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28/02/2017Central Coast Council is launching an information tool to help residents keep up to date with Capital Works road projects happening in their area.
The online map also marks the creation of a single Capital Works schedule for the Central Coast.
It sets out the status of all road and drainage works listed to be carried out this financial year, keeping the community informed of works in their neighbourhood.
Each project will have a unique pin, outlining its location, description and timeline for the commencement and completion of the works.
Council Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said that the Capital Works program formed the basis of infrastructure upgrades across the region.
“This financial year we’re investing almost $183 million into Capital Works across the Central Coast,” Mr Reynolds said.
“Through a now unified Capital Works program we’re seeing better outcomes through a greater access to resources, increased buying power and improved efficiencies.
“The overall program will see upgrades to our road network, improvements to sewer infrastructure and enhancements to many of our community assets.
“Our staff work extremely hard to identify and schedule these key projects, based on outcomes set within our Operational Plan.”
At this stage, the online map sets out the $62 million roads and drainage projects as part of the Capital Works program and it’s proposed to extend that to other works in future.
You will also be able to get a consolidated list of all capital road and drainage works identified by suburb.
Group Leader of Assets, Business and Infrastructure, Mike Dowling, said that this information tool was an important step in informing the community on the Capital Works program.
“Residents will be able to get a greater understanding of where works are being undertaken, which will inform their feedback on our services through ongoing community engagement,” said Mr Dowling.
“It’s important to note that this isn’t an indication of all of the work we undertake, our online map looks at major road and drainage capital projects - as opposed to our normal maintenance program.”
Council is encouraging residents to visit the online map, look up their local area and provide feedback – as it looks to expand the service to all Capital Works projects in future.
To see what Capital Work projects in your neighbourhood, visit