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28/11/2021Central Coast Council will carry out further maintenance work on the southern end of Central Coast Airport. The maintenance work will trim back vegetation that is currently up to 1.8 metres high to create a Runway End Safety Area (RESA) to meet Civil Aviation Safety Authority standards. The Australian Transport Safety Bureau recommends that all aircraft landing areas have a RESA.
This decision to carry out maintenance work rescinds a previous Council resolution. In 2019 Council resolved to prevent mowing or trimming vegetation of the southern end of Central Coast Airport in the interest of protecting the Porters Creek Wetlands.
Council Director Corporate Affairs and Chief Financial Officer, Natalia Cowley said that the previous resolution was an unnecessary duplication of legislation.
“Protection of the wetlands is already regulated under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018,” Ms Cowley said.
"Council is being proactive in its management of health and safety by allowing maintenance in the area.
“Creating a Runway End Safety Area will protect the health and safety of aircraft operators and passengers, as well the welfare of animals that may cause accidents on the runway."
Council Administrator, Rik Hart said that it is Council’s responsibility to prioritise safety and mitigate risk.
“Council supports the safety recommendations of aviation experts and will meet the standards set by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority,” Mr Hart said.
Council will engage registered surveyors to stake and identify the buffer area to Porters Creek Wetlands in accordance with the Coastal State Environmental Planning Policy. This will ensure the works do not enter protected wetlands.