Starting a food or drink business
Starting a small business on the Central Coast has never been simpler thanks to a partnership between Central Coast Council and Service NSW. Submit a single, simple form and Service NSW will provide you a dedicated business concierge to help navigate the appropriate permits and approvals you'll need to get started. The easy to do business site is a single source of information for starting or expanding your business, removing the hassle of navigating multiple Government agencies and ensuring that you'll be up and running in 90 days or less.
Legislation requirements
The Food Act 2003 and Food Regulation 2015 provide regulatory framework to ensure food is:
- safe and suitable for consumption
- provided in a manner that is not misleading
- handled, prepared, provided and labelled in a manner that is consistent with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Food safety supervisor
All businesses need to appoint at least one Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) per premises if food they prepare and serve is:
- ready-to-eat
- potentially hazardous (needs temperature control)
- NOT sold and served in the supplier's original package.
Visit the NSW Food Authority Website for the current Food Safety Supervisor requirements for your business - NSW Food Authority Food Safety Supervisors (FSS).
Food businesses
Council’s food safety inspection program regulates food for sale from:
- restaurants, cafes, shopping centre serveries
- fast food outlets
- supermarket departments such as delicatessens, hot chicken, bakeries, seafood displays
- food sold from mobile or temporary events
- food prepared by a home business and sold at temporary events or by other food businesses
Food premises registration
All food businesses within fixed premises in the Central Coast area must be registered with Council.
All registered food premises on the Central Coast will be inspected annually as part of Council inspection program.
Council participates in the Food Authority Scores on Doors program, the NSW hygiene and food safety scoring program that displays the results of regular inspections of food premises. Council issues a star rating certificate which food business operators may display.
Temporary food business and mobile food
Temporary Food businesses must comply with the NSW Government Food Authority - Guidelines for food businesses at temporary events and the Mobile Food Vending Guidelines.
Environmental Health Officers regularly inspect events. All temporary food businesses may be inspected at any Central Coast event, and may be charged an inspection fee.
Temporary food businesses or mobile food vendors that wish to operate at a Council-approved event must register for an eServices account and apply for a Temporary and mobile food business notification for approval.
Except if registered for non-profit or charitable organisations, all temporary food businesses must pay an approval to operate fee.
Proof of registration with a Council permits temporary food businesses to operate outside the local government area without having to pay an additional fee. For information contact our Customer Contact Centre on 02 4306 7900.
NSW Food Authority
The New South Wales Food Authority is responsible for managing food related matters consistent with the requirements of Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) and the requirements of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Further information is available at the Food Authorities website.
The Food Standards Code provides information on construction standards and food safe management practices for food premises.