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Upgrades commence at Gosford Lions Park

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Construction is now underway at Gosford Lions Park to modernise the memorial, increase usability and accessibility of the park and play space, and provide an overall upgrade to this foreshore area.

The improvement works at the Masons Parade site include the re-establishment of the Lions Club monument to commemorate the centenary of Lions Clubs International, replacement of the existing play space and picnic tables, a new path way providing a link to the park furniture and BBQ area, upgrade of shelter sheds, and landscaping works.

General access through the park and foreshore area will remain open, however areas will be closed at times to allow for individual works to be carried out.

The park and foreshore upgrade works are to be staged over a five month construction period, which started on 8 June.

The play space upgrade is also planned for completion by the end of 2018-19 financial year through Council’s Delivery Plan.

The project is jointly funded by the NSW Government’s Community Building Partnership program, Central Coast Council, and Gosford City-East Gosford Lions Club. State Government’s grant of $45,000 was secured by the Lions Club with support from Local Member of Parliament, Liesl Tesch.

A number of play space upgrades are in progress across the coast.  These include the play space upgrade at Chittaway Bay Lions Park, a new play space at Cambourne Drive Lisarow and the recently completed upgrades to Drummer Parry Park at Terrigal.

These projects create attractive spaces that bring the community together and promote healthy living and activity in natural settings.

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