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17/12/2020With the school holidays approaching, Central Coast Council is reminding the community that everyone has a part to play in keeping our local areas graffiti-free and enjoyable for everyone.
Council Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan said residents and businesses who find graffiti on their property are encouraged to pick up free graffiti removal kits to tackle the problem.
“The longer graffiti remains visible, the more likely it is to increase,” Ms Vaughan said.
“If you find graffiti on your property, we recommend removing it as soon as possible using our free graffiti removal kits, which are available to all residents and businesses on the Central Coast.
“Each kit contains Soy Safe graffiti remover, protective eyewear, gloves and a scrubbing brush.
“You can pick up a kit from our Wyong and Gosford customer service centres, as well as all Central Coast library branches.”
Council Administrator, Dick Persson AM said graffiti vandalism is a complex issue, which requires Council, community members and the police to work together on the solution.
“As one of the most visible crimes, graffiti can impact on perceptions of public safety and community pride, which is why it is so important that we all work together to tackle this issue,” Mr Persson said.
“Some simple steps that community members can take to play their part is to report it when you see it and if you do spot it on your own property, be sure to pick up a free kit and remove it straight away.”
Graffiti removal kits can be picked up from all Central Coast libraries and Council’s Gosford and Wyong customer service centres. To receive a graffiti removal kit, residents and business owners must be aged over 18 and show proof of address.
Find out more information by visiting
If you spot someone actively vandalising property of any kind, please call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 to lodge a report.