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New Plan Launched To Create A More Inclusive And Accessible Community

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Central Coast Council launched its Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) today at The Erina Centre - a Plan that will help create an inclusive and accessible community for everyone on the Coast.

The Plan was developed in conjunction with staff, residents, local organisations and an external Disability Inclusion Reference Group. It outlines a range of strategies and actions that Council will implement over a four year period to improve accessibility on the Coast.

Council Group Leader, Ms Julie Vaughan, said the Plan will enable people with a disability, their families and carers to better access Council services and facilities and participate in all aspects of community life.

“We are already beginning projects to make our beaches and community facilities more accessible, reviewing policies and processes, and increasing our engagement with community members with disabilities,” Ms Vaughan said.

“Our staff have reproduced the document in a range of accessible formats, to ensure our Disability Inclusion Action Plan is available to everyone.”

“Outcomes from the Plan will be incorporated into Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, with a range of key performance indicators, timeframes and required resources responsible for implementation.

There are 58 actions listed in the Plan for Council to implement. They relate to four key outcome areas outlined in the NSW Disability Inclusion Act 2014, including:

  1. Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours
  2. Creating liveable communities
  3. Supporting access to meaningful employment
  4. Improving access to services through better systems and processes.

Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said people with disabilities are a vital part of our community and contribute on a daily basis to the social, cultural and economic life of our region.

“This is a fantastic step towards inclusion across the region and I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the development of the Plan,” Mr Reynolds said.

“Council looks forward to working with other government agencies, community groups, service providers and businesses as well as our community members to help deliver the Plan.”

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan can be found in accessible and Easy English formats on Council’s Website and in hard copies at Council libraries. A copy has also been submitted to the NSW Disability Council and the Australian Human Rights Commission.

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