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Media Releases



    Media Release
    Canton Beach remains closed following recent rains
    Central Coast Council has continued to monitor water quality at Canton Beach with daily sampling following a sewer rising main break in Wattle Street on 22 December.Council was scheduled to partially reopen Canton Beach today, however recent rain has seen water quality readings decline and the area is deemed unsuitable for swimming, fishing and recreational activities.Heavy rainfall increases the risk of our waterways being impacted by pollution due to stormwater run-off.Council works in partnership with Department of Planning, Industry and Environment in the Beachwatch Program to monitor and report on water quality across our region.Further information can be found on our website
    Media Release
    Administrator's Column - CEO Employment Termination Payment - January 11
    It is understandable that the community is angry about the ‘full payout’ given to the former Central Coast Council CEO following his termination. I was too because as I said in my 30-Day Report, the former CEO did not adequately perform key parts of the role and therefore was a major contributor to the financial decline confronting the Council.However, given the provisions of the contract and the laws governing employee legal rights, a full payout of 38 weeks was necessary.
    Media Release
    Consultation underway on a rate rise to secure the Coast’s future
    Central Coast Council is encouraging the community to have their say on options for a rate rise to secure the long-term financial sustainability and service delivery for the Central Coast.Council has notified the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) of its intention to apply for a Special Variation (SV) of either a one-off ten percent remaining in the rate base for seven years or a one-off fifteen percent, remaining permanently in the rate base, inclusive of the 2021/22 rate peg of 2%.Acting CEO Rik Hart said he understood community concern about paying more rates but this was needed for Council’s long-term financial security and ongoing service delivery which would benefit everyone.“We have been open with the community about our financial situation and are taking significant steps to help our bottom line – we are selling assets, reducing staff numbers and materials and contracts, reducing the capital works program, looking at fees and charges and we have been able to secure further loans,” Mr Hart said.“The last thing we want to do is put more burden on our ratepayers.
    Media Release
    Terrigal BMX track closed for upgrade
    The BMX track at Duffys Reserve, Terrigal will be closed for two months while the track is being upgraded by Central Coast Council. Work will begin this week on upgrading the tracks’ jumps, asphalting berms and laying of a new polymer all weather surface   on dirt sections of the track.The redevelopment will make the track more accessible and functional, particularly during wet weather and will ensure it meets BMX Australia’s specifications.The $300,000 project is being funded by the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Fund and is expected to be completed by mid-March.ENDS
    Media Release
    Council’s summer school holiday program
    Families have plenty of options to keep the kids entertained over the summer break, with Central Coast Council offering an exciting range of online and face-to-face school holiday activities to keep young minds occupied and imaginations stimulated. Parents, carers and guardians can visit the School Holidays event page on Council’s website to find out everything that’s taking place over the break, and can easily search for activities by date, location and age. There is something for all ages and interests, from green living workshops, robotics experiences and reading challenges to sports programs, craft workshops, laser tag challenges and much more. All face-to-face programs will operate in a COVID-safe way, including limited numbers in each workshop with all participants carers required to register with contact detail in accordance with NSW. Visit for the full list of events, details and bookings. What's On at our Leisure CentresCouncil’s Leisure Centres have another packed schedule of swimming and sporting activities to keep kids active and busy these summer holidays.
    Media Release
    Council finalising repair of sewer rising main at Canton Beach
    Central Coast Council’s alarm system alerted crews to a sewer rising main break in Wattle Street, Canton Beach in the early hours on Tuesday 22 December 2020.A crew was dispatched to site and have contained flows being discharged from the site of the break.Clean-up works will continue through the day and community members and visitors should not swim at Canton Beach until further notice.
    Media Release
    Administrator's Column - December 21
    At the meeting of Council last Monday evening, I brought on an Administrator’s Minute to consider, in addition to the Special Rate Variation (SRV) of 10% previously resolved by Council, that consultation also be undertaken on an increase of 15%.
