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10/03/2020Central Coast Mayor Lisa Matthews is advising the community to continue to take precaution and follow good hand hygiene to reduce the risk of contracting the COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus.
“We as a community need to remain calm, use precaution and take preventative measures to ensure in our day to day interactions we are reducing the risk of being exposed to COVID-19,” Mayor Matthews said.
Good hand hygiene is likely the single most effective method for reducing the risk of spread of the viral illness, second is avoiding exposure.
COVID-19 is having an increasing impact on the New South Wales community and the medical advice is rapidly evolving.
“As of 13 March, 78 cases have been confirmed in NSW. At this stage, there is 1 confirmed case on the Central Coast. Further information on this new strain of virus is available on the NSW Health website, which includes extensive and valuable FAQs and is regularly updated as new information comes to hand.
“I encourage the community to keep themselves up to date with the latest information and advice," Mayor Matthews said.
Central Coast Council is taking a precautionary approach and working collaboratively with the Local Health District to implement strategies to minimise COVID-19 transmission throughout our Central Coast community.
Council has placed signage in our Gosford and Wyong offices to assist staff and visitors of the necessary precautions to take in reducing the risk of transmission and exposure.
Other precautions include:
• Making sure to clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub,
• Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow,
• Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms,
• Making sure you stay at home if you are sick no matter what the cause,
“We will also make hand sanitiser available at all Council hosted events, including citizenship ceremonies.
“The symptoms of coronavirus are cough, high temperature and shortness of breath. If you do develop these symptoms seek medical attention and isolate yourself to reduce transmission to others. Take care of yourself and show care towards others.”
Council will continue to monitor the situation and follow the advice of NSW Health regarding the hosting of public events and delivery of community services. At this stage, there is no change to Council operations for the community.