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Mayor's Message: Active Spaces

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With this week’s fine weather and the school holidays fast approaching, many of you are keen to get outdoors to exercise, following COVID-19 physical distancing rules of course!

This means our beaches in particular are very busy, so it can be hard to stay far enough away from others who are also exercising.

Why not take this opportunity to experience all that the Central Coast has to offer, holiday at home and explore your own backyard? Mix it up a bit and choose another one of the many fantastic local outdoor spaces on offer.

Here’s a few ideas:

  • ride a bike on one of our cycleways
  • head bush on a walking track
  • kick a ball at a sportsground
  • scooter around at a skate park
  • shoot hoops at an outdoor court
  • take a wander through a park or reserve
  • hike to a lookout
  • take your dog to a dog park

If an area appears busy when you arrive, be flexible and look for an alternate spot nearby.

Whatever your chosen form of exercise, please remember to practise physical distancing. Please head home as soon as you’re finished so that we can all help prevent the further spread of COVID-19.

Visit council’s website to find out further information on locations for cycleways, dog parks, reserves, skateparks and hiking trails.    

Mayor Lisa Matthews
Central Coast Council

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