    Media Release
    Council accepts loan terms
    Central Coast Council accepted the offer of a principal and interest loan for $100M in an Extraordinary Council Meeting held this afternoon.The terms as dated 18 December are for a fixed 3 year loan amortizing over 15 years.   The loan will assist Council with a positive budget for the next financial year and long term 10 year financial plan.
    Media Release
    Gallery catches perfect wave
    Experience breathtaking work from four of Australia’s leading surf photographers at Gosford Regional Gallery this summer.It Seems to Come in Waves is a must-see exhibition for lovers of the ocean, surfing and photography.Central Coast Council Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan said this collection of works by Ryan Heywood, Spence Hornby, Reed Plummer and Luke Shadbolt embodies the expansive and powerful beauty of the ocean.“The ocean is a big part of our lives here on the Coast and this incredible exhibition will appeal to a very broad audience,” Ms Vaughan said.“You are taken on a journey through the myriad of waves encountered by surfers of all types and this is a not-be-missed experience for anybody who loves surfing or photography.”Developments in technology – including drone and underwater cameras – have taken the art of ocean photography to new levels and this is evident in the awe inspiring beauty of It Seems to Come in Waves.Council Administrator, Mr Dick Persson AM said he encouraged locals and visitors to head to Gosford Regional Gallery for the exhibition.“You can’t go far on the Central Coast without being exposed to spectacular bodies of water and this exhibition will mesmerise and inspire anybody who loves the ocean.”Find out more about It Seems to Come in Waves – 5 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 – at Gosford Regional Gallery –
    Media Release
    Play a part in wiping out illegal graffiti this summer
    With the school holidays approaching, Central Coast Council is reminding the community that everyone has a part to play in keeping our local areas graffiti-free and enjoyable for everyone.Council Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan said residents and businesses who find graffiti on their property are encouraged to pick up free graffiti removal kits to tackle the problem.“The longer graffiti remains visible, the more likely it is to increase,” Ms Vaughan said.“If you find graffiti on your property, we recommend removing it as soon as possible using our free graffiti removal kits, which are available to all residents and businesses on the Central Coast.“Each kit contains Soy Safe graffiti remover, protective eyewear, gloves and a scrubbing brush.“You can pick up a kit from our Wyong and Gosford customer service centres, as well as all Central Coast library branches.”Council Administrator, Dick Persson AM said graffiti vandalism is a complex issue, which requires Council, community members and the police to work together on the solution.“As one of the most visible crimes, graffiti can impact on perceptions of public safety and community pride, which is why it is so important that we all work together to tackle this issue,” Mr Persson said.“Some simple steps that community members can take to play their part is to report it when you see it and if you do spot it on your own property, be sure to pick up a free kit and remove it straight away.”Graffiti removal kits can be picked up from all Central Coast libraries and Council’s Gosford and Wyong customer service centres.
    Media Release
    Office of the Administrator Media Release - Administrator denies any plans to sell Central Coast Water
    Central Coast Council Administrator, Mr Dick Persson AM said media reports that there was a plan to sell Central Coast water is absolutely untrue. “I suspect this story has been placed by a person trying to deflect from their contribution to the financial disaster which is upon the Central Coast Council” said Mr Persson. “This issue was mentioned in a media interview on ABC with one of the local members of parliament, and a prominent local business man told me it was something that should be looked into.
    Media Release
    It’s been a big year...take a big seat!
    Young people, disability and community groups, along with The Entrance Men’s Shed have come together with their creative talents to create the Big Chair interactive art installations, which are now set up in five Central Coast town centres for the local community and visitors to enjoy this Summer.Five oversized wooden chairs have been constructed by members of The Entrance Men’s Shed and used as the canvas for artwork created by young people from Gorokan and Terrigal High Schools and The Epicentre Community Centre, plus a team from Fairhaven’s Australian Disability Enterprise Team.
