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Water meter replacement program uses new technology and waste-saving initiatives

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Central Coast Council is rolling out a $2.5million multiyear project to replace water meters across the Central Coast.

Over $675,000 will be invested this financial year to replace approximately 16,000 water meters.

Council Director Water and Sewer, Bileen Nel said Council will use a mobile phone application to streamline the process.

“Replacing and maintaining our water and sewerage assets is a high priority for Council,” Ms Nel said.

“Our water meter program sees us replace meters that are nearing the end of their asset life.

“The meters we install measure the actual volume of water used to provide the most accurate reading.

“We use an app to enter the details of the old and new water meters in real time and to take a photo before and after replacement.

“The app streamlines the replacement process by automatically storing all data captured in Council’s system – saving hours of data entry and thousands of sheets of paper.

“This technology also allows us to plan and allocate work across the water supply network electronically and ensure staff are prepared with the specific details of each water meter.

Ms Nel said Council will make alternative arrangements with customers who cannot be without water, such as dialysis patients.

“The water meter replacement process only takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, which minimises the amount of time residents are without water.

“We are also pleased to be implementing a further waste-reduction initiative by recycling components of the old meters.”

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