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04/08/2019The Peninsula sporting community is seeing their vision of new sporting facilities come to life with the completion of a $1.9million redevelopment for the area, including a new sportsground amenities building at Woy Woy’s Austin Butler Oval, a refurbishment of the Woy Woy Tennis Clubhouse and an upgrade to the car park that services both facilities.
Mayor Jane Smith said that this redevelopment is a win for Peninsula residents and will provide quality sporting facilities that promote healthy lifestyles and provide a place to keep active, socialise and engage in community activities.
“We know how much our community value quality sporting facilities and this upgrade will provide enhanced services to the growing Peninsula community,” Mayor Smith
“The community voted for this project and demonstrates how Council is listening to and working with the community to deliver the facilities they want and value.”
This project was one of the top ten projects, voted for by the community, to receive funding from the NSW Government Stronger Communities Fund grant program, which was made available to amalgamated Councils.
The new 250sqm sports facility building at Austin Butler Oval features two change rooms, amenities including accessible and ambulant toilets, canteen and store, equipment room, referees’ room, club room, water refill station and outdoor forecourt area.
Woy Woy Tennis building now has accessible unisex and ambulant toilets, extended spaces with renovated meeting room, kitchenette, office space and storerooms, plus a new undercover outdoor area and with external painting undertaken to create a cohesive design to the adjacent Woy Woy Sporting Precinct buildings.
The redeveloped shared carpark, with 80 spaces, has improved functionality and pedestrian safety.
These projects were jointly funded by Council with a $900,000 grant received from the NSW Government Stronger Communities Fund, $16,750 funding through the Australian Government’s Stronger Communities Programme and $15,000 from Tennis Australia. With Woy Woy Football Club currently finalising an $80,000 contribution towards the Soccer Clubhouse.
Minister for Local Government Shelley Hancock said the Stronger Communities Fund was created to help councils deliver critical infrastructure to improve the lives of local residents.
“The Government is proud to continue to support Central Coast Council to deliver for its community,’’ Mrs Hancock said.
“The redevelopment of Woy Woy sporting facilities is among many Stronger Communities Fund projects being delivered across regional NSW.
“The new amenities building at Austin Butler Oval, revamped Tennis Clubhouse and upgraded car park for both facilities will boost Woy Woy’s reputation as a regional sporting venue and will make it more accessible to people of all abilities.
“I congratulate the Central Coast community on this funding win and look forward to the redeveloped facilities being put to good use by locals and visitors alike.’’
These latest upgrades build on Council’s $310,000 works undertaken last year at Austin Butler sportsground to upgrade irrigation, drainage and floodlighting which has increased functionality, longevity, playability, and safety of the playing surface.
Council will continue to invest in maintaining, building and activating quality sporting facilities for the health benefit of our community and to support local sporting groups and players.