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13/08/2018First Climate Change Policy for the Coast to build community resilience and zero emissions by 2050
A draft Climate Change Policy aiming for zero emissions by 2050 has been developed by Council and will be exhibited for community feedback.
Read separate media release in full here
Council to investigate community survey and election poll on continuation of amalgamation
Council tonight formally acknowledged the worthy efforts of staff in amalgamating the former Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council and called for community input in the future of Central Coast Council.
Council staff and the CEO will now bring forward a number of reports for Council consideration including:
- community questionnaires and surveys conducted by the former Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils prior to amalgamation
- realistic estimate of the costs involved in amalgamating the two Councils and timeline for completion
- progress on various aspects of amalgamation
- conducting a community survey to assess current community views of the amalgamation
- estimate of cost and process regarding a proposal for a poll to be held at an upcoming election (either Federal or State) to gauge community support or rejection of the continuation, or the reversal of, the amalgamation.
Mayor Jane Smith said the community had strong views on the amalgamation process and how much it was costing - Council must listen to and be the voice of the community.
“We need to understand the full cost of amalgamation and whether it is what the community really want so we can move forward in the best interests of the Central Coast.”
“Community surveys were conducted pre-amalgamation by the former Councils but we have no real understanding about how the community are currently feeling about the amalgamation,” Mayor Smith said.
“Staff have done an incredible job delivering services and infrastructure for our community and they should be commended.”
Council recommends refusal of The Sporties, Woy Woy development application
Council has endorsed a report by staff to the Hunter Central Coast Regional Joint Planning Panel (JRPP) recommending refusal of the application for development of a 63 bed integrated seniors living facility, new registered club and retail tenancies at The Sporties, Woy Woy valued at over $30 million.
The report details 12 reasons the JRPP, as the consent authority, should refuse the application including failure by the applicant to meet basic statutory requirements under the Water Management Act 2000 and the proposed development contravenes clauses of the Gosford Local Environmental Plan 2014 and State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004. There are also unresolved issues with vehicular egress through adjoining Crown Land.
The development is incompatible with the principles of ecologically sustainable development, and flood hazards of the land. Lack of on-site parking is also highlighted with a shortfall of 188 spaces needed for residential and club uses.
Mayor Jane Smith said the staff assessment revealed indisputable evidence that the development must be refused as it failed to meet basic planning principles and this would be welcome news in the local community.
“The report is very clear on the extensive issues with this proposed development and with 94 community objections received, it is also clear how the community feel about it.” Mayor Smith said.
“The community have told us that they want balanced and sustainable development and that is what they should get. This is enshrined in One - Central Coast, our Community Strategic Plan, which is our contract with the community and that is what we will deliver.
“The community’s voice has been heard and they can also be confident that we have planning controls in place to support sustainable development and ensure only those developments that meet current planning controls and guidelines will be supported.”
The JRPP will meet to determine this application on 23 August 2018.
DAs with 15 or more objections to be automatically reported to Council
Council has amended its Development Application Policy so any application receiving 15 or more objections will now be automatically reported to Council for determination.
This replaces the previous threshold of 50 objections for a development application to be automatically reported to Council.
Mayor Jane Smith said the new threshold better aligned with the current legislation and reflected community expectations.
“Council has consulted with the community on this matter because we know how and where the Coast is developed is a key matter for residents,” Mayor Smith said.
“Consideration of public submissions is an important part of the assessment and subsequent determination of a development application. Residents have a right to know what is being planned and built around them and if they have objections, have the opportunity to raise their concerns.
“This amended policy addresses the public interest in development and provides an appropriate balance between the community interest and avoiding unnecessary delays in the determination of applications.”
The amended policy also requires any application receiving petitions of objections with 50 or more signatures or those receiving between 10 and 14 objections to be the subject of a Councillor Business Update so Councillors are aware the application has attracted interest from members of the community.
Councillors retain the right to call any development application up to Council for determination at any time under the amended Policy.
Young people to advise Council through new Youth Action Team
Young people aged 14-24 will be invited to help ‘make it happen’ for the Central Coast’s youth population.
Council resolved to establish a Youth Action Team which will advocate, advise and act on youth-related issues. The team, to be known as Y4Y (Youth for Youth) will be involved in the development of the Coast’s Youth Strategy and will also create at least three youth-led events, activities or resources for young people during the team’s 15-month term.
Mayor Jane Smith said the Y4Y is an action-based model, which will connect Council directly to the views and needs of young people while providing an opportunity for up to 12 team members to develop leadership skills.
“Young people aged between 12 and 24 represent 15.3% of the Coast population,” Mayor Smith said.
“They are an important part of our community, both now and in the future.
“We are committed to providing our youth with opportunities to develop leadership skills and effectively contribute to our community.”
