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Media Releases



    Media Release
    Water Supply Interruption
    Central Coast Council advises the water supply for residents and business in Hardys Bay, Wagstaffe and Pretty Beach will be interrupted tonight, Tuesday 28 March, between 9.00pm and midnight.The water supply will be interrupted in order for Council to complete essential repairs on a major water main in the area.Once water supply returns residents may experience some discoloured water.
    Media Release
    Correa Bay Boat Ramp Reopened
    Central Coast Council has reopened Correa Bay Boat ramp after confirming water quality is suitable for recreational activities.Council thanks residents for their patience.
    Media Release
    Report a Tosser and Help Keep the Coast Clean
    Central Coast Council is throwing its support behind the state-wide campaign to stop littering.Hey Tosser! is all about raising awareness about the impacts of littering on the local environment, and changing the behaviour of litterers.Litter can damage the environment, harm wildlife, cause safety issues in open spaces as well as injuries to people.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said everyone can play their part in helping to reduce the amount of litter.“By working together, we can all help keep the Coast clean,” Mr Reynolds said.“Council is using community education to help control littering and works such as gross pollutant traps to capture litter before it enters our waterways.“We also support the Take 3 initiative which encourages everyone to clean up three pieces of litter when they visit a beach or park.“We live in such a beautiful part of the country.
    Media Release
    Council and TWU Come to Mutual Agreement
    On 24 March 2017 the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and the Central Coast Council participated in confidential mediation, at the request of the Minister for Local Government, the Hon Gabrielle Upton MP.The TWU and Council agreed to insert a clause in the Council's tender documents that require that to be conforming, tenders must offer ongoing employment to the employees of the current contractor, ensure all existing employee statutory leave entitlements are recognised by the tenderer, provide for an agreed minimum rate of pay for those employees, and an immediate cessation of industrial action.This provides significant protections for the local drivers of the current contractor.The Minister for Local Government is aware of and has congratulated the TWU and Council on their resolution of those matters.The TWU and Council have agreed to the terms of this media release.
    Media Release
    Public Health Alert - Woy Woy Waterways
    Council advises water quality may have been affected at Correa Bay, Woy Woy, following the severe thunderstorm on Wednesday 22 March.A combination of large stormwater flows and a power outage at a sewage pump station has led to some effluent being discharged into Correa Bay.Council has, as a precaution, closed Correa Bay boat ramp and the adjoining foreshore area.
    Media Release
    Council to Integrate Management of Recreation Facilities
    Central Coast Council will take over management of the Lake Haven Recreation Centre, the Toukley Aquatic Centre and the Wyong Olympic Pool from current operators YMCA NSW, effective from 1 July 2017.The decision comes following a detailed examination and a confidential report at Wednesday night’s Council Meeting.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said that current members could be assured that it will be business as usual for these popular facilities.“Fees and charges will remain the same at all three locations for 2017/18, apart from the standard CPI increase,” said Mr Reynolds.“These centres will now be added to our existing recreational facilities network including the Entrance Ocean Baths, Gosford Olympic Pool, the Peninsula Leisure Centre and Niagara Park Stadium.”Council will continue to offer the existing programing available at these facilities, with the exception of YMCA’s Brightside and Ability programs.YMCA NSW CEO Leisa Hart said, “It has been an honour for YMCA NSW to manage these three fantastic centres in recent years and we have loved being a part of the Central Coast community.“We look forward to continuing to work with Central Coast Council to support the region in other ways in the future, including through initiatives such as Youth Week and programs like our SkatePark League events.“To our members and the wider community, we’d like to say thank you very much for your support.”YMCA staff at each centre will be supported through this change process and will be able to apply for positions through Council.Mr Reynolds added that the decision was focused on building an efficient network of facilities to meet the needs of the Central Coast.“With the necessary resources and expertise to operate these facilities internally, it was considered that this change will promote further efficiencies across the Coast,” said Mr Reynolds.“It will allow us to invest in each of these centres and ensure our entire network of facilities is the best it can be.“We’re looking forward to improving the facilities, services and programs for the current users and the wider community.“The YMCA NSW have done fantastic job and I would like to congratulate them on the successful operation of these facilities since 2009.”For any enquiries about the centres after Friday 30 June 2017, please email Central Coast Council at - Direct Debit and Membership Agreement FormCCLP - Direct Debit Swim Programs and Enrolment Form  
    Media Release
    CleanOut’s Popularity Continues on the Central Coast
    Central Coast residents have turned out in droves to clear their homes of unwanted chemical products, thanks to two recent Household Chemical CleanOut events – hosted by Central Coast Council.CleanOut drop-off locations were set up at the Gosford Showground and the Long Jetty Council Depot, consecutively, during the first two weekends in March.In total, 2486 residents disposed of almost 100 tonnes of chemicals over the 4 days at both locations.
