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An Inclusive and Accessible Central Coast

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Council has been working closely with people with disability, their family members and carers, and people working in the disability sector to strive towards providing an inclusive region for all who make up our Central Coast community.

As such, here at Council we have developed a draft Central Coast Disability Action Plan 2021-2025, outlining strategies and actions we will put in place over the next four-year period.

Here is some of the key achievements we’ve made over the past four years in progressing towards an inclusive and accessible region:

  • Established the Access and Inclusion Reference Group.
  • Created Universal Design Guideline to assist Council staff to ensure more playspaces, places, services and events are accessible.
  • Developed the Pedestrian and Access Mobility / Bike Plan to guide footpath improvements.
  • Installed and upgraded 86 bus stops to meet Disability Access Standards
  • Made beach wheelchairs available at 12 patrolled beaches and installed beach matting at Umina Beach, Ocean Beach and Toowoon Bay.
  • Ensured Companion Cards are accepted at all Council venues that charge an entrance fee.
  • Plus more

You can help shape the future direction of accessibility and inclusion on the Coast through having your say by visiting, with feedback due by 5pm 13 September.  

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