Media Releases
Media Release
The Central Coast is once again being recognised as a leading New South Wales destination, with the exciting announcement that Central Coast Council – Destination Central Coast taking home Silver in the 2022 NSW Tourism Awards held on 17 November at Luna Park, Sydney.This highly respected Silver Award is the second consecutive win for Council’s Marketing and Tourism team in the Local Government Award for Tourism category, with Council taking out Bronze in that same category in the 2021 NSW Tourism Awards.Council’s Director Community and Recreation Services, Melanie Smith, said the successful win acknowledges some major milestone achievements this year for Council’s in-house team.“In 2022 we have achieved Australian ECO Destination Certification as well as Outstanding Region in this year's delicious Harvey Norman Produce Awards, and global Top 100 List status two years running.“The Silver Local Government Award for Tourism celebrates the outstanding innovation and resilience of our region's tourism industry, and the progressive steps Council is taking to continually develop and strengthen the Central Coast’s visitor economy.”Presented by NSW Tourism Industry Council and powered by Business NSW, the annual NSW Tourism Awards recognises businesses who exemplify quality tourism, with excellence, leadership and innovation awarded across 25 categories.Other local Central Coast tourism operators were also successful in their respective categories including the Australian Reptile Park at Somersby and NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Resort at Umina both winning a Silver Award at the ceremony.Glenworth Valley Outdoor Adventures also won the Ground Swell 2022 Commendation Award presented by Take 3 for the Sea, for their significant contributions to visitor litter reduction and environmental stewardship.“Council congratulates these local businesses for their exceptional commitment to delivering visitors and guests a high-quality tourism experience, and as a result achieving this level of recognition.”Council Administrator Rik Hart said these latest wins in the NSW Tourism Awards add to the Central Coast’s growing list of accolades.“Silver Award status highlights the important role Council's staff play in driving the region's visitor economy, tourism industry capability and positive reputation forward, and their commitment and collaboration throughout 2021 and 2022 to achieve state level recognition.“As we come to the end of 2022, all of us at Council are looking forward to continuing to deliver the best tourism services and experiences to our community and visitors alike in 2023 – including going for Gold at next year’s industry awards!”Mr Hart added that with Council proudly taking home the Silver Local Government Award for Tourism 2022, this now adds to the previous finalist and awards achieved in just two years of rebranding the destination, including:NSW Tourism Awards 2021 Bronze Winner, Local Government Award for TourismGreen Destinations Top 100 List finalist in 2021 & 2022Finalist in NSW Top Tourism Town Awards 2021 & 2022‘Outstanding Region’ in 2022 delicious.
Media Release
Central Coast Council now has a new phone number – 02 4306 7900, which is replacing the previous 1300 number.Council’s CEO, David Farmer, said the change is part of Council’s customer experience improvement program and includes a key customer service technology makeover.“We partnered with the NSW Department of Customer Service’s Government Technology Platforms (GTP) group to deliver better-quality customer service technology,” Mr Farmer said.“This was set in motion by one of our staff who investigated if we could partner with the NSW Department of Customer Service to help provide a call centre solution.“Instead of just changing our phone number, Council staff took it a step further and upgraded the entire customer service technology to improve the customer experience;
Media Release
The Little Terns have arrived at The Entrance North to begin nesting and Central Coast Council wants to remind everyone on how they can help protect the endangered species during this critical time.Little Terns migrate from South-east Asia to Australia each year and are protected under both State and Federal threatened species legislation.
Media Release
The Gosford waterfront revitalisation concept plan has entered its second month of consultation with several thousand people so far contributing their thoughts and opinions on the design through Central Coast Council’s engagement program.Community consultation opened on 18 October and already the message from the community is clear:
Media Release
This week, Council unveiled one of its most significant projects recently undertaken:
Media Release
Central Coast Council has completed one of its most significant projects recently undertaken – a new landfill cell at Buttonderry Waste Management Facility, costing $9 million.With Council’s existing landfill cell, which was constructed in 2013, reaching its end of life, Council has designed and constructed a new modern engineered landfill cell - approximately five hectares, or seven football fields, in size.Central Coast Council’s Director Infrastructure, Boris Bolgoff, said the new cell will meet the community’s waste disposal needs for approximately the next 4.5 years.“Council’s team, together with our contractors, faced many challenges during the project including Covid-19 impacts to contractor staff, higher than average wet weather and two significant natural disaster events, but have succeeded in delivering the project on time, on budget and meeting expectations.Mr Bolgoff said while the new Cell has enormous capacity and is needed as an important facility for the community, Council also wants the community be aware of alternatives in reducing waste.“Council, through its Resource Management Strategy, wants to educate the community to look at alternative ways of avoiding the generation of waste and to recycle and repurpose wherever possible.“Actions like sorting your waste and putting the right items in the right bins, recycling where possible, using reusable containers, finding other use for items, donating to charity, selling or gift it – there are many quite practical and simple ways of reducing waste in landfill,” Mr Bolgoff said.Council’s Waste and Resource Recovery Unit Manager, Andrew Pearce, said this project was challenging on many levels, with the priority always to ensure the new Cell meets all environmental requirements and community expectations.The works on the project included:The excavation and stockpiling of around 415,000 m3 of soil and rockThe installation of three engineered leachate barrier liners totalling 153,000 m2 designed to protect the environment.
