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New and renewed playspaces 2024-25


Creating new and improved destinations for play across the Central Coast


Throughout the 2024-25 financial year, we will be completing a series of new, renewed and upgraded playspaces across the Central Coast, with a variety of exciting equipment, features and accessibility enhancements.

Upcoming projects

Discover upcoming playspace works planned for the Central Coast in 2024-25. Have your say in shaping future playspaces on the Central Coast via Your Voice Our Coast.

District playspaces

Illoura Reserve – Davistown 

The existing Illoura Reserve playspace is nearing the end of its useful life and will soon be replaced with a new and improved playspace. The new playspace has been designed based on community feedback and will include traditional play equipment including swing sets, slides, a pirate ship climbing structure, rock and net climbing structure, flying fox, shade and will be fully fenced. 

Picnic Point Reserve – The Entrance

The existing playspace at Picnic Point Reserve is nearing the end of its useful life so will be replaced with a new and improved accessible playspace. The new Picnic Point playspace has been designed based on community feedback and will include traditional play equipment including swing sets, slides, a multi-level climbing structure, obstacle course, flying fox, a junior climbing unit, shade and will be fully fenced. It will incorporate the existing rope climbing unit and be conveniently located adjacent to the skate park.

Tuggerawong (Old Hall) – Tuggerawong

A new district-level playspace is coming to the vacant lot where the Tuggerawong Community Hall previously stood. This playspace has been designed based on community feedback and will include traditional play equipment including swing sets including a pendulum swing, slides, a multi-level climbing structure, nature play and a unique mouse house. 

Local playspaces

Adelaide Street Oval – Killarney Vale

Demolition and construction of a new playspace will take place. The new play equipment will include a play unit with double slide, rocker, bridge, balance beam, rope climber, nest swing, standard swing, junior swing and rubber softfall.

Concept image of Adelaide Street Oval featuring children on play equipment including a play unit with double slide, rocker, bridge, balance beam, rope climber, nest swing, standard swing, junior swing and rubber softfall.
Adelaide Street Oval, Killarney Vale playspace concept image.

Apex Park – Bateau Bay

Demolition and construction of a new playspace will take place. The new play equipment will include a play unit with double slide, rocker, boat, rope climber, double standard swing, junior swing, rubber softfall, mulch and seating

Apex Park, Bateau Bay playspace concept image
Apex Park, Bateau Bay playspace concept image.

Arlington Reserve – Gorokan (nature play)

The new play equipment will include a play unit with a slide, jungle drum, basket swing, log stepper balance rope, rubber softfall and mulch. 

Arlington Reserve, Gorokan playspace concept image
Arlington Reserve, Gorokan playspace concept image.

Carmel Avenue – Halekulani

The new play equipment will include a play unit with dual slides and shopfront, spinning daisy, swing set, kangaroo springer, rubber softfall and seating.

Carmel, Halekulani playspace concept image
Carmel Avenue, Halekulani playspace concept image.

Jack Gear Reserve – Yarramalong

The new play equipment will include a play unit with dual slides, swing set, frog springer, rubber softfall and seating. 

Jack Gear, Yarramalong playspace concept image
Jack Gear Reserve, Yarramalong playspace concept image.

Kingfisher Reserve – Kingfisher Shores

The new play equipment will include a play unit with slide, swing set, submarine springer, Lil’ Tinnie (boat), rubber softfall, connecting pathway and seating.

Kingfisher Reserve, Kingfisher Shores playspace concept image
Kingfisher Reserve, Kingfisher Shores playspace concept image.

 Lions Park – Chittaway Bay (fitness equipment)

The new fitness equipment will include stretch station, 3x resistance hooks, leg lift/dip Bar, trapese rings, plyo box jump, back extension equipment and rubber softfall.

Lions Park, Chittaway Bay playspace concept image
Lions Park, Chittaway Bay fitness equipment concept image.

Patrick Kelly Reserve – Lake Munmorah

The new play equipment will include a play unit with slide, spinning daisy, swing set, wave rocker, labyrinth puzzle, other sensory equipment and rubber softfall.

Patrick Kelly Reserve, Lake Munmorah playspace
Patrick Kelly Reserve, Lake Munmorah playspace concept image.

Syd Sherar Reserve – Erina (reinstatement of play equipment)

Construction of a new playspace will take place. The new play equipment will include a play unit with double slide, rocker, play shop, net climber, balance beam, nest swing, standard swing, and junior swing, rubber softfall and seating.

Syd Sherar Reserve, Erina playspace
Syd Sherar Reserve, Erina playspace concept image.

Woodland Parkway – Budgewoi

The new play equipment will include a play unit with slide, spinner, swing set, petrol bowser, seating, mulch and rubber softfall.

Woodland Park, Budgewoi playspace concept image
Woodland Parkway, Budgewoi playspace concept image.

Completed projects

Discover the new playspaces and upgrades completed in the 2024-25 financial year. This year’s program delivered a variety of exciting equipment, features and accessibility enhancements, creating new and improved destinations for play across the Central Coast.

Debra Anne Drive – Bateau Bay (fitness equipment)

This project involved demolition and construction of the fitness equipment adjacent to the existing playspace. The new fitness equipment includes a pull up bar, incline sit up board, box jump platforms, back extension, leg lift/dip bar, push up bar and rubber softfall.

Green softfall flooring with black and green fitness equipment on it. To the left of the equipment are some large sphere statues. In the background is a shelter with a bench seat and a playspace.
Debra Anne Drive, Bateau Bay fitness equipment.
Concept image of Debra Anne Drive fitness equipment, including a pull up bar, incline sit up board, box jump platforms, back extension, leg lift/dip bar, push up bar and rubber softfall.
Debra Anne Drive, Bateau Bay fitness equipment concept image.

Jubilee Oval – Long Jetty

This project involved demolition and construction of a new playspace. The new play equipment includes a play unit with slide, rocker, monkey bars, sensory panels, rope bridge, double standard swing, junior swing, stepping logs, balance rope, rubber softfall, mulch and seating.

Blue softfall with colourful play equipment comprised of a swing set, slides and play unit. in the foreground there is a child crouched over playiing in the grass.
Jubilee Oval, Long Jetty playspace.
Jubilee Oval, Long Jetty playspace concept image
Jubilee Oval, Long Jetty playspace concept image.

Murrumbooee Place – Tascott (Proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Central Coast Council)

This project involved demolition and construction of a new playspace will take place. The new play equipment includes a play unit with double and single slide, rocker, play shop, climbing walls, sensory play, standard swing, junior swing, rubber softfall and seating.

Colourful play equipment including slides, play unit and rockers on green softfall floor. Trees in background.
Murrumbooee Place, Tascott playspace.
Murrumbooee Place, Tascott playspace concept image
Murrumbooee Place, Tascott playspace concept image.
Frequently Asked Questions


For more FAQs about playspaces, go to our Playspaces page.

  • Council classifies playspaces into local, district and regional categories. This system helps determine the appropriate size, features and location for each playspace based on the needs of the surrounding community. 

    • Local playspaces are smaller playspaces typically found within local parks. They cater primarily to residents living within a short distance (generally 400-800m) and are designed for shorter play sessions.
    • District playspaces are medium-sized playspaces often co-located with other community facilities, such as sports fields or community centres. They serve a larger area, typically within a 1-2km radius, and are designed for longer play sessions (more than 2 hours). 
    • Regional playspaces are the largest playspaces, offering a wide variety of equipment and often including additional amenities such as car parking, skate parks or half-courts. They serve a wider catchment area, typically within a 5-10km radius, and may attract visitors from across the region. 
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