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Media Releases



    Media Release
    More Options for ANZAC Day Parking at Terrigal
    Central Coast Council is providing increased parking options for patrons attending ANZAC Day events in Terrigal on Tuesday 25 April.Changes to the construction timeline for the $2.3 million upgrade of Wilson Road Carpark have enabled the bottom two levels of the carpark to remain open on ANZAC Day, with Council also offering additional parking at The Haven that will not be subject to usual parking restrictions, and transport options from Terrigal Haven to the event.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said Council supports ANZAC Day events across the Central Coast and is implementing measures to ensure considerable parking spaces will be available in Terrigal this ANZAC Day.“Council works together with local law enforcement, the RSL and its sub-branches, as well as local community organisations to ensure ANZAC Day activities are successful right across the Coast,” Mr Reynolds said.“In addition to the lower two levels of the Wilson Road parking station remaining open, we’ve also reconfigured parking at The Haven to provide additional parking not subject to usual parking restrictions, and will be providing a free shuttle bus from The Haven from 4am until 12noon to assist anyone planning to attend the Dawn Service.“This has resulted in considerable parking spaces becoming available in Terrigal this ANZAC Day.”The substantial upgrade of the Wilson Road Carpark will support continued growth within the Terrigal CBD, creating 110 more permanent parking spaces for residents and visitors to the area.For full project details, including maps detailing ANZAC Day parking options, visit
    Media Release
    Council Reminds Motorists to Take Extra Care Around Schools
    With the second term of the 2017 school year kicking off next week, Central Coast Council is reminding residents to slow down near schools and put the safety of children first.Monday 24 April is a gazetted school day which means 40km zones will be back in force, as will parking zones around schools.Parking zones around schools are in place for the safety of children, but also assist with traffic flow during busy drop off and pick up times.As the school term begins, Council Rangers and Parking Officers will carry out extra patrols to enforce parking restrictions around schools, helping to ensure a safe start to the school term.Council is encouraging everyone to take care when driving through school zones, stick to the speed limit, follow directions from crossing supervisors and avoid any dangerous manoeuvres.Double Demerits will also be in force from Friday 21 April to Tuesday 25 April 2017 (inclusive) and will apply if a motorist is caught speeding in a designated school zone on Monday 24 April.For more information on how to park safely around schools, visit
    Media Release
    Upgrades Continue at Scenic Highway, Terrigal
    Following extensive community consultation, Stage 2 of the planned upgrade for Scenic Highway at Terrigal commenced on Monday 10 April.Inclusive of embankment lowering, footpath construction and the introduction of a pedestrian refuge island, Stage 2 is part of a comprehensive program of works designed to improve pedestrian and motorist movements.Council’s Group Leader of Business, Assets and Infrastructure, Mike Dowling, said the works will improve visibility and provide an improved pedestrian environment for people crossing the Scenic Highway near the intersection of Bellevue Crescent.“Following tree removal works carried out in Stage 1 in January, this next phase of works will dramatically increase sight distances around the location,” Mr Dowling said.“The installation of a pedestrian refuge island and footpath will also help to enhance accessibility.”Mr Dowling added that Council moved quickly on key elements of this project, while important planning and approvals were completed for the remainder of the works.“The Central Coast Traffic Committee unanimously supported the works in March this year,” said Mr Dowling.“We were able to install new 50km/h signage and pavement marking before Christmas, commencing our program of improvements and reinforcing appropriate speed limits to all drivers on this section of the Scenic Highway.”In addition, a review of the Scenic Highway, from Charles Kay Drive to The Terrigal Esplanade has also been undertaken and Council is considering the recommendations, amidst wider traffic management planning.Stage 2 is scheduled for completion in June 2017.Works will take place from 7am – 3pm, with single lane traffic during construction — traffic controllers will be on site and motorists should expect some minor delays during this time.Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their patience while these important works are carried out.
    Media Release
    Central Coast Council Easter Closure
    Residents are advised that Central Coast Council will be closed for the Easter period, from Friday 14 April until Monday 17 April (inclusive).Essential services will continue during the closure, including waste collection, water treatment and lifeguards.For any urgent council-related emergencies during the period such as water main breaks, residents can contact 4325 8222 (Gosford office) or 4350 5555 (Wyong office) 24-hours a day.Council Libraries will be closed from Friday 14 April until Monday 17 April (inclusive), however return chutes will remain open.Central Coast Council management and staff would like to wish residents a safe and happy Easter.