    Media Release
    Office of the Administrator Media Release - Administrator requests the Prime Minister to intervene to assist in managing coastal erosion
    Central Coast Council Administrator, Mr Dick Persson AM has made a request to the Federal Government to intervene and provide leadership in managing coastal erosion. Mr Persson said current devastating events further north on the east coast highlights the need for the Federal Government to take a lead in managing coastal erosion to deliver a long term solution. “Yesterday I wrote to the Prime Minister The Hon Scott Morrison MP encouraging the Federal Government to provide the necessary leadership on what is clearly becoming a national emergency,” said Mr Persson.“I acknowledge both state and local governments have responsibilities particularly in terms of managing the crises as they are happening however it is now clear that national leadership is required in managing coastal erosion for the long term."Mr Persson states in previous appointments he has dealt with serious coastal erosion problems, in particular the devasting 2016 coastal erosion event at Collaroy NSW, with the famous image of the private swimming pool ending up on the beach.“Wamberal residents on the Central Coast have recently experienced their own devastating erosion event, where we saw images of houses hanging by a thread.“More and more we are seeing our coastlines and communities being severely impacted by coastal erosion events. “While the argument receiving most publicity is over seawalls, whether to have them and who should pay, the expert advice is that the only real long term option for preventing the loss of many of our beaches lies in large-scale sand nourishment sourced from off shore deposits.“These events are occurring in many parts of Australia and are happening more often and with greater intensity.
    Media Release
    Little Terns at risk due to irresponsible behaviour
    Central Coast Council is imploring the community to modify their behaviour for the sake of the nesting Little Terns at The Entrance North.Council Unit Manager Environmental Management, Luke Sulkowski said the behaviour by individuals at The Entrance North was creating a significant impact on the endangered species.“So many of our community celebrate the arrival of these special birds every year, and while Council have played our part to protect them with fencing and signage, it is also up to the community to do their part,” Mr Sulkowski said.“Unfortunately, people have been ignoring the fencing and signage and continue to use the nesting site as a short cut to and from Karagi Point.
    Media Release
    Consolidated planning controls provide consistency and certainty around future development on the Central Coast
    Council has reached an important milestone with the adoption of the consolidated region-wide Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (CCLEP) and Development Control Plan (CCDCP) to help alleviate planning complexities and inconsistencies across the region and creating certainty for residents and the local development industry.Since amalgamation the Central Coast has been operating under five different planning instruments each with different planning controls.  These include: Gosford Local Environmental Plan 2014 (GLEP 2014);
    Media Release
    Sporting codes find new home at Garnet Adcock Memorial Park (Adcock Park), West Gosford
    Five community sporting codes now have access to a new purpose-built amenity building at Garnet Adcock Memorial Park.The West Gosford sports facility serves thousands of Central Coast residents who participate in AFL, netball, cricket, touch football, Oztag, cycling and athletics.
    Media Release
    Highlights of the 14 December 2020 Council Meeting
    Council considers increasing IPART application by 5%Council will consider applying to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) for a fifteen percent Special Rate Variation (SRV), inclusive of the rate peg, to secure the long-term financial future of Council.Consideration of an alternative rate rise is now on the table.
    Media Release
    Administrator's Column - December 14
    It has been two weeks since delivering my 30-Day Interim Report.
    Media Release
    Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf open over end-of-year period
    Central Coast Council will pause construction of the new Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf and open the existing main wharf over the busy Christmas and New Year’s Eve period.Construction of the new wharf will stop on 23 December 2020 and recommence on 11 January 2021.During this end-of-year period the existing Woy Woy Town Centre Wharf will be available for use by recreational boat users.
    Media Release
    Council office closures over Christmas and New Year
    Central Coast Council offices will be closed over the holiday season from Thursday 24 December 2020, reopening on Thursday 7 January 2021.The Gosford and Wyong Offices, Council works depots and Laycock Street Community Theatre are all included in this closure.
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