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19/03/2020Central Coast Council has launched an interactive virtual tour of one of the Central Coast's dams and water treatment plants to coincide with World Water Day this Sunday, 22 March.
Recent bushfire events and the current precautions against COVID-19 mean Council is unable to host physical community tours of our water supply. Instead, residents can use a computer or device to scroll and click their way around each step in the water treatment process on the virtual tour of the Mardi Dam and Water Treatment Plant.
Short information notes or videos on each of the tour’s behind-the-scenes 360-degree images allow visitors to learn how impurities are removed and the water treated to meet and exceed Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Council’s Director Water and Sewer, Jamie Loader said the interactive tour was an exciting innovation which will help community members learn what happens to water before it reaches their taps.
"Each day, Council delivers around 100 million litres of treated drinking water to the community,” Mr Loader said.
“From the comfort of their own home, residents can use a computer or device to visit one the region’s three dams and one of our two water treatment facilities and see how water moves through the system.”
Take the tour at