    Media Release
    Wilson Road Carpark Open for ANZAC Day
    Central Coast Council is undertaking a $2.3 million upgrade to improve the capacity of the Wilson Road car park at Terrigal.This substantial project started in March 2017 and will include construction of an additional level, the installation of a lift within the carpark, CCTV cameras and the provision of additional disabled spaces on each floor.The project will support continued growth within the Terrigal CBD, creating 110 extra parking spaces for residents and visitors to the area.Council has now successfully negotiated a variation in the program for the additional (fourth) level of the carpark with the facility to now remain open until Wednesday 26 April, 2017.The existing level 3 of the carpark will remain closed, with levels 1 and 2 available for the community during the entire school holiday period.In addition, Council has taken steps to reconfigure parking at The Haven to provide extra untimed spaces for those attending the Terrigal ANZAC Day Dawn Service and a free shuttle bus to run from The Haven to The Esplanade from 4.30am so attendees can easily get to the Cenotaph for the service.The change in the construction program, along with altered arrangements at The Haven will ensure that 500 parking spaces will be available for ANZAC day.Council would like to thank North Construction and their associated contractors for their cooperation in delivering this essential infrastructure project.
    Media Release
    Changed Traffic Conditions – Davistown Road, Yattalunga
    Temporary traffic control measures will be in place along a section of Davistown Road, Yattalunga, from 9 – 11 April, while Central Coast Council completes essential road upgrade works.The project, being carried out in the vicinity of Elvys Avenue, will be undertaken at night to minimise the impact on local traffic.Warning signs will be in place for the duration of the works to notify motorists of the changed traffic conditions and traffic controllers will be on site from 7pm – 5am to enhance community safety.Single lane traffic will be in place during construction and motorists should expect some minor delays during this time.Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the community for their patience while these important works are carried out and apologises for any inconvenience.
    Media Release
    Get Your Skates On!
    National Roller Derby at Niagara Park StadiumHundreds of junior skaters from across Australia will converge on the Central Coast next month to battle for supremacy on skates at the 2017 Junior Roller Derby National Championships.Taking place at Niagara Park Stadium on Saturday 15 – Sunday 16 April, this will be the first time the national tournament has ever been held in New South Wales.Based on its performance in hosting major roller derby bouts over the past three years, Niagara Park Stadium was selected as the ideal facility to host this iconic national event.Divided into three skill divisions of Positional, Modified and Full Contact, teams will compete for trophies in their respective skill division, with winners claiming the ‘Best in Australia’ title.With games across both days and an awards ceremony following the final round on Sunday afternoon, this event is fast, exciting and action-packed, and will have crowds riding an emotional rollercoaster right up until the final whistle.Spectators are welcome to attend by gold coin donation at the door.For further information search Junior Roller Derby Nationals on Facebook.
    Media Release
    Community Invited to Help Shape the Coast’s Future
    The Central Coast community is being invited to have their say on the future of the region as Council kicks off phase one of the development of the first ever coast wide Community Strategic Plan.The Community Strategic Plan is designed to capture the community’s vision for the Coast and identify key social, economic, environmental priorities as well as long-term strategies for the Coast for the next 10 years.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said this was an exciting opportunity for the community to have their say in co-creating the first ever plan for the entire Central Coast.“This is truly a landmark opportunity for everyone to tell us what they value about their local suburb and the entire Central Coast so we can plan to make it an even better place to live,” said Mr Reynolds.“It’s the community’s chance to shape the future of the Central Coast so we can understand what is important to our residents, their aspirations for the future, as well as local challenges and opportunities .”“You might have a clever solution to a local challenge or a creative and inspired idea to take the Coast to the next level.
