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Biodiversity refers to the variety of all life including plants, animals, fungi, insects and microorganisms, their genes and the ecosystems that they form. It is a broad term for the many species and ecological processes that are essential for maintaining our community’s health and the amenity of the Central Coast and its landscapes.

Our Region

On the Central Coast, there are thousands of different species of plants and fungi and hundreds of different animals (including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects). There are at least 83 distinct vegetation community types, each with their unique suite of interacting species and ecological conditions. 

Over 2,100 native plant species have been recorded in the Central Coast LGA. An additional 798 exotic plant species have been recorded. There are 384 native bird, 108 native mammal and 122 native reptile and amphibian species on the Central Coast. Some of these are migratory or nomadic and use the region intermittently or seasonally. According to the Atlas of Living Australia there are 1090 species of insects and spiders recorded in the former Gosford LGA and 584 species in the former Wyong LGA. And those are just the ones that have names. 

Our magnificent biodiversity is of national and regional importance. For example, the Central Coast community can be proud that:

  • our coastlines provide key breeding sites for the little tern and other migratory shorebirds;
  • regionally important populations of squirrel glider, greater glider and yellow-bellied glider call the Central Coast home;
  • we have a large diversity of microbat species;
  • Kincumba Mountain Reserve and The Scenic Road Bushland Reserve are home to long-nosed potoroos;
  • we have at least four permanent flying-fox maternity camps; 
  • there is a population of wallum froglet in the Porters Creek Wetland
  • our estuaries and coastal lakes are immensely important for the fisheries industry; and
  • 46,808 ha or 25% of the Central Coast is national park.

Regent Honeyeater sighting

Did you know there are only 300-500 Regent Honeyeaters in the wild and all sightings should be reported to BirdLife Australia?!

Watch our video on this beautiful species on the Central Coast, also highlighting the importance of our biodiversity corriors and of planting native vegetation in your garden.

For more information and to report a Regent Honeyeater sighting, visit BirdLife Australia.

The Easter Potoroo

Downloadable story and activity book

Join Paeta, the long-nosed potoroo, as she helps the Easter bunny and Bilby deliver easter eggs across the Coast.

Did you know that potoroo’s are endemic to Australia? They are not found anywhere else in the world. This was the inspiration for the name P.A.E.T.A.

Central Coast Calm

Downloadable Colouring Book

You can create, discover, and learn more about our unique biodiversity on the Central Coast by downloading the Central Coast Calm - Colouring Book. Inspired by the importance of our natural environment and well-being, Central Coast Calm is a great mindfulness activity for both children and adults.

Grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, Liz Noble
Powerful Owl,  Ninox strenua, Powerful Owl Project
Regent Honeyeater in bottlebrush bush
Australian brush-turkey, Alectura lathami – Chris Young
Red-crowned toadlet, Pseudophryne australis, Daniel McKeon
Close-up of a yellow beetle resting on a human hand
Close-up of a yellow beetle resting on a human hand
Image credits
  • Grey-headed flying fox, Pteropus poliocephalus, Liz Noble
  • Powerful Owl, Ninox strenua, Powerful Owl Project
  • Regent Honeyeater, Anthochaera phrygia, Trevor Robinson
  • Australian brush-turkey, Alectura lathami, Chris Young
  • Red-crowned toadlet, Pseudophryne australis, Daniel McKeon
  • Christmas Beetle, Anoplognathus sp, Nick Carson
  • Christmas Beetle, Anoplognathus sp, Nick Carson

To submit Christmas beetle records, visit Christmas Beetle Count Project, Faculty of Science - The University of Sydney

To identify the Christmas beetles you see, download the free ID app from Australian Museum

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