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Imagine Yourself in the Picture

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An internationally recognised public art installation is set to call the Central Coast home on Friday 30 September.

The interactive artwork titled ‘IMAG_NE’ will put imaginations into overdrive as visitors to the sculpture picture themselves as the missing piece.

Based on the game of Scrabble, 'IMAG_NE' features large letter pieces which spell out the word I-M-A-G-I-N-E, with a space where the second “I” would be - inviting the community to interact with the sculpture to complete the word.

Created by Australian visual artist and creative producer, Emma Anna, the artwork originally exhibited at Bondi’s famous Sculpture by the Sea in 2008, and has since featured around the world including at Denmark’s inaugural Sculpture by the Sea in 2009.

Central Coast Council’s Administrator, Mr Ian Reynolds, said the moving sculpture purchased in April 2016, will exhibit at a range of locations and popular destinations on the Coast.

“We are thrilled to present the sculpture to the community as it moves around the region,” said Mr Reynolds.

“It is a great opportunity to promote our beautiful landscapes and environment.

“I encourage everyone to visit the artwork and make the most of the great photo opportunities it will create across our beautiful vista.”

The artwork will be unveiled to the public on Friday 30 September, at the Gosford waterfront (opposite Central Coast Stadium), where it will be located for up to three months.

The artwork will then move around the Central Coast and feature in locations including Terrigal and Norah Head. It will also be on exhibition at major events and festivals in the region.

To keep up to date on the ‘IMAG_NE’ artwork as it travels around the Coast, follow Central Coast Council on Facebook and Instagram.

Visitors to the sculpture are encouraged to take photos with the artwork and upload them to Instagram using hashtag #thisisthelife

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