    Media Release
    Innovative Council Projects Recognised at Local Government Awards
    Two Central Coast Council projects have been honoured with Highly Commended Awards at the NSW Local Government Professionals Australia Awards held in Sydney last night.The Awards recognise the excellent contributions and outstanding achievements and innovations being implemented to advance and improve the local government sector in NSW.The Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Education Program was recognised in the Excellence in Environmental Leadership and Sustainability category while The Art House was honoured as a Special Project Initiative that presents an aspiration model for NSW Local Government.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said it was pleasing to be recognised at an industry level for these two projects that are about delivering positive outcomes and opportunities for the community.“Council has been working hard to provide the community with the services it needs, wants and values so it can continue to thrive and prosper,” Mr Reynolds said.“Being recognised by the NSW Local Government Professionals Awards last night proves we are getting it right.”“The former Wyong Shire Council had a vision to deliver a state-of-the-art performing arts centre and they did just that with The Art House.“It is an absolute credit to all the staff involved, particularly current Group Leader of Connected Communities, Ms Julie Vaughan, whose passion and commitment ensured this project could be realised for the community.”The Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Education Program aims to increase knowledge and encourage positive behaviour change around Tuggerah Lakes.
    Media Release
    Council Welcomes Central Coast Coordinator-General Appointment
    Central Coast Council has welcomed the appointment of Ms Lee Shearer to the important role of Co-ordinator General for the Central Coast.Ms Shearer will drive the delivery of the Central Coast Regional Plan and will oversee a Community Consultative Committee of which Central Coast Council will be a key member.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said her appointment was a clear recognition that the State Government is serious about the promises in the Central Coast Regional Plan.“The Regional Plan is all about delivering more jobs, more housing, more infrastructure and more opportunities for our growing community and Council is certainly committed to achieving that,” Mr Reynolds said.“We have already started.  We are moving on priority projects, including aligning our housing development controls, with more consolidated planning underway as well as putting together a priority infrastructure plan that our residents need.“Delivering a sustainable future for the Central Coast will require ongoing funding from both State and Federal Governments as well as Council – that is why this appointment is so crucial as we can start to get key projects moving.“I am keen to meet with the Coordinator-General as soon as possible to share our plans and ensure we work together in the best interests of the Coast and our community.”“This appointment is another clear indication the State Government is committed to seeing the Central Coast emerge as an economic powerhouse.“Together we can capitilise on the strong foundations we have and grow into a well-planned, well-functioning and well-connected region.”Council Group Leader Environment and Planning, Mr Scott Cox, said Council wanted to work closely with the Coordinator-General and the Consultative Committee to ensure the right planning controls are in place so the vision of the Regional Plan is achieved.“We are consolidating our planning controls so there is consistency across the Coast as we want to ensure we can facilitate the right development we want to see here,” Mr Cox said.“The growth in housing, particularly unit style development needs to be where transport connections and opportunities are – in our town centres and tourism hubs and we want to encourage development there.“The mix needs to be right to enable a range of housing options to match household needs but also ensuring the unique environment on the Coast is enhanced and protected.”“The new Coordinator-General role and the Consultative Committee will provide Council with the opportunity to tailor state and local planning controls that will help deliver the promises of the Regional Plan.”
    Media Release
    Wilson Road Carpark Gets 110 Extra Spaces in Major Upgrade
    Central Coast Council will be constructing an additional level to the Wilson Road Carpark, Terrigal creating 110 extra parking spaces for the Terrigal CBD.The $2.3 million project will include the installation of a lift within the carpark, CCTV and the provision of additional disabled spaces on each floor – improving the facility’s overall accessibility.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the project would support continued growth within the Terrigal CBD.“We’re expanding the capacity of Wilson Road Carpark to cater for Terrigal’s ongoing growth as a premier tourist destination,” said Mr Reynolds.“With a range of commercial and residential developments underway, the availability of parking is important – this upgrade project will provide 110 additional spaces and go a long way to improving accessibility in the area.“In addition, we are developing detailed designs for a $2.2 million Terrigal CBD Traffic Flow Improvement project – voted for by the community as part of the Stronger Communities’ Fund Major Projects Program.“This is an exciting time for Terrigal as we prepare for another busy summer season ahead.”Level 3 of the carpark is currently closed.
