Media Releases
Media Release
Central Coast Council is asking for public comment on the first strategy to manage flying-foxes on the Central Coast.The Central Coast Flying-Fox Management Strategy, assisted by the New South Wales Government and supported by Local Government NSW, provides a framework for the management of all local flying-fox camps and their habitats.Council Director Assets, Infrastructure & Business, Mike Dowling, said the Strategy was developed in partnership with other regional councils to provide a consistent approach to flying-fox management.“Whilst the strategy has a local focus, our collaboration with Hunter Councils Environment Division acknowledges that flying-fox colonies extend beyond our region and confirms the commitment by Council to delivering a holistic and sustainable management approach,” Mr Dowling said.“Flying-foxes are key to the biodiversity of our region and play an important role as pollinators and seed dispersers for many of our native trees.“It is about ensuring the protection of these species with a strategy that proactively addresses the lack of understanding and potential conflicts in our urban areas.”The Strategy considers the four known active flying-fox roosting or ‘camp’ areas on the Central Coast - Watanobbi, Woy Woy, North Avoca and Wyoming - along with dormant historic or new camps which may become active in the future.Mayor Smith said that Council’s exhibition of the strategy will provide an opportunity for input from the community.“Community feedback is an important part of this process and we want the community to review the strategy and have your say,” Mayor Smith said.“Once the Strategy has been adopted, Council will be eligible to apply for funding to help manage issues that may arise from local flying fox populations.“Council will also undertake further education and engagement with the community as the Strategy is rolled out.”Details of the Central Coast Flying-fox Management Strategy and how to put in a submission can be found at
Media Release
Central Coast Council and NSW Police are working together to reduce speeding related crashes and fatalities in the region through a targeted education and enforcement campaign across May.Speeding is a factor in 23 per cent of crashes causing injury or ‘casualty crashes’ on the Central Coast, seven per cent higher than the NSW average.
Media Release
Central Coast Council is working on its submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART) review of water, sewerage and stormwater prices on the Central Coast.Council Director Assets and Infrastructure, Mike Dowling said the IPART pricing review would be the first for the merged Council and will set prices for customers from 1 July, 2019.“As Council is a designated Water Authority, prices for water, sewerage and stormwater services are set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal,” Mr Dowling said.“IPART usually conduct a review of all of the water, sewerage and stormwater charges for our customers every four years and then set the prices for the next four year period.“Council is preparing a comprehensive pricing proposal for the current review.“Our community will have to a number of opportunities to input into our submission.
Media Release
The Central Coast Series Champions for 2018 have been named in an exciting final at Bato Yard during National Youth Week 2018, scooping a total prize pool of $5000.Three heats were held at Wadalba Skate Park, Umina Skate Park and Bato Yard where young riders of all ages and abilities showed off their skills on BMX, skate, scooter or WCMX (wheelchair) for their chance to claim the Central Coast Series Champion title in the nail-biting final.Council Unit Manager Community Partnerships, Glenn Cannard, said the event continues to be extremely popular, with large crowds, strong competition and a lot of fun had by all those involved.“This event gets bigger and better each year with more competitors, the use of new venues and a larger prize pool.” Mr Cannard said.“It is an important event run by the Council during National Youth Week, providing a great opportunity for young people on the Central Coast to participate and showcase their talents.”National Youth Week is organised by young people, for young people aged 12-24 years in a number of communities across the state and country from 13-22 April.The Central Coast Council celebrated the important initiative with a wide range of events including the Central Coast Series to encourage the next generation of leaders to get involved and be heard.“Young people across the Central Coast were encouraged to share ideas, show off their talents, join in local events – but most of all have fun!” Mr Cannard said.“This year’s Youth Week was perfectly timed with the school holidays which kept everyone entertained during the break.“In addition to this major skate competition, we held a bumper calendar of events for the Central Coast community ranging from live entertainment, art competitions and more.”Other key Council supported events included the RISE UP & CREATE Exhibition Opening & Award Presentation at the Oasis Central which included a Youth Visual Arts Exhibition, and the popular GOATS Family Festival which celebrated its 20th anniversary with large crowds, live bands, market stalls, showbags, cultural performances, art, animals and rides.Free aspiring filmmaker workshops were also held at the Erina Centre and Lake Munmorah Community Centre for those interested in the craft and a short film created through one of our youth programs, Idea to Screen, aired on ABC iView last night.“‘I Dream’ gave young participants an insight into the film making process thanks to one of the many programs we run at The Hub, Erina.” Mr Cannard said“Youth Week is a great opportunity to promote a positive image of our young people and celebrate their contribution to the community.”We congratulate the Central Coast Series Champions 2018:SkateU’12:
Media Release
Central Coast Council Administration Offices and a number of other services will be closed on 25 April for Anzac Day.
