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Notice of Public Hearing related to 73-75 Mann St Gosford

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    Council is holding a public hearing into the Reclassifications of Council-owned land  at 73-75 Mann St Gosford in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

    At its ordinary meeting on 22 March 2022 Council resolved to support a planning proposal to:

    1. That Council prepare a Planning Proposal to amend SEPP Gosford City Centre to enable reclassification of Lot B DP 321076 and Lot 2 DP 543135 (73-75 Mann Street Gosford) from community to operational land.
    2. That Council submit the Planning Proposal to the Minister for Planning in accordance with Section 3.35(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, requesting a Gateway Determination, pursuant to Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
    3. That Council undertake public authority and community consultation in accordance with the Gateway Determination requirements.
    4. That Council conduct a public hearing consistent with the requirements of Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993.

    In accordance with Section 29 of the Local Government Act 1993 a public hearing will be held into the proposed reclassification of  Council-owned land.

    The Public Hearing will be held 30 March at 14 Dane Dr, Gosford (Central Coast Stadium, known commercially as Industree Group Stadium) from 5pm-7pm in the corporate marquee on the Western side of the stadium on the Ground floor. 

    If you would like to participate in the public hearing, please register by 4pm the day of the public hearing by phoning Council on 43 505134 or emailing

    The public hearing will be chaired by a person who is independent of Council. The public hearing provides the public with an opportunity to make a short verbal presentation to the chairperson of the hearing. Written submissions will also be accepted by the chairperson.

    Following the public hearing, the chairperson will prepare a report on the hearing, a copy of which will be publicly available once it has been received by Council.

    Individual presentations should be no longer than five minutes each.

    EXTERNAL LINK: Planning Proposal


    For enquiries, please contact our Strategic Planner Chelle Leith on 43 505134

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