Media Release
Central Coast Council events are getting bigger and better than ever, and with a packed calendar for the next two years.To help deliver these events, Council is calling for expressions of interest from businesses keen to become an event sponsor.Expressions of Interest are now open for a range of events, and interested parties are invited to view the Sponsorship Prospectus for the 2023-24 period.
Media Release
Central Coast Council crews have been busy taking advantage of the recent periods of improved weather to roll out more permanent road repairs across the region’s road network.Council Director Infrastructure Services, Boris Bolgoff said a flexible approach has been necessary to address the significant impacts from this year’s flooding events and consistent heavy rainfall.“When it’s raining only temporary pothole repair works can be undertaken, which is why potholes can reappear within only weeks of repair.
Media Release
Central Coast Council is this week partnering with the Australian Resilience Corps and Disaster Relief Australia to support on ground disaster resilience action on the Central Coast. The Australian Resilience Corps (The Corps) is a national volunteer network established by Minderoo Foundation and NRMA Insurance, working to grow Australia's largest resource of disaster resilience volunteers to help communities prepare for fires and floods before they occur.This week, The Corps is deploying volunteers across the country to help communities prepare for fires and floods, following a year of successive extreme weather events. The Central Coast Council is partnering in the initiative with three Central Coast sites being targeted for the on-ground work being undertaken by over 100 volunteers. The sites are Shelly and Killcare beaches and Kincumba Mountain. Central Coast Council Director Environment and Planning Dr Alice Howe said the initiative is welcomed as it highlights the importance of preparing for natural disasters ahead of time and extends Council’s volunteering program, which provides opportunities for local residents to become involved in bush regeneration, habitat restoration and enhancing the resilience of the natural environment. “The 100 volunteers from The Corps are giving their time over a three-day period this week, working under supervision of trained Disaster Relief Australia personnel, to assist our community to build resilience for future fire and floods. The initiative helps add value to the significant ongoing contributions of the 600+ volunteers already actively participating in Council’s Environmental Volunteering Program.“During their time on the ground at Shelly and Killcare beaches, the volunteers from The Corps have been removing weeds and litter from coastal dunes, to better stabilise and enhance natural dune systems and the biodiversity that they support. “As with other parts of our community, which have been placed under pressure from various disaster impacts, our dune systems have been placed under significant pressure from coastal erosion.Dr Howe said that today, at Kincumba Mountain, volunteers are undertaking maintenance of fire trails, including removal of accumulated sediment, minor reshaping of drainage lines and pruning of encroaching vegetation, as well as removing weeds from areas of native vegetation.“Kincumba Mountain is a very important asset during natural disasters as it houses a telecommunications tower, which is a vital asset for broadcasting during emergencies. It is also rich in biodiversity and Aboriginal heritage sites, which also need to be protected from the threats of natural disasters”Nadine De Santis, Australian Resilience Corps Project Lead, said volunteers play a pivotal role in helping their communities adapt to and prepare for a changing climate and the natural threats that come with it.“If we can lift the resilience of communities across the country, we can reduce the risk of devastation from another Black Summer Fire or East Coast flooding event,” Ms De Santis said."We can’t do this without the help of volunteers.”Council Administrator Rik Hart said he was pleased Council is a partner in this very important initiative.“Extreme weather events are happening more frequently and with greater severity. This has been very evident here on the Central Coast, with devastating results for many in the community. "We are in total agreement with Disaster Relief Australia and the Australian Resilience Corps that this is the time to focus on resilience to enable communities to break out of the cycle of response and recovery.
Media Release
Central Coast Council will commence the construction of a new Visitor Centre as well as upgrade the picnic area at Mangrove Dam on Monday 14 November 2022.This work follows the destruction of the amenities building in the 2019 Three Mile Fire.
Media Release
Community members who would like to take an active role in local affairs are invited to apply for a position on a Central Coast Council advisory committee for 2023. Being a community representative on an advisory committee is a unique way to have your say about issues that matter to you and your community, and I encourage anyone with a genuine passion for the following topics to apply:Social Inclusion Advisory CommitteePedestrian Access and Mobility Advisory Committee (PAMP)Mangrove Mountain and Spencer Advisory CommitteeHeritage Advisory CommitteeCouncil advisory groups help to inform the direction of policies, and therefore it’s important we hear from as many different voices as possible.Council’s engagement programs have shown the significant input and valuable perspectives that residents have to offer, and I encourage anyone who has a lived experience or strong interest in one of these areas to submit an expression of interest.Availability to attend an advisory group meeting in December and quarterly committee meetings next year is required, alongside a willingness to engage with a diverse group of people.Due to the voluntary nature of the position, community representatives won’t receive fees or costs for their time. Applications close on Sunday 13 November 2022.