Media Release
Council calls for urgent action on asbestos at Wamberal BeachA Management Plan will be developed and reported to the next Council meeting on how the asbestos issue at Wamberal and Terrigal Beaches will be resolved in the interests of public safety.Council has also requested that the Acting CEO proactively release the Wamberal Beach NSW Storm Erosion Remediation Report.Mayor Jane Smith there was genuine concern in the community about the potential presence of asbestos containing material at Wamberal and Terrigal Beaches, and that Council needed to take decisive action to resolve it.“I commend staff, and particularly Acting CEO Brian Glendenning for their swift action in removing asbestos from these beaches and securing the beach for the safety of beachgoers,” Mayor Smith said.“Council has certainly been proactive in the short term but the focus now needs to be on coming up with a long term strategy that will satisfy beachgoers, local landowners and the community.“We are committed to continue to working with the State Government, particularly the Environment Protection Authority (EPA), to resolving this issue in the best interests of our community.”Council staff are currently conducting at least twice weekly inspections of Wamberal and Terrigal Beaches Council reminds residents to report any material potentially containing asbestos at either beach to the Environment Protection Authority or Council straight away and not remove the material themselves.The Council also requested that the Acting CEO publish an information sheet concerning the potential risks associated of contact with asbestos material, and distribute that information sheet to residents that live next to Wamberal and Terrigal beaches.Council resolves to deliver Regional Performing Arts Centre for Gosford CBD Council tonight has reconfirmed a Regional Performing Arts and Conference Centre (RPACC) will be built in the Gosford CBD.A rescission motion to move the site to Poppy Park instead was lost with the Mayor using her casting vote to confirm RPACC will be built as part of a cultural precinct starting at 51-71 Mann Street (Old Broadwater Hotel site).Mayor Jane Smith said with the discussion and debate now finalised, it is time to work together with the community and the state and federal governments to ensure this key project is delivered.“There is significant state and federal funding at stake that we will lose if we do not get on with delivering this project,” Mayor Smith said.‘We have run out of time to deliberate - it is time for decisive action.“The community has significant investment and interest in progressing this project and have waited long enough.“Our energy and focus must be on making it a reality and that is what we intend to do.“The RPACC will be key drawcard to the Gosford CBD and will help create an active and engaged arts and cultural hub in the region’s capital.“We can now move with confidence to the design phase and are committed to working with all our partners, including the Conservatorium of Music, to ensure we meet the needs of arts and broader community, by delivering an iconic and economically viable facility we can all be proud of.”The community and key stakeholders will be consulted on the detailed design as this project moves forward.Current construction schedule is the build is expected to get underway in January 2019 and will take 18 months.Council defers decision on Regional Library Council has deferred a final decision on a Regional Library to consider the commercial viability of a modern facility the community have said they want for the Gosford CBD.Following a detailed Councillor workshop, a further report on a revised proposal for a Regional Library in Gosford will be presented to the 28 May 2018 Council meeting.Mayor Jane Smith said that although this delays the final decision a little it provides a final opportunity for Councillors to look at a more detailed design in the context of a cultural precinct and reach consensus on a way forward.“We need to ensure we create a truly iconic building in the city centre, helping to attract business and investment to the area as well as increase connectivity amongst educational institutions,” Mayor Smith said.“This catalyst project for the CBD must be a central meeting point for locals and visitors alike creating a true innovation centre and drawcard to the city centre.