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05/07/2024Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 14(1)(b), (2) and (4) and Clause 16(1) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, Council has adopted amendments to Central Coast Development Control Plan 2022 (CCDCP), specifically Chapter 5.8 – Narara Eco Village.
Property: The Chapter applies to land shown in Figure 1

Purpose: The purpose of this chapter is to provide detailed planning and design guidelines to support the development and use of the land for a residential subdivision, specifically an eco-village within the area zoned R2 Low Density Residential. The site was formerly used as Gosford Horticultural Research and Advisory Station before being acquired by a co-operative for an eco-village. Since that time the site has been known as ‘Narara Eco-Village’ and provides opportunities for eco-friendly living and related community ventures. The eco-village is a community title subdivision and operates under a Community Management Statement.
This amendment repeals the previous version of Central Coast DCP 2022 – Chapter 5.8 Narara Gosford Horticultural Institute. The amended DCP Chapter was prepared to support an amendment to the Central Coast Local Environmental Plan 2022 relating to Planning Proposal PP RZ/115/2021 (PP-2023-164 – Narara Eco Village Planning Proposal) which was notified as being in effect on the NSW Legislation website on 7 June 2024.
Council published notice of its decision to adopt the DCP amendment on 2 April 2024, within 28 days of the Council resolution (26 March 2024). A link to this notice can be found within the meeting minutes available here.
David Farmer
Chief Executive Officer