Media Release
Central Coast Council has a jam-packed events calendar for the local community and visitors to enjoy, during the spring and summer months. Whilst the events calendar has had some changes over the last few years, Council’s flagship events will return with favourites such as The Lakes Festival which is currently underway, Love Lanes, and Flavours by the Sea.
Media Release
Central Coast Council Youth Services have launched a biannual photography competition, Your World Your Way, aimed at young people, aged 12-24, who live, work or study on the Central Coast.
Media Release
Council’s commitment to deliver improved water and sewer services for the Central Coast community has been reinforced with the publishing of the first Central Coast Council Water and Sewer Delivery Plan 2022-2026.
Media Release
An extraordinary project, featuring eight remarkable Pelican sculptures initiated by Central Coast Council, but led by school children on the Coast, was unveiled today at The Entrance.The Project Pelican is a fusion of environmental education and creative art to inspire students and the community to connect with the challenges and solutions involved in protecting and restoring the Tuggerah Lakes estuary.Developed and delivered by Council’s Estuary Management team, in collaboration with Rumbalara Environmental Education Centre, with funding from the Australian Government, the project has involved art students in years nine and ten, from eight secondary schools. Central Coast Council’s Director Community and Recreation Mel Smith, said the aim of The Project Pelican is to help students increase their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the Tuggerah Lakes system and what is needed to protect and restore this fragile environment.“Tuggerah Lakes is one of the most important and iconic estuaries on the Central Coast.
Media Release
Central Coast Council is now inviting community members wanting to take an active role in local affairs to apply for a position on one of several Council advisory committees for 2023.Applications are now open for community stakeholder representatives on the following committees:Social Inclusion Advisory CommitteePedestrian Access and Mobility Advisory Committee (PAMP)Mangrove Mountain and Spencer Advisory CommitteeHeritage Advisory CommitteeSuccessful applicants should have a genuine passion for their selected topic, a willingness to engage with a diverse group of people and be available to attend an advisory group meeting in December and quarterly committee meetings next year.Due to the voluntary nature of the position, community representatives won’t receive fees or costs for their time.Council Administrator, Rik Hart said a community position on an advisory committee is a unique way for residents to have their say.“Council uses advisory groups to help inform the direction of policies and it’s important that we hear from as many different voices as possible.“We know from our regular engagement programs that residents can offer excellent perspectives and I would encourage anyone who has a lived experience, or a particular passion for one of these topic areas to submit an expression of interest,” Mr Hart said.Applications for all community advisory positions close at midnight on Sunday 13 November.Find out more and apply now
Media Release
The inaugural Sustainable Future Festival will be held at Mingara Recreation Club from 11 to 13 November, offering a sea of sustainability designed to celebrate all things waste related.Forming part of The Lakes Festival, this new event offers something for everyone with a jam-packed program full of environmentally friendly educational activities, displays and competitions.Central Coast Council Director Infrastructure Services, Boris Bolgoff said this exciting new event aims to educate and inspire Central Coast residents on how to live more sustainably.“Council is thrilled to partner with its waste collection contractor Cleanaway, to deliver an event that not only brings community members together to learn about all things sustainability, but also offers handy tips and tricks on how we can all minimise our carbon footprint and keep our region’s coastline as beautiful as ever,” Mr Bolgoff said.“This festival will also see a special guest appearance from former ‘The Block’ stars and Central Coast locals, Kyal and Kara on Saturday 12 November.
Media Release
Central Coast Council, through an adjustment in the Capital Works program budget, is bringing forward a number of shovel ready projects across the coast. Council reported a year-to-date capital works expenditure to September 2022 of $28.0M. The adjustment, approved at last night’s, 31 October Extraordinary Council meeting, allows for over $9M worth of capital Works to be brought forward. This is a result of the capital works program budget being reduced by $9.1M, in August, largely due to delays in obtaining the Development Application, for the Gosford Regional Library.
Media Release
At the 31 October 2022 Extraordinary Council Meeting, the Monthly Financial Results for September provided an update on how Council is tracking financially year-to-date (YTD).I’m pleased to confirm that Council is trading favourably this financial year and continuing the trajectory we’ve been on for the past 18 months.
Media Release
The Lakes Festival is one of the Central Coast's most highly anticipated annual events and is back in full swing this Friday 4 until Sunday 13 November.The popular 10-day festival offers something for everyone, with a program of sporting, family, cultural, educational, art and live music events on and around our region’s waterways.Locals and visitors are encouraged to check out:Light Up the Lake at Memorial Park, The Entrance, which is a festival favourite and set to return this year in person.