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Gosford CBD Water and Sewer upgrades

Central Coast Council’s Water and Sewer team are working with our contractors to complete an extensive works program to make sure water and sewer infrastructure in the Gosford CBD can keep pace with growth over the next 30 years.

The project will provide a reliable water service to the Gosford CBD to meet the demands of new developments and deliver the vision of Gosford as the capital of the Central Coast. This includes meeting the needs of an increased level of high-rise residential dwellings, the ongoing redevelopment of Gosford Hospital and other developments planned for the Gosford CBD area.

The work includes 43 water main projects and 23 sewer upgrades and proudly funded by the NSW Government through the Housing Acceleration Fund (HAF). Council has received $42.5million in funding through the HAF to deliver these water and sewer infrastructure upgrades which will be competed in 2024.

There will be changes to traffic and temporary road closures throughout the works, visit our road closures page for the latest information.

Gosford waterfront / Dane Drive – works have commenced

We are planning upgrades to the sewer system in the Gosford waterfront area from the edge of Leagues Club Field near Vaughan Avenue through to Mann Street, Gosford. Detailed design is nearing completion and contracts have been awarded for the sewer pump station and pipe work leading across Vaughan Ave, from Leagues Club Park. Works estimated to commence late September. Work will be happening adjacent to the Central Coast Highway, in the grassed area on the eastern side and will get underway in a few months. The works includes increasing the size of the sewer pipework and building a new pumping station. 

Gosford Waterfront / Dane Drive/ Gertrude Street / Fredrick Street/ Henry Parry Drive – works have commenced

Council is constructing a new sewer rising main that will connect to the sewer pump station, which is yet to be constructed. The sewer rising main will be run from the waterfront to connect to the rising main in Frederick Street with works travelling via Shortland Ave and Henry Parry Drive. 

Works are due to commence Monday, 20 May 2024 with works to be completed mid-July 2024* to install a new sewer main along Henry Parry Drive, Gosford. Works will take place between Shortland Street, Gosford and Frederick Street Point Fredrick. The works will generate construction noise which may impact residents who live in close proximity to the project. Noisy works will be planned were possible within daytime hours and the early evening. 

Work will be carried out between 9:30am-2:30pm Monday – Friday and 8pm-5am, Sunday – Thursday. Traffic control will be in place during construction times. 

*These are estimated completion dates, assuming the weather is fine and there are no major issues.

  • A major upgrade of Gosford’s water and sewer infrastructure is required for a number of reasons including:

    • significant forecasted population growth
    • increased number of approved dwellings
    • planned and forecast high-rise developments to be used for a range of purposes including residential, business, health and education
    • development of non-residential floor space and to enable efficient and sustainable redevelopment to occur within the CBD
    • fostering economic growth by enabling development opportunities that create local jobs and reduce the need for Central Coast residents to commute to work 
    • maximizes the usage of existing utility infrastructure 
    • required to position Gosford as the capital of the Central Coast in accordance with the expectations of the NSW Government as per the Central Coast Regional Pan 2016.
  • Recently completed key commercial developments/redevelopments in Gosford include:

    • Gosford Hospital – a number of major developments have been completed and more are planned
    • New Leagues Club Park
    • Bonython Tower (residential tower including street level restaurant and bar)
    • Hotel Gosford
    • Australia Tax Office and NSW Financial Services buildings.

    Upcoming key commercial developments / potential developments include:

    • Gosford Regional Library
    • The Archibald (corner Donnison and Mann Streets) – mixed-Use Development containing commercial/retail, supermarket, hotel and shop top housing across two towers and podium
    • Gosford Alive (Donnison Street at the former ‘Kibbleplex’ site) – applicants approved concept scheme comprises: five towers ranging in height from 18 to 27 storeys (including podium); 727 dwellings, comprising 180x1 bed, 399x2 bed, 148x3 bed apartments; 5,422 m2 commercial premises GFA, including: 1,015 on-site car parking spaces
    • Gosford Leagues Club Redevelopment (Dane Drive) – this concept State Significant Development Application seeks approval for a mixed use development comprising tow towers above a podium. Towers to be situated towards the northern portion of the site, with a mix of uses
    • The Gateway (Watt Street – located in the centre of Gosford opposite Gosford Station and Burns Park) – The concept development proposes three mixed use towers and a public plaza in the centre. 
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