    Media Release
    Be Surf Smart These Holidays
    If you plan on heading to the beach, make sure you do it at one of our 15 popular patrolled ocean beaches where you will be in safe hands with our lifeguards (Monday to Friday) and volunteer lifesavers (weekends and public holidays).To cater for the influx of tourists we expect to visit the Coast, our lifeguards will also return to Budgewoi Beach to patrol over the four-day Easter long weekend (Friday 14 to Monday 17 April) from 9am to 5pm, with a focus on the flagged area.There are a few simple rules to help keep you safe on our beaches:
    Media Release
    Council in Driver's Seat with Major Road Upgrade
    Council is continuing its commitment to ensure the quality of our local road network, with important upgrade works taking place on The Ridgeway at Lisarow, between Macdonalds Road and Tapley Road.Designed to enhance the safety of this popular route, this project will see substantial earthworks to accommodate a new road alignment and width, construction of street drainage, kerb and gutter, and a new road pavement.The project will also include the installation of guardrail, signage and  line marking.With significant realignment and construction works required, it is anticipated this section of road will operate as a single-lane stretch for approximately six months, with the full extent of works expected to take around 15 months to complete.Starting early May, single-lane traffic will be operated by interim traffic signals to ensure the safety of workers on-site and motorists as they travel through the area.
    Media Release
    Photo Prize Now Open to Expose Coast’s Emerging Talent
    Central Coast Council’s annual photographic prize, Exposure, is now open to amateur and emerging photographers.The competition, in its fifth year, is an opportunity for photographers to submit their best images for a chance to share in a total prize pool of $4,400The competition has always been popular with young people and this year, a new award has been introduced for an Emerging Young Talent (aged under 24 years).Council Group Leader, Ms Julie Vaughan, said the entries from the young photographers are growing each and every year and Council wanted to expand on this interest.“Over the years, 10 percent of our finalists were represented by photographers under the age of 24,” Ms Vaughan said.“This year we decided to give more opportunities for our young people by introducing a new award and expanding our annual workshops.“Each year we have workshops for beginner and intermediate photographers, and for the first time we held extra workshops targeted at students run by professional photographers who mentored them and help build on their photography skills.“You can already see some of the students’ work being displayed at Killarney Vale shopping centre and in the Wyong CBD.”The competition is open to all amateur and emerging photographers and entries must represent one of the following categories:Postcards of the Coast – images must be of the Central CoastThrough the Generations – open to any imageThe Natural World – open to any imageA Picture Tells 1,000 Words – open to any imagePrizes will be awarded to First, Second and Third overall winners and Emerging Young Talent as well as a Highly Commended in each category and the People’s Choice Award which will be announced at the end of the exhibition.Council Administrator, Ian Reynolds, said this year’s competition will build on the success of last year.“The competition aims to promote the art of photography and to showcase still-based works,” Mr Reynolds said.“The Coast is becoming well known for its support for the arts and I have great pleasure in encouraging people to enter this competition and boost the profile of the prize.“So give it your best shot!”Entries close at midnight Sunday 23 April and can be submitted online at public exhibition will showcase 145 of the highest scoring images at The Art House Wyong from Saturday 10 June to Sunday 25 June.
    Media Release
    Staying Safe on our Roads this Easter
    The Easter long weekend is a popular time of the year for getting together with family and friends or taking a road trip.
    Media Release
    Sale of Land to Australia China Theme Park
    The former Wyong Council entered into contracts to sell land at Warnervale to Australia China Theme Park Pty Ltd ("ACTP").Those contracts include confidentiality clauses that bind both parties and as such it is not appropriate to comment at this stage.Council has sought an urgent meeting with representatives of ACTP to discuss these contracts.Council will make further announcements when it is appropriate to do so.
