98 - Bensville 
Contributions Plan No. 164 - Gosford Regional Centre

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