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Local Instructor to Lead Australian Team at World Championships

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Lead Instructor of The Hub Erina’s Rising Stars Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) program, Noah Magnus, will compete and captain the Australian team in the World Pankration Championships in Italy from 11-14 November.

Pankration means ‘all powers’. It refers to a full contact mixed martial arts contest open to all martial arts disciplines and includes techniques from combat sports such as tae kwon do, boxing, wrestling and judo.

The tournament runs every four years, attracting up to 3000 athletes from 100 countries.

Currently ranked third in the world, this is Noah’s 35th year as a martial arts competitor. He has been a former champion in a range of martial arts and was an original pankration champion almost 20 years ago.

His experience and success have seen him selected to captain the 23-strong Australian team.

When he is at home, Noah runs a free community-based martial arts program in partnership with The Hub Erina.

Central Coast Council Team Leader Youth Services Steve Knee says the popular program has helped young people develop skills and confidence for more than a decade.

“For the past 13 years Noah Magnus has dedicated his energy and expertise to leading The Hub Erina’s Rising Stars MMA program – teaching young people the skills of mixed martial arts and producing a number of domestic and international champions across various disciplines,” said Mr. Knee.

“Despite his many professional successes, Noah cites his greatest achievements as helping program participants gain an increased level of empowerment, social responsibility and discipline through practicing martial arts.

“We wish him and the team all the best for the world championships, but to us and the many young people he has helped over the years, he is already a champion.”

For further information contact The Hub Erina on 4304 7071 or visit

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