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Highlights of the 10 August 2020 Council Meeting

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Council defers consideration of purchase of Davistown wetlands

Council has deferred consideration of the proposed withdrawal of negotiations to purchase land known as Davistown wetlands for twelve weeks.  

Council’s CEO will continue to pursue an acquisition by agreement with the current owners of the Davistown wetlands and report back to Council by no later than 26 October 2020. 

Council responds to repeal of the Warnervale Airport Restrictions Act with new name and approach

Central Coast Airport at Warnervale has been renamed as the Warnervale Aircraft Landing Area (ALA) in response to the repeal of the Warnervale Airport Restrictions (WAR) Act.

The NSW Government has recently confirmed it will repeal the WAR Act following an independent review that generated over 900 public submissions with 75% supporting the repeal. 

Council reaffirmed its ownership and management of the Warnervale ALA and that the runway length would remain at 1200 metres with no further extensions.

Current maintenance works at the ALA will continue, however no new works will be permitted that expand its operations.

Council will actively seek to generate employment opportunities on lands adjacent to the land strip with a focus on the following sectors: health, food, waste, renewable energy and manufacturing

Council noted that while the WAR Act Review recommendation confirms the risk assessed by staff in August 2019, Council is actively seeking to address this issue and is still required to act lawfully to managing the trees on and adjacent to the site.

In the interests of openness and transparency, Council’s CEO will report back to Council on what actions and legal mechanisms are available to enable the public release of the details of the confidential settlement between Council and Amphibian Aerospace Industries Pty Ltd.

A workshop will now be held, by the end of the November 2020, for Councillors to discuss the management and operation of the renamed Warnervale ALA with a 1200m runway, current maintenance works.

Community feedback sought on Draft Central Coast Stadium Business Strategy

Council will seek community feedback on the ongoing management of Central Coast Stadium.

Council tonight adopted the Draft Central Coast Business Strategy, for public exhibition, which defines the facility’s vision, purpose and strategic objectives as well as the value of a naming rights sponsor.

Deputy Mayor Jane Smith said Central Coast Stadium is an important community asset that delivers significant economic and social benefits for the region.

“We have a great stadium in an incredible location, complete with views over Brisbane Water,” Deputy Mayor Smith said.

“The Stadium is one of our most important community assets and we want to ensure it remains as a focal point of community pride in our region.

“Central Coast Stadium has already hosted and continues to attract great events, even during these most challenging of times, and we want to ensure it reaches its full potential."

Council will start the process of seeking Expressions of Interest from suitably experienced parties to manage and operate Central Coast Stadium including options such as Public Private Partnerships or other innovative opportunities.

Following a Request for Tender for naming rights sponsorship Council will also receive a confidential report for consideration before deciding whether to appoint a naming rights sponsor for the Stadium.

The Draft Central Coast Stadium Business Strategy will go on public exhibition for 28 days and Council will receive a report which summarises community feedback.

Community projects benefit from funding support

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Council continues to work within our communities to connect people, build capacity and create local solutions and initiatives through the delivery of grants and sponsorships to support a range of community projects.

The Working Together Staying Strong grant program was developed in response to the increased local demand on critical support services due to the COVID-19. 

Deputy Mayor Jane Smith said Council developed the Program as a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to help those most at need on the Central Coast.

“We know our community are doing it tough and it is important that support those frontline services who are there to provide the essential services our community need now more than ever.”

Seven applicants were successful in their request for funding under the Working Together Staying Strong grant program in June 2020 and will share in $44,959.90 of the $300,000 allocated to the program between 1 May and 30 September 2020.

  • Catholic Care, Diocese of Broken Bay - Mary Macs Place COVID-19 lunch packs - $10,000
  • Central Coast Community Women’s Health Centre - Audio-visual equipment to support remote group therapy sessions - $5,762.90
  • The Salvation Army Oasis Central Coast - Resource packs for families and young people - $3,750.00
  • Kariong Neighbourhood Centre Inc – Large fridge and freezer, 5 large gazebos with solid wall backing and shelving - $9,649
  • Central Coast Family Support Services - Winter Warmer Packs - $7,500
  • Toukley Neighbourhood Centre – Care packages to vulnerable, disadvantaged, isolated elderly local community members - $3,800
  • Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre – Socially Distanced Brekky Club - $4,498.00
  • The Community Support Grant Program remains open for applications from not for profit groups throughout the year and provides up to $5,000 per project per financial year in combined funding and in-kind Council services to applicants.

