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Office of the Mayor Media Release - Mayor delivers Councillor's submission to the Minister for Local Government

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Mayor Lisa Matthews said the Councillors’ submission has now been formally provided to the Minister for Local Government for consideration.  

“The future of our democratically elected local representatives is now in the hands of the Minister following the formal submission sent this afternoon on behalf of my fellow Councillors,” said Mayor Matthews. 

“I can only hope the Minister gives careful consideration to this submission, and factors in her decision-making process the fundamental importance of community representation at a local level.  

“Now that the submission has been formally received, I once again would welcome a meeting with the Minister to provide a status update on our 100 Day Recovery Action Plan.” 

This submission outlines a chronological timeline of when and how Councillors were advised of the financial crisis, including the actions to date being taken by Council to resolve the issue. This submission provides a sound basis for the Minister to thoroughly consider. 

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