“Libraries are at the heart of creating liveable, connected and sustainable cities and that is definitely what we want to see for the Gosford CBD.”Council Director of Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan, took the opportunity to emphasise that the development of the Gosford Regional Library is not dependent on the closure of any existing branches.“I want to be very clear – the development of a Regional Library is not contingent on branches in the Peninsula, or elsewhere, being closed,” Ms Vaughan said.“Our ability to meet contemporary and future needs of the region has been constrained for a long time due to our current library buildings size and capabilities.“This has highlighted an overwhelming need for us to provide a multi-use Regional Library where our community can meet, connect and learn.“Next financial year we will be carrying out a review of our current Library Services in order to create a better and more sustainable service for the community.“The review will include consultation with the community to gain an improved understanding of what resources and services they value and want to see from our Libraries.”First ever Central Coast Community Strategic Plan released Council has released One – Central Coast, a draft of the first ever Community Strategic Plan for the region.Read full media release here.New Chief Executive Officer recruitment on trackThe process to appoint a new permanent Chief Executive Officer for Central Coast Council is on track following a confidential discussion at tonight’s Council meeting.Mayor Jane Smith said she was pleased that the process of selecting a new Chief Executive Officer for Central Coast Council was on schedule and she expected an announcement to be made in the next few weeks.“With the assistance of the appointed recruitment agency, Davidson, the Councillor panel made up of myself, Deputy Mayor Holstein, Councillor Burke and Councillor Hogan conducted interviews with shortlisted candidates,” Mayor Smith said.“All Councillors were then invited to a second interview and presentation with the final shortlist and we are now in the process of completing final checks.“Following tonight’s meeting and the resolution of Council, we will complete the final checks and move to offer the Chief Executive Officer position to our preferred candidate.“This has been an important process and I look forward to being able to provide further information soon,” Mayor Smith said.Council calls on State Government to prioritise dredging of Ettalong Channel Council has reconfirmed its position that the State Government is responsible for navigable waters and should completely fund the dredging of the Ettalong Channel.Council will request that the NSW Minister for Roads receive a delegation from Council, to attempt to make dredging of the Ettalong Channel a priority for the NSW Government.Mayor Jane Smith said it was important the community understood the NSW Government collect significant fees from marine activities in Brisbane Water and it is that funding that should be put back into making the Channel navigable.“The State Government collects significant fees from maritime activities on Brisbane Water including licensing, boat registrations, licences issued to the ferry service itself and the use of moorings and other State-owned facilities – what we need to understand is just how much money that is,” Mayor Smith said.“I believe it will be more than enough to pay for the dredging without Council needing to take money from other essential services to pay for what is a State Government responsibility.“That is the position we will take directly to the Minister and we ask the community to join us and call on the State Government to prioritise dredging of the Ettalong Channel.”Council will publish a fact sheet for marine users and local residents detailing how dredging is a State Government responsibility and what they can do to request action.Council supports best practice in proactive release of information to the publicCouncil has resolved to support the development of a robust Proactive Release Program over the next 12 months to give the community greater access to a range of Council held information, including documentation that helps Council make informed decisions.The Program will create a framework to promote the efficient and useful release of Council information.
