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27/04/2020Local government plays a critical role in keeping locals in jobs and keeping the local economy going. Whilst there have been changes to some Central Coast Council services, essential works continue to be delivered, helping keep locals employed and the Central Coast economy going.
Whilst COVID-19 poses some challenges in how we operate and work, Council continues to deliver important maintenance work and projects, including upgrades to sporting infrastructure and amenity, road maintenance and construction, and water and sewer maintenance and upgrades. Continuing these essential works is important for our community and the local economy.
Council is also continuing with established projects including Adcock Park redevelopment and the Mardi to Warnervale Pipeline, with adjustments made to comply with the latest NSW Health and Government requirements around physical distancing and keeping our staff and community safe.
As the coronavirus situation continues to evolve, Council has actively sought opportunities like this, including signing up to the Local Government (COVID-19) Splinter Award 2020, to secure employment for our workers, and in turn support the many local businesses we work with.
We know many people are struggling during this time and this stimulus package is one way Council is able to help keep locals, council workers and contractors employed, to continue to positively contribute to the local economy.
Mayor Lisa Matthews
Central Coast Council