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Local Traffic Committee

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is legislated as the organisation responsible for the control of traffic on all roads in New South Wales under the Road Transport (Safety & Traffic Management) Act 1999. In order to deal with the large number and range of traffic related matters effectively, TfNSW has delegated certain aspects of the control of traffic on Local and Regional roads to Council.

The Local Traffic Committee is a technical review committee that operates as an advisory body to Council on traffic related matters. The Committee must include four formal members each with one vote. These four members are a representative from Council, the NSW Police Local Area Command, TfNSW and the Local State Member of Parliament or their representative. The Local State Member or their representative may only vote on matters within their respective electorate. The delegations also provide for the inclusion of State Transit Authority of NSW, private bus company; and taxi operators as informal non-voting representatives, which provide technical advice in relation to their area of expertise. 

Council must operate the Committee in accordance with TfNSW’s ‘A Guide to the Delegation to Councils for the Regulation of Traffic (including the operation of Traffic Committees)'

The Committee meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Thursday of the month, subject to sufficient items for consideration. The Committee considers reports prepared by Council’s Traffic team following investigation of road network matters relating to roads under the control of Central Coast Council i.e., Local and Regional roads. Matters relating to State roads or functions that have not been delegated to Council’s must be referred directly to the TfNSW.

Should residents have any road safety or network concerns they should lodge their concerns with Council’s Traffic team via Council’s 24/7 Online Customer Service Centre or by phoning Council on 02 4306 7900 for investigation and response. Dependent on the outcome of these investigations, matters may be referred to the Local Traffic Committee should they fall within the delegations of the Committee’s functions.

The recommendations contained in the minutes of the Local Traffic Committee are considered for endorsement by Council’s Director Infrastructure Services acting on behalf of Council.

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