Media Release
Council has released One – Central Coast, a draft of the first ever Community Strategic Plan for the region.The plan represents the culmination of 18 months of extensive consultation with the community and establishes a road map for the future of the Central Coast over the next decade.Mayor Jane Smith said the process to develop the Coast’s first ever Community Strategic Plan has engaged many thousands of people in the local community and is a true representation of what our community think, feel, want and value.“The release of the first Community Strategic Plan for the Central Coast is significant in many ways,” Mayor Smith said.“It is the first single plan that defines the priorities of our community and represents a considered and evidence-based roadmap for the future of the Central Coast.“It defines the environmental and social qualities the community have told us they love about the Central Coast and provides a clear path of action for what Council needs to prioritise and deliver to meet the needs of our growing population.“As inhabitants of the sixth-largest urban area in Australia, we have the opportunity to harness and direct our potential more than ever before.”The draft Plan comprises five key themes based on this vision that encapsulate the voice and values of the Central Coast community:BelongingSmartGreenResponsibleLiveableThe Plan also defines a Community vision - “We are the Central Coast.
Media Release
Central Coast residents have provided near record levels of feedback on the future of the region’s footpaths, bike paths and shared paths.
Media Release
Central Coast Council is partnering with The Art House to put on a showcase of work by some of the region’s most talented artists and launch a new creative program.For one night only, Thursday 26 April, The Art House will feature six films and a live performance created by professional artists on the Central Coast – including the premiere of the film The Central Coast:
Media Release
In commemoration of ANZAC Day on Wednesday 25 April, Central Coast Council is supporting events being held at a number of venues across the Central Coast.Services will be held on Wednesday 25 April at Davistown, Doyalson, Empire Bay, Gosford, Ourimbah, Terrigal, The Entrance, Toukley, Woy Woy and Wyong.To carry out the Dawn Services, Main Marches and Main Services safely, there will be a number of road closures in place to accommodate the crowd numbers for this significant celebration.Doyalson8.15am - Southbound lanes from Raw Challenge and Wyee Rd.
Media Release
The local community’s vision for a purpose-built, safe and inclusive place to skate in Terrigal will soon become a reality when the construction of a new skate park gets underway at Terrigal Lagoon Reserve.
Media Release
Central Coast Council has been successful in securing $36,000 in the latest Round of NSW Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Litter Grants to help tackle the growing issue of roadside litter on the Coast.The Central Coast Roadside Litter Project has identified three roadside litter hotspots at Blue Haven Link Road, Somersby Industrial Park and Kariong M1 on ramp.Council Unit Manager Learning and Education, Beth Burgess said the project will provide an integrated approach to litter prevention including education and awareness, infrastructure, regulation and enforcement at each target site.“This project is all about encouraging behaviour change and educating the community on how to report littering from vehicles,” Mrs Burgess said.“The grant funding will be going towards clean-ups of target areas, roadside signs at each site reminding motorists how to report littering from vehicles to the EPA as well as installation of 19 dash cams in Rangers vehicles.“There will be increased Ranger patrols in these areas, increasing your chance of being caught if you do litter.“With the main litter identified as single use takeaway containers and drink containers, we will also be handing out 2500 reusable polyester tidy bags to local businesses.“The idea behind them is motorists and passengers can keep rubbish with them until they are able to dispose of it responsibly and not worry about any leftover food or drinks spilling in their vehicles – the bags can then be rinsed and reused.“Right now we are asking for businesses in and around the three target areas to come on board as partners to hand out the tidy bags.”Visit for information on how businesses can register their interest.Council Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan, emphasised reducing litter was a key priority for Council.“Littering of single use containers and bottles is a major issue for our environment and it is imperative we do something about it,” Ms Vaughan said.“Thanks to this project we will see some tangible outcomes to address the current state of these roadsides as well as prevent it in the future.“This is not something Council can tackle alone – we really need the whole community to get behind this initiative to stop littering in their own backyards and help protect our incredible and unique region.”The project is an extension of the current Mountain District Roadside Litter Project and supports the Council’s promotion of the EPA’s Don’t be a Tosser campaign.Littering from vehicles can be reported to the EPA online at or via the Report to EPA mobile App - it is unlawful for drivers to use a mobile phone to record this information unless the car is parked and keys are removed from the ignition.This project is a NSW EPA Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.
