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Council meetings and Councillor briefings sessions

Ordinary meetings of Central Coast Council are generally held at 6.30pm on the fourth Tuesday evening of the month, in accordance with the Code of Meeting Practice adopted at the 23 July, 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.

Council may convene an Extraordinary Meeting outside these regular times, for which public notification will be provided on this website.An agenda (business papers) is made available before each Council meeting that details the items to be discussed. Agendas are released as soon as practicable but within three business days of the meeting, and are available online here. Shortly after each meeting, the minutes are also published online.

Meetings are run in accordance with the Council's Code of Meeting Practice and Code of Conduct. Public Council meetings are also livestreamed so that you may access what is discussed without attending in person.

The location of Council meetings is the Central Coast Council Chambers, 2 Hely Street Wyong. The Councillor briefing sessions will be held in one of the function rooms on level 2 of the Council Administration Building, 2 Hely Street Wyong. Information about upcoming Council meetings and Councillor briefing sessions is further detailed below. 

Upcoming Council meeting and Councillor briefing session dates

DateTimeMeeting Type
Tuesday 11 March 20256:00pmExtraordinary Council Meeting
Tuesday, 25 March 20256:30pmCouncil Meeting
Tuesday, 29 April 20256:30pmCouncil Meeting
Tuesday, 27 May 20256:30pmCouncil Meeting
Monday, 23 June 20256:30pmCouncil Meeting

Attending Council meetings

Members of the public may register to attend Council meetings held at the Central Coast Council Chambers in person. Attendance numbers are limited and pre-registration may be completed via the following link

Members of the public can also view the livestream of the meeting by visiting the Central Coast Council Live Stream on YouTube.

Speaking at Council meetings - Public Forum

Council will hold a Public Forum prior to each Ordinary Council Meeting (subject to speaker registrations). The Public Forum will commence at 6:00pm and run for 30 minutes. Members of the public who wish to address Council in the Public Forum must complete and submit the request to speak form, nominating the agenda item they wish to speak on. Registration closes at 10am on the day of the Public Forum. It is a requirement that speakers at the Public Forum submit their speeches in writing with the request to speak form for consideration of the Mayor prior to the Public Forum.

Speakers will be confirmed by Council staff and will receive information about participating in the Public Forum at the Council Chambers prior to the meeting. Public Forums will be publicly broadcast on Council’s livestream channel.

Attending Councillor briefing sessions

Councillor briefing sessions are a forum for the Chief Executive Officer and senior Council officers to address any Councillor questions and provide background on matters coming before Council for decision. 

The sessions provide a valuable opportunity to enhance Council’s decision-making processes by allowing Councillors to become better informed on issues and seek further clarification before making decisions at formally constituted Council Meetings.

No decision-making or voting takes place at these meetings, they are for information only. This information is subject to change during the course of decision-making.

According to section 7.1 of the Central Coast Council Councillor Briefings and Workshops Policy, briefing sessions and workshops are not formal meetings of Council. A session may be closed to the public to allow attendees to receive, discuss or consider a confidential matter. The decision to close a briefing session to the public for confidential reasons will be made at the discretion of the CEO.

If all topics for discussion are of a confidential nature, the Briefing Session will not be open to the public. However, if one or more of the topics are confidential, they will be considered at the end of the agenda allowing the public to leave before the discussion.

There is no livestreaming of these briefings.

Tuesday 11 February 2025 Councillor Briefing session


Agendas and minutes

View all Agendas, Business Papers and Minutes from 2021 onwards listed in the date order of the Council meetings.

View archived Council meeting Agendas, Business Papers and Minutes from 2016-2020.


Community notice: Due to a technical failure, audio was unavailable for the Council meeting webcast dated 26 November 2024. The period of unavailability was between 6.00 and 8.20pm

Watch the Council meetings livestream.

Please note that Confidential Sessions within a Council meeting will not be livestreamed.

The livestream of Council meetings is not, and shall not, be taken to be an official record of Central Coast Council or of any meeting or discussion depicted therein. Central Coast Council does not accept liability for any defamatory remarks or inappropriate comments that are made during the course of a meeting. Recordings of Council meetings are copyright protected and cannot be reused or reproduced without approval from Council.

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