    Media Release
    Administrator Gives Keynote Address to Regional Cities Summit
    Central Coast Council Administrator has outlined the achievements and priorities of the new Council at the Urban Development Institute of Australia’s (UDIA) NSW’s Regional Cities Summit.UDIA NSW is the state’s leading development industry body, representing more than 500 member companies and agencies across the public and private sector.  The Summit heard from a range of speakers discussing housing affordability, the economic outlook and opportunities in the regions.Council Administrator, Ian Reynolds, said Council is now a key economic player on the Central Coast, in the State and in Australia and is uniquely placed as a region in its own right to really deliver outcomes for its community.“We want to build productive partnerships with the private sector and government to secure the future of our region, which is going to grow by more than 75,000 residents by 2036.“It is quite simple really, there needs to be more physical and social infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing population.“Transport availability and connectivity is also essential to ensure our community can get around the Coast.“We have high levels of youth unemployment on the Coast so there is an urgent need to create more jobs to ensure they have a future here.“These are just some of the issues we will continue to raise in key industry forums and directly with State and Federal Government.”“We know what we need to make our community sustainable and economically viable and it is great to know we have 331,000 residents behind us giving us the real bargaining power we need to deliver.”
    Media Release
    Council Reaches 3000 Approvals
    A number of key development applications have been approved by Central Coast Council bringing the number determined since amalgamation, including section 96 applications, to over 3000, worth over $1 billion to the local economy.Council has approved a redesign of the Bonython Tower on Mann Street Gosford, which will create a residential tower and ground floor commercial space right in the heart of the CBD – injecting $17.6 million into the local economy.More housing options are also on the way close to the CBD with the approvals for additional residential units in Gosford, West Gosford, and Point Frederick.New housing opportunities will also be available close to one of the Coast’s greatest attractions – the beaches – with residential unit developments approved for Umina Beach, Canton Beach and more to come.The Central Coast also remains the ideal place to build the family dream home with 914 additional lots created since the merger.Council Group Leader Environment and Planning, Mr Scott Cox, said Council’s role was to ensure it had the right planning controls in place to continue to grow and encourage sustainable development on the Central Coast.“We have a huge challenge to meet the housing and employment needs of our growing community while maintaining the enviable lifestyle and environment we all enjoy here,” Mr Cox said.“We are in the process of consolidating our planning controls so there is consistency across the Coast as we want to ensure we can facilitate the right development we want to see here.“The growth in housing, particularly unit style development needs to be where transport connections and opportunities are – in our town centres and tourism hubs and we want to encourage development there.“The mix needs to be right in delivering a range of housing options to match various household needs but also ensuring the unique environment on the Coast is enhanced and protected.”Council is currently undertaking a Strategic Lands Biocertification Project in Warnervale.
    Media Release
    Popular Reserve Receives Makeover to Meet Demand
    Central Coast Council is continuing to roll out its fully funded operational plan as work begins on a popular reserve in Toowoon Bay.Swadling Reserve, at the top of Toowoon Bay Beach, is undergoing a makeover to cater for more visitors that frequent the park for summer BBQs, family gatherings and small events.Council Group Leader Assets, Infrastructure and Business, Mr Mike Dowling, said the $300,000 upgrade will complement the existing facilities in the area.“Not only are we replacing the ageing shelters, but we are adding more and making them accessible so more people can enjoy the reserve,” Mr Dowling said.“Visitors to the reserve will be in for a surprise when works are finished, as the new shelters will be able to cater for larger gatherings.“The reserve is also a popular spot for weddings and photo shoots, so to formalise this we are building a viewing platform overlooking the beach.”Work is expected to be finished at the end of April and includes removing the six small shelters, including the two barbecues, and replacing them with eight larger ones – three of them with barbecues.