    Media Release
    Top Riders Will Shred the Street at Bato Yard
    Central Coast Council is teaming up with Shredability for another first in skating on the Coast.King of Street is a popular contest held across various skate parks around Australia, and is coming to Bato Yard on Saturday 22 April.This event will take competition skating to a new level as it will start at 2pm and be the first day/night competition.Event organiser and former world champion, Mr Renton Millar, said his team can’t wait to return to Bato Yard for another massive event.“We were just there in February for our elite bowl competition and couldn’t believe the amazing support we received as well as the talented riders who shredded the biggest bowl in the country,” Mr Millar said.“This competition will be just as rad, as Bato has some rare features in the street section that should attract some top riders to the Coast.“It’s also the first time we are hosting an event under lights and I have to say we are super excited about this opportunity.“A special shout out to Central Coast Council for supporting skateboarding with such an amazing facility and great events.The street section of Bato Yard has one of the largest street areas in Australia and can take multiple users as it has three separate riding lines with multiple obstacles.Some of the unique features to the street league facility include a seven stair set with hand rail, a quarter pipe with coping gap troll door – an angled manual pad, a spine and waterfall combo, a three stair set, five rails with varying height and cross sections – advanced access and use, large slider boxes in association with stair cases and obstacles, volcano feature and butterfly hip, as well as assorted ollie boxes, hubbas, ledge and wedge combos, quarter pipes, flat banks and roll ins.There will be four competing categories – Opens, Ladies, Under 16s and Under 12s – with street skating being introduced into the 2020 Olympics, this competition is bound to attract some interest from top name riders as they can use it as preparation.Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said Bato Yard was built for local riders and to attract major competitions to the region, just like this one.“The facility is continuing to deliver on its promise to attract world class events and providing important opportunities for residents and visitors alike,” Mr Reynolds said.“It’s certainly becoming well known as one of the premier riding facilities in the region, if not the state.“We have also been working hard to make the facility fully accessible which will have the potential to attract even more events such as wheelchair motorcross (WCMX).“It’s already been tested by one of the country’s top WCMX riders and received great reviews.”There is a $5,000 prize pool for the winners as well as the chance to be named the inaugural Bato Yard King of Street.Register now to register your interest at special thank you to the sponsors who are working with Council to help make this event happen:
    Media Release
    Get Involved, Be Heard, Make a Difference!
    Central Coast Council is celebrating National Youth Week with a wide range of events next week where the next generation of leaders are being encouraged to get involved and be heard.Youth Week is organised by young people, for young people across the country from 31 March to 9 April.Council Group Leader Connected Communities, Ms Julie Vaughan, said young people across the Central Coast are being encouraged to share ideas, show off their talents, join in local events and celebrate their contribution to the community – but most of all have fun!“Too often there is a stigma associated with young people and Youth Week gives them a chance to promote a positive image and showcase themselves,” Ms Vaughan said.“We also have events that will provide support as well as live entertainment, skate comps, art competitions and much much more.”Something new to kick off the calendar for 2017 is the Comedy for a Cause Fundraiser tonight (Friday 31 March) with comedians from the Sydney and Melbourne International Comedy Festival that will have you laughing all night.
    Media Release
    Diary of a Wombat: 1 & 2 May at Laycock Street Community Theatre
    Laycock Street Community Theatre is proud to present a brand new Australian play, Diary of a Wombat, based on the multi-award winning picture book by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley.Millions of young people around the world have adored the book, and now finally this iconic work has been adapted for the stage by Monkey Baa, an award-winning theatre company.Featuring stunning puppetry, a live cello score and a brilliant set design in Monkey Baa’s signature style, Diary of a Wombat is suitable for children aged three years and over.Children will be delighted when they meet Mothball, the naughtiest wombat in Australia.Bored with her daily routine, Mothball goes in search of shelter and food, creating chaos in the lives of the humans around her.Doormats, bins and washing lines are no match for this mischievous marsupial.In between a packed schedule of scratching, sleeping and eating, Mothball discovers humans are quite easily trained with a bit of persistence!Director Eva Di Cesare and a team of revered creatives, including Puppetry and Movement Director Alice Osborne (War Horse), Designer Imogen Ross (Hitler’s Daughter) and accomplished composer Oonagh Sherrard (The Tribe) use the magic of puppetry and live music to bring this delightful story to the stage.Jackie French, author of Diary of a Wombat, said "What Monkey Baa has done is extraordinary.
    Media Release
    Improving our Local Sporting Fields
    It’s the crossover between the summer and winter seasons with local sport, and Council has been working hard to make sure our fields are ready for play.New drainage has been installed at four local sports fields as part of our commitment to improve the playing surface of ovals across the Coast.Chittaway Oval, Gavenlock Oval at Narara, Rogers Park at Woy Woy (fields two and three), and Baker Park at Wyong have had drainage installed to improve the quality of the field and increase usage rates.The new drainage will see water quickly disappear from the surface of the field during wet weather, and enable the field to dry out faster after rain - this means after a downpour, people can use the field for training and playing a lot sooner than what they used to.Additionally, irrigation was installed and relevelling carried out at both Rogers Park (fields two and three) and Gavenlock Oval to encourage stronger turf establishment and growth resulting in faster rehabilitation of the playing surface.We have been working with the local sporting clubs who use these fields, and appreciate their patience as we relocated them to other facilities while we carried out these improvement works.Improvements are also continuing at Baker Park, as contractors replace the roof on the grand stand.
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