Council retains land for a number of strategic and operational purposes including, road and pedestrian access, community and recreational needs, public open space, environmental protection, commercial and economic development activities, and service infrastructure.
Council continually reviews its land portfolio to ensure that assets are being optimally utilised in accordance with their intended use, to identify opportunities for greater utilisation of the land and to recommend disposal if the land is surplus to Council’s needs.
The below information outlines Council’s recent property sales history. General enquires regarding Council property sales can be emailed to
Council Property Sales Information
Properties currently for sale
Properties currently for sale | |||||||
Property Address | Lot/DP | Method Of Sale | Settlement Date | Sale Price | GST Applicable | Gross Sale Price Inc. GST | Council Meeting Updates |
No Current Properties for Sale | |||||||
Totals | | | |
Properties Sold
Property Sales for Financial Year 2024/2025 | |||||||
Property Address | Lot/DP | Method Of Sale | Settlement Date | Sale Price | GST Applicable | Gross Sale Price Inc. GST | Council Meeting Updates |
14 Cowan Street WATANOBBI NSW 2259 | Part Lot 1 DP 800409. Land now part of new Lot 1 DP 1309719 | Direct sale to Tanstra Developments Pty Ltd for not less than market value as determined by Independent Valuation | 17/01/2025 | $25,000 | Yes | $27,500 | Ordinary Council Meeting 13/08/2014 Resolution #884/14-887/14 (Hyperlink not available) |
Totals | | | | $25,000 | $27,500 |
Property Sales for Financial Year 2023/2024 | |||||||
Property Address | Lot/DP | Method Of Sale | Settlement Date | Sale Price | GST Applicable | Gross Sale Price Inc. GST | Council Meeting Updates |
435 Bushells Ridge Road, Bushells Ridge | Lot 192 DP 1032847 | Property sold by private treaty through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 2.2.2024 | $800,000 | Yes | $880,000 | Meeting 27.07.2021 Resolution 202/21 |
17 Rankens Court Wyong | Lot 15 RP656584 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 04.12.2023 | $580,000 | Yes | $638,000 | Meeting 27.07.2021 Resolution 202/21 |
10 Macleay Avenue, Woy Woy | Lot 1162 DP 1018769 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 03.07.2023 | $537,000 | No | $537,000 | Meeting 5/09/2006 Resolution #SF.33 |
104 Pozieres Avenue, Umina Beach | Lot 1 DP 1228100 | Direct sale to Peninsula Village Limited | 12.09.2023 | $365,000 | No | $365,000 | Meeting 28.10.2014 #2014/585 |
14 Elsiemer St Long Jetty | Lot 150 DP 519032 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for market valuation. | 26.10.2023 | $600,000 | No | $600,000 | Meeting 27 July 2021 #202/21 |
Totals | | | | $2,882,000 | $3,020,000 |
Property Sales for Financial Year 2022/2023 | |||||||
Property Address | Lot/DP | Method Of Sale | Settlement Date | Sale Price | GST Applicable | Gross Sale Price Inc. GST | Council Meeting Updates |
10A Cynthia Street Bateau Bay | Lot 900 DP 786123 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 28/07/2022 | $1,830,000 | No | $1,830,000 | |
2A Stornaway Cr Berkeley Vale | Lot 17 DP 262327 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 4/04/2023 | $525,000 | No | $525,000 | Meeting 13/04/2016 Resolution #356-361/16 (Hyperlink not available) |
82 Yarram Road, Bensville | Lot 41 Sec E DP 6113 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for its market valuation. | 13/06/2023 | $500,000 | No | $500,000 | |
84 Yarram Road, Bensville | Lot 42 Sec E DP 6113 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 13/06/2023 | $530,000 | No | $530,000 | |
50 Akora Road, Wyoming | Lot 2 DP 789440 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 30/06/2023 | $405,000 | No | $405,000 | |
Totals | | | | $3,790,000 | $3,790,000 | |
Property Sales for Financial Year 2021/2022 | |||||||
Property Address | Lot/DP | Method Of Sale | Settlement Date | Sale Price | GST Applicable | Gross Sale Price Inc. GST | Council Meeting Updates |
1a Lucca Road, Wyong | Lot 24 DP 1220033 | Property sold by expressions of interest through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 19/07/2021 | $4,850,000 | Yes | $5,335,000 | |
11-23 Wyong Road, Tuggerah | Lots 15-21 DP 25373 | Direct sale to the Mariners FC Developments Pty Ltd, for not less than the market valuation. | 11/11/2021 | $ 130,000 | Yes | $143,000 | |
Warner Industrial Park - 225 Sparks Road and 671, 689, 701, 725, 749, 781, 791, 811 Hue Hue Road, Jilliby, 2259 | Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25 and 26 in DP 259530, Lots 4, 6, 7 and 8 in DP 239704 | Property sold at auction through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 10/12/2021 | $27,031,775 | Yes | $29,700,000 | |
Warnervale Town Centre / Hilltop Park - 236 - 260 Hakone Rd, 99, 103, 107 Sparks Rd Woongarrah (now new address 2 Woongarrah Rd, Woongarrah from recent registration) | Lot 1 DP 376264, Lots 54, 55 DP7527, Lot 1 371647, Lot 1 375712, Lots 51, 52 DP 561032, Lot 41 DP 1200210 (now new lot/DP 1/DP 1275060 from recent registration) | Property sold by private treaty through an external agent, for greater than its market valuation. | 21/02/2022 | $16,000,000 | No | $16,000,000 | |
15-23 Hely St Wyong | Lots 1-5 Sec 1 DP 3136 | Direct sale to the Salvation Army, for not less than the market valuation | 10/03/2022 | $4,000,000 | Yes | $4,400,000 | |
200, 740, and 1550 Thompson Vale Road Doyalson | Lot 762 DP746526, Lots 31-32 DP586913, Lot 78 DP755245 | Property sold by expressions of interest through an external agent, in line with the market valuation. | 6/06/2022 | $5,500,000 | Yes | $6,050,000 | |
Totals | | | | $57,511,775 | $61,628,000 |
Properties under Contract
Property Address | Lot/DP | Council Resolution to Sell | Method of Sale | Agent details |
- | - | - | - | - |