    Media Release
    Council Offers Expert Help for Youth Entering the Workforce
    With youth unemployment on the Coast at 14.9 per cent, Council is continuing to invest in workshops and courses designed to help young people succeed in HSC exams and in securing employment.Central Coast Library Service is hosting a series of workshops designed to help young people learn the writing and study skills needed to gain job interviews and do well in HSC examinations and secure job opportunities afterwards.The workshops are in April and include a session on writing resumes and cover letters and four HSC workshops.Council Group Leader Connected Communities, Ms Julie Vaughan, said Council was keen to help young people gain the skills and develop the persistence needed to succeed in exams and in gaining employment.“We are keen to help young people increase their chances of success by equipping them with the tools needed to write a good cover letter and resume, and study techniques to help them do well in their exams,” Ms Vaughan said.“These free workshops are a great opportunity for young people to learn the skill of presenting themselves well in writing to potential employers and in HSC examinations as well as time management and study techniques.”In a two-hour workshop at Tuggerah Library on 8 April, Training and Coaching Solutions will share tips for teens on how to analyse job advertisements and what they should include in a resume to increase their chances of gaining employment.Mr Rowan Kunz, author of Secrets of HSC Success Revealed is running a session called HSC Max Your Marks on 18 April at Lake Haven Library, and will share his insights into effective exam preparation.Mr Kunz has come across many intelligent students who were not doing well, and believes intelligence only leads to success if certain study techniques are applied.Pam Northcotte’s session, HSC Ready, Set, Go, on 19 April at Tuggerah Library will include tips for managing physical and mental health during this final year at school.Bernie Howitt has many years of experience in teaching Society and Culture at high school and university level and will run a session on this topic on 21 April at Lake Haven Library.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said Council was committed to helping young people succeed.“Developing good writing and study skills is imperative to doing well in life and council libraries are investing in these workshops in order to equip young people with the skills they need,” Mr Reynolds said.“We want our young people to live, work and thrive here – so I encourage them to take advantage of these opportunities.”“Students are encouraged to take advantage of these free workshops, and society and culture students are encouraged to bring their personal interest projects (PIPs) to the session with Bernie Howitt.”Bookings essential.
    Media Release
    Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan on Public Exhibition
    Central Coast Council will place its draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan on exhibition following this evening’s meeting.The plan outlines strategies and actions that Council will implement over a four year period, enabling people with a disability to better access services, facilities and support.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan would see work undertaken across the community to improve accessibility.“The plan will see Council make changes to internal process and practices;
    Media Release
    Exhibition Featuring Coast Secondary School Students
    A Central Vision, an exhibition showcasing talented high school artists opens at Gosford Regional Gallery on Saturday 25 March.Students from some 19 Central Coast secondary schools are taking part in the annual exhibition, which features a wide range of art forms, including paint, drawing, textiles, sculpture, ceramics and photography.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the exhibition showcased some inspiring art.“A Central Vision is a great partnership between Council and Central Coast schools, and we are thrilled to exhibit so many outstanding works by many budding young artists,” Mr Reynolds said.Wendy Mortimer, Head Teacher, Creative and Performing Arts at Gosford High, said A Central Vision was a wonderful opportunity for students to have their works exhibited and acknowledged in a professional environment.“We have many very talented young artists in our secondary schools and will be presenting certificates of recognition and prizes sponsored by local business at the opening event,” Ms Mortimer said.Secondary schools taking part in A Central Vision, a program which has been running since 2001, include:Tuggerah Lakes Secondary College;
    Media Release
    Council Meeting Highlights 22 March 2017
