Road safety education
Keeping our residents and visitors safe on our roads is a top priority for Council. We regularly undertake initiatives and projects to help provide a safer environment for all motorists, pedestrians and cyclists, including the delivery of road safety education projects.
A number of road safety education projects are delivered by Council as a collaborative partnership with Transport for NSW under the Local Government Road Safety Program. These projects have a focus on the Central Coast community and are included on this webpage.
Council also works collaboratively with the NSW Police Force to enforce safer choices on Central Coast roads.
For further information on these programs or for any traffic and road enquiries, please contact Council through our online Customer Service Centre or call 02 4306 7900.
Are you an older road user looking to learn more about remaining safe on and around our Central Coast roads?
Watch our series of road safety videos on Council’s YouTube channel. Each video provides advice and safety tips on making safer choices when driving, riding, walking, catching public transport, or driving near (or riding) mobility scooters.
View our online YouTube videos at -
Graduated Licensing Scheme
The Graduated Licensing Scheme (GLS) helps learner drivers gain experience to assist them to become safer drivers by spreading the learning process over four years. It requires learner drivers to have at least 120 hours of supervised experience in a wide variety of situations, including a minimum of 20 hours night time driving.
Parent workshops
We hold free ‘Helping Learner Drivers become Safer Drivers’ workshops each year which are designed for parents and other supervisors of young learner drivers. The two-hour program provides practical advice to help parents in supervising learner drivers.
We hold a limited number of workshops throughout the year. Make sure you follow Council's Facebook page or keep an eye on our What's On section of our website for future event details.
During holiday periods and long weekends, there is an increase in children visiting popular holiday spots.
- Drivers, please take extra care as excited children may be on the road walking or cycling to the beach or playspaces.
- Parents, grandparents and other carers – please hold your child’s hand and keep them safe, so everyone has a wonderful holiday!
Child car seats
Kids count on their parents and carers to keep them safe. Children must be safely fastened in the correct child car seat for their age and size. To find an authorised fitting station or the latest child car seat safety ratings, visit
Increasing your speed, even by just a few kilometres, can significantly increase the risk of a crash. Stay under the speed limit and drive to the conditions. Every K counts.
Drivers, riders and all road users breaking the road rules can be caught anywhere and at any time. Stop it…or cop it.
Please make road safety a priority and slow down.
Go to Transport for NSW's website for more information, tips and advice around speeding to help keep you (and others) safe on our roads.
Planning on a celebration with family and friends? If you’re having alcoholic drinks, don’t drive. What’s your Plan B?
Drinking and boating don't mix – when you're driving a boat, the rules are the same as driving a car.
Go to Transport for NSW's website for more information, tips and advice around alcohol and driving to help keep you (and others) safe on our roads.
It is important to know the signs of driver fatigue:
- yawning
- poor concentration
- sore/tired eyes
- restlessness
- drowsiness
- slow reactions
- boredom
- oversteering
Tips to reduce drive fatigue include:
- Getting a good night’s sleep before driving
- Taking a break or swap drivers when possible
- Remember – Don’t Trust your Tired Self
Go to Transport for NSW's website for more information, tips and advice around fatigue and driving to help keep you (and others) safe on our roads.
Motorcyclists are vulnerable road users due to the lack of protection in the event of a crash.
Motorcyclists can sometimes be hard to see, and it’s important to always check your blind spots and help motorcyclists ride to live.
If you’re riding, know the road rules and look out for hazards to stay safe.
Go to Transport for NSW's website for more information, tips and advice on motorcycle safety to help keep you (and others) safe on our roads.
Planning a road trip?
Be prepared before you leave to go away.
If your vehicle is due for a service, have it done before you head off.
Check your tyres, oil and water before you leave and while you’re away.
Breakdowns and travel delays can occur, take some water and food on your trip.
Double Demerits
Double Demerits are in force over long weekend and some holiday periods.
During these periods, police target:
- Speeding
- Illegal mobile phone use
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Not using a child car seat
- Riding without an approved motorcycle helmet.
Walking on shared pathways
- When walking on a shared pathway, keep to the left to allow room for cyclists to pass.
- Listen out for nearby cyclists who are encouraged to ring their bell to warn pedestrians that they’re about to pass.
- If you stop to talk with someone, if possible move off the shared pathway or footpath, or to the far left of the path.
- Keep dogs on short leads and under control at all times.
Cycling on shared pathways
- Keep to the left. If you’re planning to pass someone, slow down and use your bell or horn to let them know you’re close by and pass carefully on their right side.
- Allow pedestrians one metre of space on shared paths when passing, where possible.
- Travel at a speed that is safe for you and the pedestrians you encounter.
By law, you must wear an Australian and New Zealand approved helmet. Make sure the straps on your helmet are not twisted and it fits securely around your ears and under your chin.
Riding on footpaths is not permitted. Exceptions to this rule are children under 16 years and supervising adult(s), who may ride on the footpath unless signs state otherwise. Children 16 years and older may also ride on the footpath when with an adult accompanying a child/children who are under 16 years.
Go to Transport for NSW's website for information for cyclists.
Wearing a seatbelt doubles the chance of surviving a crash and reduces the risk of injury.
Always make sure your seatbelt is adjusted firmly and lies flat (no twists in the webbing or fabric). The lap portion of a seatbelt should lie across the bony section of the hips and the sash should fall across the chest and mid shoulder.
Go to Transport for NSW's website for information on seatbelts.
School road safety
Parking restrictions around school zones are important to ensure children remain safe when they are dropped off and picked up by parents and carers. Council distributes educational material to familiarise the community on what the key signs in school zones mean.

No Parking
Allows for parents to drop off or pick up during the times shown on the sign. The maximum time to stop is two minutes and the driver must remain in the vehicle or within three metres of the vehicle.

No Stopping
Stopping is not permitted at any time.

Bus zone
Stopping or parking is not permitted within the zone during the times shown on the sign.
Fines and demerit points apply. For further information on school road safety, visit Transport for NSW's website.