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Signage system to highlight existing dog friendly areas are being vandalised
	traffic like dog signage

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Council’s traffic light signage system, which makes it easier for residents to identify areas that are dog friendly and those where dogs are prohibited has been subject to vandalism and theft.

The new signage was initiated in 2020, in response to concerns raised by our community about a lack of appropriate signage and information about dog friendly areas.

Council Director Environment and Planning, Alice Howe said the red, amber and green signage aims to give people clarity on where dogs are permitted, including off leash, and where they are prohibited. This also improves community safety by allowing residents and visitors to choose a location that is suitable for their activity and preferences.

“We have targeted 25 locations over the past two years to roll out the traffic light signage system with these locations prioritised based on community feedback and input from Council Rangers,” Dr Howe said.

“However, it has recently come to Council’s attention that some of the traffic light signage has been forcibly removed and some older signage has been vandalised.

“This is extremely disappointing and undoubtedly makes it confusing for community members doing the right thing to identify where they can and cannot take their dog, particularly off leash.

“The signage that has been removed, particularly in the vicinity of Macmasters Beach and Winney Bay, has been reported to the NSW Police and Council’s own investigations into the removal of the signage is continuing.

“This new signage is replacing old or missing signage which was or had already been in place and is separate to the work currently being undertaken by Council to develop a revised Draft Dogs in Open Spaces Action Plan.

“There have been no changes to off-leash areas already designated across the Central Coast."

Council encourages community members who notice that signage has been removed or vandalised to report this through the online Customer Service Centre portal on Council’s website.

What the new signs stand for:

  • Red signs indicate dogs are prohibited in these areas.
  • Amber signs are a reminder that your dog must be on a leash. It’s important to remember to always keep your dog on a leash. This includes when outside your home, and on your driveway or the footpath.
  • Green signs indicate designated off-leash areas.

To learn more about dog friendly areas on the Central Coast search ‘off leash areas’ at


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