    Community consultation to be extended for Peat Island Planning ProposalA Planning Proposal for Peat Island and surrounds, seeking to rezone the land to permit a mix of residential, community, environmental recreation and employment land, uses will be referred to the Department of Planning for a gateway determination, allowing it to come back to council for community consultation.The community consultation period, will be extended to at least three months and a decision ultimately made by the newly elected Council.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, assured the community this is just the start of what may be a very long process with a great deal of community consultation before there is any rezoning at or in the vicinity of Peat Island.“This is just the first step – the beginning of a potential rezoning,” Mr Reynolds said.“The planning proposal will go to the Department of Planning & Environment for what the legislation calls a “gateway determination”, and if there is a gateway determination then the proposal goes out for formal public exhibition – and this is when the community has the formal opportunity to comment on the proposal.“In my view, any such exhibition should be at least three times as long as the normal period to ensure there is sufficient time for public assessment and input.  I have indicated that community information sessions need to be in the local area during the exhibition period.“I have also made it clear, in the resolution that any final decision will be made by a future elected Council rather than by me as Administrator.”The site is owned by the State Government with the first proposal for a rezoning lodged with the former Gosford City Council in August 2014.Key changes which have been incorporated in the new proposal include the following:Residential dwelling numbers have been reduced from 400-500 to 268 dwellings.Building heights have been reduced from 17 metres to 12 metres.The amount of land dedicated to national park has increased from 2.6 Ha to 11.3 Ha.Publicly accessible open space has also been increased from 2 Ha to 10 Ha.The revised proposal will provide opportunities for public access to new areas of the foreshore and Peat Island, are not currently available.The proposal will now be referred to the Department of Planning requesting a gateway determination.Housing Development Controls to be aligned across the Coast Council is seeking community feedback on a plan to align housing development controls across the Central Coast.Currently two different sets of planning controls apply to dwellings across the two former Local Government Areas.
    Media Release
    Could You Be the Central Coast Series Champion?
    The Central Coast Series is a skate, scoot, BMX and WCMX wheelchair competition that's held in three heats:1.
    Media Release
    Council Clarifies Administrator Expenses
    Central Coast Council has today confirmed the Administrator is in a townhouse at Magenta at a cost of $550 a week.Under the Council Policy on Facilities and Expenses, the Administrator is to be provided with accommodation within the Central Coast Local Government Area that is convenient to the Gosford and Wyong offices.   This is due to the requirement for the Administrator in this role to attend early morning briefings and meetings as well as evening and weekend commitments.Living locally ensures the Administrator can fulfil his duties more effectively, be more accessible to the community and understand the issues affecting the region and the Central Coast community much better.The Policy was adopted at the August 10, 2016 Council meeting, following a public exhibition period where no comments were received.View the Policy or the Minutes of the August 10 Council Meeting.
    Media Release
    Sink Your Teeth into Dracula at the Laycock Street Community Theatre
    Sharpen your fangs, the critically acclaimed production Dracula is swooping into Laycock Street.Bram Stoker’s gothic masterpiece will be at the Laycock Street Community Theatre on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 March for a strictly limited season.Created and adapted by one of Australia’s leading contemporary theatre companies shake & stir theatre co, this adaptation has already garnered stellar 5-star reviews and attracted five Matilda Award (Queensland Theatre) nominations including Best Mainstage Production.Group Leader of Connected Communities, Ms Julie Vaughan, said the new adaptation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 horror-classic promised to be every bit as tortured and charismatic as the novel.“This is a great opportunity to sink your teeth into what is an amazing story,” said Ms Vaughn.“shake & stir theatre co are one of the country’s leading theatre companies and we have proudly presented their previous touring productions of 1984, Wuthering Heights and Animal Farm.“It’s wonderful to host them once again at the Laycock Street Community Theatre in what will no doubt be a fantastic adaptation of this classic story.”Dracula tells the story of young lawyer Jonathan Harker as he visits Castle Dracula in the Carpathian Mountains.
