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Highlights of the 29 January 2019 Council Meeting

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Capital works program increased and projects on-track

Council’s capital works program for 2018-19 has been increased by $3.0million and now stands at $230.0million.

The increase includes $2.7million in Stronger Country Communities grant funding for three new projects:

  • Water Play Park at Peninsular Leisure Centre – $850,000
  • Upgrade of Greenfield Road Empire Bay to include kerb and gutter, drainage and shared path – $1.8 million
  • Carpark remediation at Davistown Progress Association – $65,000.

Council’s capital works program budget for 2018-19 has been increased by $3million and now stands at $230million.

Mayor Jane Smith said Council’s capital works program was an important part of its contract with the Central Coast community.

“We monitor our capital works program closely, particularly areas where we are tracking behind schedule, Mayor Smith said.

“The majority of our departments are on track to deliver their 2018-19 projects before June 30.”


Council’s investment portfolio in strong position

Council’s cash and investment portfolio stands at $491.7million as at 31 December 2018 and has recently achieved strong interest earnings – $1million in November and $1.1million in December.

There was a net inflow of $17.8million due to quarterly instalments in November 2018 and a net outflow of $12million in December 2018 due to a spike in supplier payments prior to the end of year break.

The management and monitoring of Council’s investment portfolio is in line with Council’s Policy for Investment Management which takes into account the credit ratings of financial institutions, the investment portfolio already held with each financial institution and interest rates offered.


Small grants mean big things for communities

Council last night voted to provide more than $21,000 to six projects through its Community Support Grant Program.

The Community Support Grant provides support for community groups to deliver activities which require less than $5,000 of funding and/or in-kind support.

Mayor Jane Smith said it is great to see organisations tapping into this funding.

“Our Community Support Grants program recognises that community organisations often need only a small injection of funds to produce events and activities that have a big impact on local communities,” Mayor Smith said.

Council will allocate $21,188.75 to the following successful recipients:

  • The Bays Community Group – Bays Fair - $2,417.75.
  • Tuggerah Lakes Art Society – 2019 TLAS Workshops - $4,410.
  • Central Coast Heart – NSW State Aged Netball Championships -$3,300.
  • The Bays Community Group – Repair and paint the Bays Community Hall exterior – $4,800.
  • Volunteering Central Coast – Volunteering Expos and Awards 2019 - $2,411.

Council’s Community Support Grant Program is open throughout the year.

For information, visit


Winney Bay Clifftop Walk to proceed with amended design

Council will continue with its plans to amend the design of the Winney Bay Clifftop Walk to address the concerns of the community.

The results of the community consultation showed the majority of our community supported the walk with some modifications to the concept design.

Council will now proceed to detailed design with the path width reduced to 2 metres and without the bridge and market stall spaces.

“We came up with a compromise solution that still delivers a lookout, an upgraded and accessible walk, is more compatible with the local environment and better protects Coastal Open Space System (COSS) lands,” said Mayor Smith.

“Council has a track record of delivering outstanding major projects for our community. Terrigal CBD Traffic Flow Improvements is an example of where we worked with the state government to secure funding, then consulted with the community and stakeholders to modify the design to suit their needs.”


Investigation and concept design for Wamberal terminal protection seawall to commence

The preliminary investigations and review of designs for a terminal protection seawall on Wamberal Beach will now commence, with matching funding from the NSW Government’s Coastal and Estuary grants program.

Mayor Jane Smith said the fifty-fifty funding received will allow Council to work with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and other stakeholders.

“Council will now be able to undertake the required investigations needed to properly assess the environmental and coastal impact of a terminal protection seawall,” Mayor Smith said.

“The investigations will give us a review of the options available for the terminal protection as well as an updated and more detailed cost benefit analysis.

“These investigations will give us the information to understand the best funding and delivery model for the terminal protection wall.

“There are a number of challenges to work through and this is not about delivering a quick fix – we’re committed to delivering sustainable management measures for the safety of our community into the future.”


Council moves forward in Adcock Park Redevelopment with increased investment

Council has resolved to invest $25.35million over the next two financial years (2019/20 and 2020/21), which is inclusive of a $1million grant from the NSW Government’s Public Reserves Management Fund, for the Adcock Park Redevelopment project. This continued investment further demonstrates Council’s commitment to the delivery of this significant community sporting facility.

The $26.2million project will be undertaken as a two stage program of works to optimise access for sporting codes and allow construction to commence sooner. Works will include the construction of a multi-purpose sportsground amenities building, major services upgrade, sportsfields upgrade and redevelopment including drainage and irrigation works, construction of three additional netball courts, upgraded floodlighting, a new consolidated carpark, promenade pathway and landscaping.

These works will deliver a premium sporting precinct with significantly improved facilities, parking and amenity for our local sports groups and the community.


Council extends Kibbleplex Car Park lease

Council has resolved to renew the Kibbleplex Car Park lease for a period of one year.

The lease extension will secure over 500 commuter car parks in Gosford CBD until 31 January 2020.

Council is continuing to develop a long-term car parking strategy for Gosford CBD which will look at a number of options for facilities and services in Gosford.

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