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New Look Budgewoi Lake Foreshore Unveiled

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Central Coast Council has restored part of the Budgewoi Lake foreshore in direct response to community concerns about local erosion.

Buff Point residents approached council about the severe erosion problem over the nearby popular shared pathway.

Central Coast Council’s Manager Waterways and Assets, Peter Ham, said because foreshore works were already identified in the Tuggerah Lakes Management Plan, council and the community were able to come together quickly to deliver a great outcome.

“The area at Buff Point was severely eroded, with trees and a large section of foreshore lost over the past few years,” Mr Ham said.

“To address this, our staff reshaped and graded the foreshore and installed a stabilising rock wall to stop any further erosion.

“More than 195 tonnes of rock and sandstone were used in the works to ensure long term stability of the area.

“The regrading of the foreshore area also improved the access for pedestrians and ensures the nearby shared pathway will not be undermined by continuing erosion.

“The Tuggerah Lakes Estuary Management Plan identifies stabilisation of the foreshore as a key priority, so the works were able to proceed quickly.”

The restoration project also provided great professional development opportunity for one of Councils up and coming interns, Rohit Selvaraj, who was given responsibility for the management of the project.

“A project such as this one, with a short planning and implementation timeframe, gives our internship students a great opportunity to experience what it’s like to work on projects that make a difference in the real world,” Mr Ham added.

“In this example, the project was completed ahead of time and under budget, showing the next generation of engineers what can be done with efficient planning and great team work.

“It’s exciting to be able to provide these opportunities to students and help them to develop the skills needed to work for our community in the future.”

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