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Mayor's Column: Coastal Erosion and Lake Haven Recreation Centre Upgrade

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As the coastal remediation works continue at the North Entrance and Wamberal, it was a welcome announcement last week from the Minister for Local Government to establish a Wamberal Taskforce. This Taskforce will help deliver a long-term solution to coastal erosion issues experienced at Wamberal. 

It has always been said that we cannot do this alone, state government funding, support and coastal engineering experts around the table all focused on a solution for the Wamberal community is a positive step and one that Council is excited to be a part of. 

As our crews continue providing support to emergency services and our residents currently impacted by severe coastal erosion, other work across the coast also continues.

Further north, Central Coast Council has completed a major renovation of the Lake Haven Recreation Centre. Some of the upgrades to the facility include new gym equipment, making it ready for 24/7 operation, renovations to bathrooms and toilets, and installation of 24-hour gym security infrastructure. The focus has been to ensure we have a full selection of the best gym equipment on offer – no matter what type of fitness you prefer.

The Lake Haven Recreation Centre is looking better than ever, I encourage locals to check out what is on offer and get ‘fit for life’. 

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