Nominations for Y4Y membership will open later this month.
Open Pile Burning Policy unanimously rescinded
A motion to rescind the 9 July 2018 resolution to adopt an Open Pile Burning Policy for the Central Coast with a series of amendments was passed with unanimous Council support.
The original resolution amended the staff recommended policy to remove environmental zones from the Policy.
The rescission motion from Councillor Best was initiated following concerns raised by the NSW Rural Fire Service about the processes around this change.
Council moved a subsequent motion deferring implementation of the policy pending further consultation with the NSW Rural Fire Service.
Councillors have also requested the CEO report back to Council on the impacts and costs around Council staffing resources and other relevant issues in relation to open pile burning on the Coast.
Council invites sister city delegation to tea
Council resolved to invite a delegation from our sister city Edogawa to visit.
The visit will coincide with next year’s opening of a Japanese Tea House planned for the Edogawa Commemorative Garden. Funds for the Tea House were donated by Edogawa’s Urasenke Foundation.
Council will allocate $5483.42 towards the visit. The funds were originally budgeted, but not spent, for a recent visit to Edogawa by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mehrtens and Senior Council staff to re-sign the sister city agreement, established 30 years ago.
In a Mayoral Minute presented at last night’s meeting, Mayor Jane Smith said the visit to Edogawa had identified many opportunities to continue building cultural understanding between the two regions, including cultural exchange, tourism opportunities, sporting and student exchanges.
“Our ongoing friendship with Edogawa is a very important one,” Mayor Smith said. “It has had lasting benefits for the Coast. As a community, our cultural awareness and understanding have increased.
Recently, 20 students from Edogawa spent a week on the Coast. The students were hosted by families from Narara Valley High School which has a long-running relationship with the Edogawa Youth Wing association.
Council tonight resolved to liaise with the Gosford Sister City Association, Society of Asia Pacific Central Coast, Narara Valley High School and other stakeholders to identify further Sister City activities with Edogawa.
Walkway at The Entrance to be named in honour of former Mayor
Council will name the walkway from The Entrance waterfront to the Surf Club ‘The Tony Sheridan Walk’ in honour of the former Wyong Shire Mayor.
Tony Sheridan OAM served on Wyong Council for 27 years including eight as President and one as the Mayor. Mr Sheridan was instrumental in the revitalisation of The Entrance, the upgrade of Wyong Road and the establishment of the Bay Village and Westfield Tuggerah shopping centre.
Council’s main function room in Wyong was named in Tony Sheridan’s honour in August 2006 and then removed by resolution of the former Wyong Council. Naming the walk in his honour is considered appropriate in recognition of his long contribution to the community.
Council establishes Performance Review Panel for new Chief Executive Officer
Council has established a panel of eight Councillors and an external facilitator to set and monitor the performance of new Chief Executive Officer, Gary Murphy.
Performance Review Panels are considered best practice and recommended by the Office of Local Government guidelines for all Councils in NSW.
Mayor Jane Smith said the CEO is the only position in Council appointed directly by Council and it was important that best practice was used in the performance management of the CEO.
“We want to ensure we have the right process and relationship in place to ensure the Council and the CEO work effectively together in the best interests of our community,” Mayor Smith said.
“All Councillors will be involved in developing the key performance indicators we think the CEO should deliver and will be part of the review process.”
“We have a clear contract with our community to deliver their aspirations and priorities under the Community Strategic Plan and the essential services they need through our Operational Plan and that will be the main focus of our CEO and staff.
“Together we can meet the needs of our community now and in the future and build a vibrant and sustainable Central Coast.”
The Performance Review Panel will consist of Mayor Jane Smith, Deputy Mayor Councillor Chris Holstein, Councillor Chris Burke, Councillor Louise Greenaway, Councillor Jillian Hogan, Councillor Matthews and Councillor Vincent.
All Councillors will be involved in developing Key Performance Indicators and the initial and annual performance review.
Council acknowledges new sporting representative body for the Central Coast
Central Coast Council tonight noted the formation of Sport Central Coast Group - a new local sporting representative Group set up by the NSW Office of Sport.
The purpose of the Group is to unite sporting and active recreation organisations on the Central Coast into one main body with the aim to strengthen the industry within the region and promote a more active and inclusive region.
The Group will be represented by a Board consisting of:
- Seven representatives of the sport and active recreation community elected via an EOI process
- Three appointed representatives – one each from Central Coast Council, Central Coast Academy and NSW Office of Sport
Council will put in a request to the NSW Office of Sport to include a representative of Central Coast Sports Council on the Board in recognition of their long history and support of sport on the Central Coast.
Council’s Chief Executive Officer will provide further information to Councillors about Council’s responsibility and commitment to this incorporated association and the cost to provide administrative support.