This program is open once a year. The program opens on 1 June 2025 and close 30 June 2025.
The Community Development Grant Program supports community organisations to implement specific projects and activities that provide community outcomes and enhance the quality of life of residents of the Central Coast as well as strengthening their ability to deliver projects and services that respond to the needs of the community.
Funding of up to $20,000 per project is available.
This program is time limited and covers activities that are able to be completed within an eighteen (18) month timeframe from the date of funding
Key dates
Applications are scheduled for final decision at a Council Meeting approximately 3 months after the application deadline. Council timelines may alter due to the volume of applications/and or Council meeting agendas.
More information
For more information, please contact our Community Grants team on 4325 8861 or email
Additional information, including criteria, eligibility and program objectives.
Complete the online application form on the SmartyGrants platform.