Six applicants were successful in their applications in the period of May 2020, sharing a funding pool of $20,177. Successful applicants were:

  • Crestani Scholarships Limited - 2020 Twilight Soiree - $2,175
  • Central Coast Bonsai Club Inc - Bonsai and Shohin Open Events - $4,355
  • Matcham Holgate Cricket Club Incorporated – Repair and maintenance of Duffy’s Oval cricket net facility - $4,983
  • Central Coast Steam Model Co-op Ltd - Purchase of a defibrillator - $2,495
  • Salvation Army - Hargraves Street Hub - $5,000
  • Brisbane Water Historical Society Inc. - Purchase of refrigerator - $1,169
  • Council adopts Facilities Leasing and Licensing Policy

Council has adopted the Facilities Leasing and Licensing Policy following consideration of the 25 submissions received during the public exhibition period which was extended due to COVID-19.

The new Policy was developed to enable a consistent and transparent approach to the management, operation and planning of Council’s community facilities that operate under lease, licence, hire and volunteer models.

One year in: Youth Strategy delivers meaningful outcomes for the Coast’s young people

In its first year of implementation, Council has successfully delivered a number of actions under the Central Coast Youth Strategy to support meaningful outcomes for young people who work, live and play on the Central Coast.

The Strategy provides the strategic direction over five years for the delivery of contemporary youth services, programs, activities and events aligned to six key themes: ‘Including Us’, ‘Living Green’, ‘Skilled & Ready’, ‘Happy & Healthy’, ‘Feeling Safe’ and ‘Somewhere to Live’.

Deputy Mayor Jane Smith said that the Central Coast Youth Strategy outlines a renewed focus on how Council engages with, works with and supports young people on the Central Coast.

“Hearing from and acting on what young people have told us has been and continues to be crucial for the successful implementation of this Strategy,” said Deputy Mayor Smith.

“Council is thrilled to have implemented a number of successful programs, events and initiatives throughout the Strategy’s first year, which aim to make the Central Coast an even better place for young people.”

The Youth Strategy will continue to guide projects and programs for implementation into its second year, with many exciting opportunities ahead.

Key highlights include:

  • Council being nominated as a finalist in the NSW Local Government Excellence Awards for the Central Coast Youth Strategy and the Youth 4 Youth (Y4Y) Team.
  • Delivery of ‘Colour Our Coast’ fun run/walk attended by over 1,200 young people and their families.
  • Delivery of the ‘Skills 4 Life’ Expo attended by 110 young people including school students, home school students, TAFE and University students and young people brought by caseworkers and carers.
  • A new Youth Services Outreach van to act as a fully mobile and functional youth space.
  • Establishment of a shared space at Gravity Youth Centre Lake Haven, for Council and other youth service providers, to develop and deliver programs in this area.
  • Ongoing mentoring of eight young entrepreneurs from the ‘Ignite Business Launchpad’ program.
  • Delivery of a range of environmental education and sustainability programs including workshops, tours, events, film nights and resources.
  • Delivery of a range of indigenous programs including ‘Maliga’, ‘Ngura’, Reconciliation Touch Football, Indigenous Talent Sports ID day and Sean Lonergan art exhibition.
  • Delivery of a range of sporting related programs including ‘Bowl Groms’, ‘Central Coast Series’, Build Me Skate Deck Design’ and ‘StreetgYm’ (in partnership with The  NSW at Lake Haven).
  • Delivery of a range of creative development programs including ‘Discovered’, ‘Battle of the Bands’, ‘eMerge’, ‘Let me Entertain You’, ‘Music Pathways’, ‘Idea to Screen’ ‘Youth in Performing Arts’ and art exhibitions.
  • Delivery of programs within Council libraries including author talks, gaming, school holiday programs and activities, HSC and online education support and resources such as ‘Studiosity’ tutoring program as well as road safety education programs within the Coast’s high schools.
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