A road opening activity involves works that require the opening of Council’s road reserve to access underground utility infrastructure. Find out more and how to apply.
A road opening activity involves works that require the opening or excavation of Council’s road reserve to access or install underground utility infrastructure. The road reserve includes all of the land comprising a public road as well as the carriageway and nature strip from property boundary to property boundary. A road opening permit is usually required for repair work and service connections to water, sewer, electricity, gas, telecommunications, drainage, etc.

A Road Opening Permit must be obtained from Council for all road opening works and activities. These include, but are not limited to the following:
- Water tapping – connecting a house to the water main
- Storm water connections – connecting house downpipes to Council stormwater pipes, pits, kerb or roadside table drains.
- Sewer connection – connecting a house to main sewer lines
- Laying of stormwater pipes
- Laying of water mains
- Potholing to locate underground utility infrastructure
- Undertaking geotechnical test bores
- All other works requiring installation of and/or repairs to underground utility infrastructure.
Why do you need approval from Council for road opening works?
The NSW Roads Act 1993 requires Council consent to be obtained for works within the road reserve to ensure all works comply with Australian Standards and Council policies, standard drawings and specifications. Council needs to ensure that road opening work sites are safe for both vehicles and pedestrians, do not conflict with existing infrastructure such as signs, power poles and street trees, do not conflict with future road work and infrastructure plans, adequately manage utility requirements and do not create hazards within the nature strip area, both during and after works have been completed.
How do you obtain approval for road opening works?
A formal application must be made to Council via eservices that includes a completed copy of the Road Opening Permit Application Form that can be submitted online and appropriate fees paid as outlined in Council’s fees and charges. A How to Guide has been provided for guidance during the online lodgement process.
Where conditions of development consent require separate approval for works within the road reserve under the Roads Act or Local Government Act, approval for those works shall be obtained by lodging with Council an application using the “Application for Subdivision Certificate and other Development related Civil Works Form”. This application must be accompanied by design drawings and other supporting documentation. A separate Road Opening permit will not be required for works approved in this manner.
Additionally, a Road Opening Permit is not required for construction of vehicle access crossings. For further information on how to apply for a vehicle access crossing approval, please view Council’s webpage on Vehicle Access Crossings.
How long does it take to obtain Council approval?
A straightforward application will usually be processed within 14 days. If the application is more complex or requires additional information to be submitted for a more detailed assessment, allow 21-28 days. Please note: these processing times are an indication of average processing times only and the actual processing time for your application may vary.
What is involved in the road opening permit process?
The Road Opening Permit Process Map shows the process undertaken by Council for road opening permit applications received. The Asset Restorations Process Map shows the process undertaken by Council after the road opening works have been completed to ensure all Council assets are restored permanently and to an appropriate standard.
What if the access road is not owned by Council?
Council will not approve road opening activities within a Crown Road or State road without prior approval from the appropriate State Government authority. If the road is a Crown Road, you must first obtain written approval from the appropriate State Government authority and submit this approval with your application to Council.
If the road is a State road managed by the Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) – such as the Pacific Highway and Central Coast Highway – you must first obtain written approval from the RMS and submit this approval with your application.
What construction requirements apply to road opening works?
All road opening works must be undertaken in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards and Central Coast Council’s Standard Drawings and Civil Works Specifications.