    Media Release
    Celebrating Cultural Diversity on the Coast
    In a first for Harmony Day celebrations on the Coast, Central Coast Council will be hosting their annual event from dusk so the Harmonic Forest can come to life on Saturday 25 March.Memorial Park, in the heart of The Entrance, will be lit up with 12 large trees that will glow in a variety of colours to reflect the diversity of cultures on the Central Coast highlighting that ‘Diversity is our Strength’.Council Group Leader, Ms Julie Vaughan, said Harmony Day is a celebration of the many cultures that make up Australia and the Coast and is a time to reflect on the importance of inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.“The highlight of our event will be the Harmonic Forest which symbolises the cohesion, community and harmony we have here on the Coast,” Ms Vaughan said.“More and more we are seeing different groups being established to share their cultures and traditions with the rest of our community.“Harmony Day is all about encouraging people to participate in their community, to respect different cultures and religions, and to show that everyone belongs in our community.“Our annual event does just that and I would encourage everyone to come along and enjoy the cultural activities, performances and cuisine from around the world.”Visitors will have the chance to create lanterns such as birds, fruits and flowers that will hang in the trees of the Harmonic Forest and light up the night as part of the cultural celebrations.
    Media Release
    Council Explores Interest in Central Coast Airport
    Central Coast Council is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from the aviation, aerospace and supporting industry operators to establish at Central Coast Airport, Warnervale.Council’s Group Leader, Assets, Infrastructure and Business, Mr Mike Dowling, said the timing was right for Council to determine the level of interest in a General Aviation Industry Hub from aviation and associated industries.“General aviation can operate from Central Coast Airport with its current zoning, and we believe it presents an opportunity for job creation on the Coast,” Mr Dowling said.“So it is time we went out and tested the market and that’s what this EOI is all about.“We have already received enquiries from a number of aviation businesses keen to locate at the Airport.“This EOI will formally determine the level of industry interest by asking aviation businesses to put their best proposals forward for long-term industry development and jobs growth.“General aviation is a significant industry representing 65 percent of all aircraft hours in Australia and we are aware there is currently a high demand for airside general aviation leaseholds close to Sydney.“This is due to general aviation being squeezed out of the Sydney basin due to macro conditions.”General aviation includes pilot training, corporate aviation, emergency services and search and rescue, charter, aerial work, survey and monitoring, private flying, commercial operators and tourism related charter operations.The vast majority of general aviation is conducted in small aircraft and does not include airline or airfreight operations.“The responses will inform a Central Coast Airport Master Plan that brings together businesses in aviation education and training, logistics, technology, consulting and service industries to create the best outcome for residents, ratepayers and industry,” Mr Dowling said.Once a draft Master Plan is developed it will be exhibited for community feedback.The Expression of Interest is open to any business looking for airside land leases or purpose built aviation facilities and applicants will be required to demonstrate how they will invest in long term development of their business and create jobs on the Central Coast.Applications close at 2:00pm on Tuesday 16 May 2017.  Registration for the EOI is now open at
    Media Release
    Raising Community Awareness About Scams
    Central Coast Council is hosting a free talk at The Entrance Library today on current scams and ways in which the community can protect themselves and their loved ones.Most members of the community are contacted by scammers at some point in their lives, whether in person, online, by phone or by text message.Council is committed to investing in educating the community so they can learn to recognise scams and avoid being a victim to them.Council Group Leader, Ms Julie Vaughan, said education was key in protecting the community from scammers.“Scammers can be very savvy and often target vulnerable members of our community, so we need to ensure we arm them with the tools they need to protect themselves,” Ms Vaughn said.“Phishing, where scammers harvest personal information, is another problem – so residents should avoid filling out forms online that ask for personal information.”Presented by the NSW Department of Fair Trading, the session will look at some common myths about scams, including where people believe websites that use an Australian phone number, website or email address are not scams.The fact is scammers deliberately set up Australian telephone numbers, websites and email addresses as a front so they can channel money overseas.The session will also include information on where to go for help if you or someone you know has fallen victim to a scam.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said Council was committed to investing in the community and making sure they had the knowledge and skills to protect themselves.“Scams are designed to trick people into giving money away and/or personal details – they succeed because they look like the real thing,” Mr Reynolds said.“The frail, elderly and the young are particularly vulnerable to scammers, and we urge them to learn how to protect themselves.“Don’t respond to suspicious emails or letters, and never respond to emails that ask for your banking details.
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