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03/02/2022Central Coast Council is seeking expressions of interest from community members to join the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Community Reference Group.
Council Administrator, Rik Hart said the CSP represents the highest level of strategic planning undertaken by a local council.
“The CSP identifies the main priorities and aspirations of the community, with Council having a custodial role in its development or refinement on behalf of the community,” said Mr Hart.
The inaugural CSP, One – Central Coast, was endorsed by Council on 25 June 2018.
Mr Hart noted however, that since its adoption, Council’s financial situation has significantly changed. The CSP needs to reflect the community’s sentiment and include acknowledgement of Council’s financial responsibility on behalf of the community.
The CSP is part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting suite of documents that councils use to guide their strategic and operational planning. The suite also includes a three to four-year Delivery Program and an annual Operational Plan.
“A Revised CSP has been developed, but we need to hear from the community to tell us if this captures the community’s thoughts on the financial situation accurately.
“A new Delivery Program 2022-2025 outlining the projects, programs and activities that Council will deliver over the 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 financial years has also been prepared and needs community input.”
Mr Hart said recognising this, and because of a commitment to genuine consultation, Council is seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from people who live or work on the Central Coast to join the Community Reference Group (CRG) to give advice and guidance on the Revised CSP, Delivery Program 2022-23 to 2024-25 and Operational Plan 22-23.
“The input received from the CRG will influence further changes to these plans, helping to ensure that the community’s voice is heard and considered.”
Following the CRG input into the Revised CSP and Delivery Program, the documents will be on public exhibition for further public comment in April 2022.
Council would like to hear from individuals who live or work on the Central Coast, have a good understanding of the region and have an interest in the progression and improvement of social, economic and/or environmental issues.
If you are interested, the next steps are to view the Terms of Reference document and to complete the expression of interest (EOI) form online here.
EOI applications via the online form will be accepted until 5pm Friday 18 February 2022.