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12/05/2020In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Coast Council has temporarily moved all community consultations online to obtain feedback about upcoming projects and strategies.
Council usually encourages community members to have a say about major projects which will shape the future of our region by combining online promotion with face-to-face workshops, community events and other opportunities to physically view proposals.
However, the need to maintain social distancing and restrictions on travel and public gatherings have prevented many of the usual ways Council consults with the community.
During the COVID-19 shutdown, Council has continued to undertake and plan important projects. Obtaining community input is an important part of that process.
Council’s Director Connected Communities, Julie Vaughan said rather than delay important community projects, it had been decided to encourage residents to view and provide their feedback about upcoming work in an online format. There will also be opportunities to speak with project staff over the phone.
“We have a number of projects open for public consultation during May and June,” Ms Vaughan said.
“We know that restrictions will ease in time and we will return with face-to-face activities when we can do so safely. Until then we urge all residents to try some of our new approaches and visit where they will find projects which we'd like their feedback on.”
Some of the projects which are currently, or soon will be, open for consultation include:
- Draft Central Coast Waste Resource Management Strategy
- Regional draft Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Mount Ettalong Reserve Masterplan
- Tunkuwallin Oval District play space
- Lake Munmorah Recreation Facility
- Floodplain risk management studies and plans
- Killarney Vale / Long Jetty
- Wallarah Creek
- Kibble Park Place Plan and Concept Design
Mayor Lisa Matthews said it is important for community members to have their say about the projects and plans Council rolls out.
“Regardless of whether a project is something small that impacts residents in just a few streets or a major strategy that shapes the future of the region, we want the community to be involved in the journey and to jump online, learn the details and tell us what they think,” Mayor Matthews said.
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