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‘Grant Finder’ helps the Central Coast find funding

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The challenge of searching for suitable grants for local businesses, community groups, not-for-profit organisations and individuals will be easier than ever with a new addition to the Central Coast Council website.

Central Coast Grant Finder’ is a one stop shop to easily find all relevant grant funding opportunities. This practical search engine tool can be filtered by location, industry and type of project. There’s also additional information to help groups and businesses navigate the grant process with the ability to set up alerts, so no opportunity is missed.

Grants can help community groups deliver a service, address an identified need such as new community infrastructure or host a major event. Some of the sectors who could benefit from seeking grants include Arts and Culture, Sport and Recreation, Education, Environment, Heritage, and Community Service Initiatives. However, if your application involves a Council owned facility, please contact Council prior to submitting your application.

There are many funding opportunities for all types of businesses covering areas such as research and development, innovations, sustainability, manufacturing, agriculture, information technology, medical and biotechnology. Grants are a way to start, establish or expand a business with many of the funding provided to increase productivity, local jobs and economic growth. 

Mayor Lisa Matthews, said the new search tool will simplify the process of finding suitable  grants, many of which can support businesses and community groups through the challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic.

“Grants are a fantastic but often underutilised way to get the funding needed to bring initiatives, programs and businesses to fruition or to boost it to the next level,” said Mayor Matthews.

“Central Coast Council encourages the coastal community to apply for all available funding to support their business, events, programs and initiatives and is available now through the Grant Finder function.

“In addition, Council will continue distributing funds through the Community Grants and Sponsorship Program and will be running online grant writing workshops in May to help support our local community.” 

Access Grant Finder online at and sign up for free alerts.

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