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15/01/2020The newly upgraded amenities building at Heazlett Park, Avoca has opened its doors.
The amenities building includes an accessible public toilet, male and female change rooms to service the sporting user groups and an equipment storage area for the Avoca Beach Kayak Club.
Council’s Mayor Lisa Matthews said this new public infrastructure was a result of multiple levels of Government and local community groups working together.
“This project is a great example of the Australian Government, NSW Government and Council working in consultation with local recreation user groups, including the Avoca Kayak Club who supported the project with in-kind contributions,” said Mayor Matthews.
“Council is proud to deliver these new facilities that will benefit both local and visiting users of this popular sportsground and foreshore reserve.
“This upgraded facility is a key objective of Council’s Community Strategic Plan which reflects our community’s vision for a liveable coast by ensuring sporting, leisure and open space areas are well maintained and activated.
The project has been jointly funded by the Australian Government, NSW Government and Central Coast Council.
Member for Terrigal Adam Crouch said the NSW Government was proud to provide $300,000 for this upgraded facility.
“Avoca is the training ground for successful Olympians Lachlan Tame and Riley Fitzsimmons and many Junior Kayak Representatives in the Australian squad,” Mr Crouch said.
“The Avoca Kayak Club has previously been operating off the back of a trailer and I’m so proud that this new facility provides a permanent home for the Club.
Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer said the Australian Government and Sport Australia are helping to get Australians more active in their own communities by investing more than $100 million in local sport infrastructure projects, as part of the Move It AUS Community Sport Infrastructure Grant program.
“Australians love their sport. Local facilities are crucial in providing opportunities for sport and physical activity which helps bind our communities together, particularly in rural and regional areas. These grants play an essential role in maintaining those facilities and are hugely appreciated at the local level.
“Building better sporting facilities supports stronger, healthier communities, as it encourages greater physical activity, social connection and civic pride.
In addition to the redevelopment of the amenities building and recently upgraded Heazlett Park playspace, works will soon commence to formalise pathways creating connectivity and enhancing accessibility throughout the reserve.