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Grandma Moses Art Competition and Exhibition

Each year, budding artist aged 50 and over pick up their paintbrushes and enter the prestigious Grandma Moses Art Competition and Exhibition. This long-standing fixture on the cultural calendar takes inspiration from the life and work of Anna Mary Robertson Moses. Better known as 'Grandma Moses', she became famous for her evocative artworks that depicted American rural life, after taking up painting in her 70s.

Wita a legacy rooted in her late-blooming artistic journey, the competition embraces a diverse array of creative expressions, offering over $3,000 in prize money across various categories such as Open, Watercolour, Novice, 50+ Centre members' group, and Central Coast themed artworks.

This year, the delivery of this esteemed competition is shifting. Moving forward, entries will be photographed and submitted online for public voting to nominate the top 20 selected pieces which will be exhibited in the Erina Centre exhibition space, amplifying the reach and impact of this cherished event within the community across a four-week period.

Every year, artists eagerly await the opportunity to showcase their work, reinforcing the timeless message that age is no obstacle to artistic achievement.

Competition entry forms and details about the competition will be available around October each year.

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Phil Meatchem

Phil Meatchem

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