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Parker celebrates love of literacy at second birthday

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Central Coast Council is inviting families to celebrate Parker the Platypus’ second birthday and launch of his sixth children’s book with stories and cake at Saltwater Creek Reserve on Monday 21 October, 10.30am.

Parker is part of Council’s Paint the Coast REaD program, which encourages parents, grandparents and carers to read, sing or rhyme with children every day from birth to help set them up for a lifetime of success.

Council Unit Manager Libraries, Learning and Education, Beth Burgess said since hatching only two-years-ago, Parker has not only become a prolific author, but also one of Council’s beloved mascots.

“Research has shown that more than 20 percent of Australian children arrive at school without the necessary skills to make the most of their early education,” Mrs Burgess said.

“Through Paint the Coast REaD we aim to encourage the community to support the development of children’s early literacy while creating a sense of excitement and enthusiasm around reading, which is exactly what Parker creates for children and families.

“This month Parker is launching his fifth book that focuses on road safety, and he will personally be handing out copies at his birthday picnic as well as at select Storytime sessions in late October.

“We have also recently provided local schools with A3 copies of the first three books allowing children to continue making positive connections to literacy development in the classroom.”

Mayor Lisa Matthews encouraged parents with children under the age of six to engage with Council’s Library Service to help them develop a love of learning.

“Our Library Service ensures all members of our community have equal access to the latest in technology, resources and information,” Mayor Matthews said.

“Whether in branch or through their great range of online services available anywhere, anytime, there’s never been a better time to reconnect with your local library and discover the amazing resources and opportunities on offer.”

Visit for further information on Parker’s Storytime visits, to become a member and access to online resources and services 24 hours a day.

Library membership is free for those who live, work or study on the Central Coast.


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