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Time for local businesses running outdoor activities to apply for their license
License for operating in open spaces

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Central Coast Council is reminding local business operators that run commercial activities on open space areas such as parks, reserves and beaches to apply by 21 April for a License of a Trade or Business on Open Space.

Council Director Community and Recreation Services, Melanie Smith said any trade or business wishing to conduct activities on Council managed open space areas must apply for an annual temporary license.

“The application process for a licence to operate during the 2025-26 financial year, will run between 24 March and close 21 April,” Ms Smith said.

“This is relevant to commercial operators that run activities such as personal training or group fitness, water recreation activities, schools or camps or hire of kayak, surf boards or stand up paddle boards, and also corporate group training, clinics and coaching.”

Council Mayor, Lawrie McKinna said the license process helps Council to balance the needs of all open space users. 

“Temporary licensing enables Council to provide equitable access to our limited public space for diverse activities, helps protect and preserve our natural environment, as well as ensures activities are safe and well-managed,” Mayor McKinna said. 

Application period closes 5pm, Monday 21 April 2025.

For guidelines and application forms search  open space EOI at


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