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Tacoma South residents to benefit from $3.5million sewerage system upgrade

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Central Coast Council has started a new round of community consultation for $3.5million project to replace the sewerage system for over 100 properties on the southern bank of Wyong River in Tacoma South.

Council Senior Manager, Water and Sewer, Bileen Nel said the new system was designed for the specific conditions of this location.

“Water will periodically infiltrate any system at this location due to the high water-table and close proximity to Wyong River,” Ms Nel said.

“The system we have chosen will significantly reduce the number of water infiltration incidents and their impact.

“Should a problem occur with any of the systems, Council will be immediately notified by an alarm and will take the appropriate action to resolve the situation.

Residents will have an opportunity for an at-home consultation session and will also be able to attend a Drop-in Information Session at the riverside reserve on South Tacoma Road on Saturday 22 September from 9.30am to 11.30am.

The individual consultation and Drop-in Information Session are opportunities for residents to review the existing property design, re-assess the electrical equipment for any changes, ask questions, raise concerns, and discuss any potential changes before plans are finalised.

There is a scheduled construction time-frame of early 2019 and more information is available at

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