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Soldiers Beach Stair and Vehicle Access Ramp works have commenced
Media Release

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The construction for the replacement of Soldiers Beach northern stairs and vehicle access ramp have commenced today, 29 April 2024, and are expected to be complete by September 2024, subject to weather.

These works are the last of the four projects to be undertaken following $2.44 million in funding received from the Australian and NSW Governments as part of the 2021 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program with additional contributions from Central Coast Council to improve access for Soldiers Beach and Jenny Dixon Beach.

Minister for the Central Coast David Harris said Soldiers Beach is a popular spot for locals, and repairing the northern stairs and vehicle ramp access is an important project to ensure they can continue to use this community asset.

“We know public spaces, like beaches, are not only enjoyed by everyone in the community but also visitors, and this co-funded program is ensuring that damaged community infrastructure is being repaired so it can be accessed for many years to come.”

Council Acting Director Environment and Planning, Luke Sulkowski said Council is pleased to be reaching the final milestone of the four projects.

“Replacement of the northern stairs and the vehicle access ramp have been long awaited by the community. Soldiers Beach is a very popular location for visitors and locals alike and completion of these works are planned to bring full access back to the beach just before the next beach season,” Mr Sulkowski said.

“Each of the four projects require detailed preliminary investigation work, designs, and approvals to ensure longevity before shovels can hit the ground.

“In this last project, the new vehicle access ramp will be an almost like for like replacement of the existing partially demolished concrete ramp, however the new ramp will be slightly steeper and will include deep piled foundations to support resilience to large waves and storm events.

“The new northern stairs will be located east of the previous set of stairs - which have been demolished. The new stairs will extend from the car park adjacent to the headland at the northern end of the beach, providing more direct access from the car park onto the beach. Some locals may remember that the older concrete stairs replaced around 2008 were in this same location.

"The new stairs will essentially be a combination of concrete and aluminium truss construction, and will include anchors into the rock platform, making the stairs more resilient to extreme weather events. The stairs will meet appropriate current design standards and better serve our community.

“Small sections of land at the entry of the ramp and stairs will be closed off during the works period, to provide direct access for construction vehicles, site sheds and materials storage during the construction process. The majority of the northern car park and the remainder of the grassed reserve area adjacent to the surf club will remain open for public access,” Mr Sulkowski said.

Mr Sulkowski added that the remaining works to be completed at Jenny Dixon Beach stairs, are also progressing well and are due for completion in June this year.

Council Administrator, Rik Hart Council was pleased to have received a Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program grant from the Australian and NSW Governments.

“Soldiers Beach and Jenny Dixon Beach are very popular beaches with locals and visitors alike, so it is great that they are having essential works done to ensure easy access for the public and emergency services,” Mr Hart said.

“The Central Coast is known for its natural beauty, and we’re excited to see the final stages of the four projects completed.”


  • Please stay away from the impacted area
  • Please keep personal safety front-of-mind and remain behind any barriers that Council crews or contractors have put in place
  • Stay up-to-date by checking Council’s website or Facebook page for updates.

The 2021 Community Local Infrastructure Recovery Program is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

For more information on the project search 'Beach access projects' at centralcoast.nsw,

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