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Works to reduce water main breaks at Avoca Beach complete

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Central Coast Council has completed priority works to ensure the integrity of water mains on Cape Three Points Road and The Round Drive, Avoca Beach.

The area was deemed a high priority in Council’s Water Mains Renewal Program when the old water mains unexpectedly broke, flooding a number of residents’ homes.

Council Director Water and Sewer, Jamie Loader said Council had been working closely with residents on a solution to prevent the situation occurring again. 

“Avoca residents have experienced several water main breaks in the past two years which have caused significant impact to them. We would like to take this opportunity to thank these residents, as well as the surrounding communities for their support while we worked to install and connect residents to new water mains in the area,” Mr Loader said.

“We have installed 2,700 metres of new water main, opting to place the new main in the roadway to preserve trees, minimise water supply disruptions to residents during construction, and direct any unexpected future releases of water away from properties.

“In July 2018, we kicked off a region-wide Water Mains Renewal Program which is now an ongoing program that identifies and renews water mains that are close to their end life or could be subject to future breaks.

“Through this program, we continually monitor and test our water mains and these results indicate areas due for maintenance. The program improves the integrity of the water infrastructure, minimises the risk of water main breaks and disruption and improves water flow, water quality and reliability for the community.

“Final road restoration for The Round Drive, and temporary road restoration in Cape Three Points Road, is programmed for completion before Christmas with final road restoration for Cape Three Points to be carried out in March 2020.”

Mayor Lisa Matthews thanked the community for their patience and support while Council undertook these important works.

“Ensuring the integrity and infrastructure of our water supply is a key priority of Council and our staff are on the ground 24/7 and ready to act for our community when unexpected disruptions occur,” Mayor Matthews said.

“Council actively maintains over 2,600km of water mains across the Coast and we are continually monitoring and investing in this essential service so it meets the needs of our growing community now and in the future.”

Council works quickly to resolve water and sewer issues for the community with crews on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Water main breaks will periodically occur across all water systems and are typically caused by ground and weather conditions, tree roots and third-party damage.

Central Coast residents who experience water or sewer concerns in their area should call Council immediately - anytime day or night - on 1300 463 954.

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