Media Release
Central Coast Council has installed 19 new CCTV cameras in Terrigal and Copacabana to increase the community’s sense of safety in these popular local neighbourhoods.Now operational, the 13 CCTV cameras in Terrigal and 6 in Copacabana were jointly funded by a $550,000 grant under round two of the Federal Government’s Safer Streets Programme and $90,000 from Council’s operating budget.Cameras in Terrigal are located on Terrigal Drive, Kurrawyba Avenue, The Scenic Highway, Ash Street, Terrigal Haven and The Skillion.Cameras at Copacabana are located in Del Monte Place, Pampas Avenue, Copacabana Skate Park and Captain Cook Lookout.Mayor Jane Smith said that she welcomed this partnership with the Federal Government.
Media Release
Trained Central Coast Council staff have removed a small amount of asbestos from Wamberal Beach and opened the beach to the public this morning.
Media Release
Central Coast Council welcomes the State Government’s initiative to increase safety for rock fishing through the opportunity to opt-in to mandatory wearing of lifejackets while rock fishing.Many rock fishers already wear life jackets.
Media Release
The dredging program of The Entrance Channel is underway.
Media Release
Central Coast Council will proceed with a new multi-storey Regional Library in the heart of the Gosford CBD.That decision for a catalyst project in the Gosford CBD followed extensive consultation with the community on two options for the Library.
Media Release
The Coast’s highly anticipated Regional Sporting and Recreation Complex, poised to open in September, will be accepting expressions of interest from April 10, for significant events that will generate economic and social benefits for the local area.Stage 1 of the Central Coast Regional Sporting & Recreation Complex is being jointly funded from the Australian Government ($10 million) and the Central Coast Council ($13.71 million).The complex, located at Tuggerah, spans 18.28 hectares and consists of nine playing fields, accessible amenities and shared pathways.
Media Release
The NSW Seniors Festival kicked off this week and Central Coast Council will celebrate with more than 80 events across the region until 15 April.Celebrating its 60th anniversary, the NSW Seniors Festival is the largest event for seniors in the southern hemisphere and is now a two week long celebration.It is significant here on the Coast with more than 27 per cent of the Coast’s population aged over 60 years – well above the NSW State average of 22 per cent.Council Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan, said the Festival celebrates seniors and their significant contribution to the community as workers, volunteers, neighbours, friends, parents and grandparents.“The Festival provides local seniors with a great opportunity to get together, make new friends, learn a new skill or try something different,” Ms Vaughan said.“We have put together a fun, active and creative calendar that features a wide range of events for people to choose from,” Ms Vaughan said.“The Festival also gives us a chance to highlight the wide range of programs run at our 50+ Leisure & Learning Centres and Seniors Centres for our ageing community.”Council Mayor Jane Smith said the Festival is a great way to celebrate the contribution local seniors make to their families and community on the Central Coast.“Older people play a vital role in our community and it’s important they feel valued, safe and are able to actively participate in their community,” Mayor Smith said.“With a growing ageing population, it’s important we ensure older people living on the Central Coast have a good quality of life and our community is inclusive, age friendly and promotes independence and dignity for people of all ages.“This is your time to shine as a senior citizen on the Central Coast – have fun and celebrate your age, wisdom and experience in a fun and friendly environment.“Get out there and try something new, show off your skills doing something you love and spend time with friends, new or old – there’s something for everyone!”Check out the full program for the NSW Seniors Festival at or pick up a copy from your local library or 50+ Leisure & Learning Centres and Seniors Centres.
Media Release
Central Coast Council has welcomed plans released today by the Government Architect to activate the Gosford CBD.Mayor Jane Smith said Council would be looking very closely at the proposed activation of the area including the benefits of locating the heart of the CBD around Kibble Park.“Council is pleased that the Government Architect has released the plans for the public to see and I can assure you that our staff will be looking closely at these over the coming weeks and preparing a report for Council,” Mayor Smith said.